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研究生(外文):Shih Jen Hu
論文名稱(外文):Rhythms and Fractal in Urodynamics
指導教授(外文):Shyang Chang
外文關鍵詞:fractal dimensionrhythmCMGEMGfractional Brownian motionfraction Gaussian noise
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排尿在人體生理上是重要的功能之一,需要不同的器官、神經與肌肉配合才能順利完成排尿的動作。臨床上,常用來檢查下泌尿道排尿病理生理學之工具為膀胱壓力圖(cystometrograms,CMG)與外尿道括約肌肌電圖(external urethral sphincter electromyograms,EUS EMG)。由這兩項檢查可對下泌尿道的症狀做初步的診斷。目前在泌尿動力學中所累積的經驗,而應用至臨床上對膀胱壓力圖與外尿道括約肌肌電圖的判讀多著重於巨觀幾何學觀點的解讀,諸如膀胱壓力的大小、斜率,來推測膀胱的閥值、順應性等等,這都屬於靜態的結果,然而很多動態的行為無法從這個觀點來解釋。
In micturition, the bladder is supposed to empty by a contraction of the detrusor and relaxation of the external sphincter during micturition. By contrast, suprasacral spinal cord injury (SCI) patients usually will have both of them contract simultaneously and result in the so-called detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia. In this study, the cystometrograms of the detrusor and the electromyograms of external urethral sphincter of intact and SCI female Wistar rats are used to investigate the detrusor-sphincter synergia and dyssynergia during micturition.
Here, we demonstrate that a temporal “coherent” fractal structure and synchronization of rhythms are two essential features for concerted systemic functions in urodynamics of female Wistar rats. The rhythms of detrusor of the bladder and external urethral sphincter are synchronized around 7Hz and their fractal dimensions as functions of time are temporally “coherent” under 1.5 during voiding in order to facilitate the concerted process. On the other hand, in the spinal cord injured rats, either the temporal coherent structure of fractal or the underlying synchronization of rhythms is impaired, weakened, or absent. Results indicate that, for intact rats, the sphincter muscle is not only active but also recruited in a synchronous fashion with the detrusor. These results have potential implications in the diagnosis of the so-called “dynamical” diseases.
Abstract i
Acknowledgments ii
List of Figures v
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Rhythms and fractal 1
1.2 Urodynamics 2
1.3 Contributions of the dissertation 5
1.4 Organization of the dissertation 6
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 7
2.1 Fractional Brownian motion 7
2.2 Power spectral theory 9
Chapter 3 Illustrations of EUS EMG signals 11
3.1 Fourier transform and power spectral density 11
3.2 Fractal dimension estimation of the fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noise 16
Chapter 4 Analysis of Urodynamic Signals 20
4.1 Animal experiments 20
4.2 Data acquisition 22
4.3 Data Analysis 23
4.4 Time series of EUS EMG and CMG of Wistar rats 24
4.5 Fractal dimensions of EUS EMG and CMG of Wistar rats 30
4.5.1 Fractal dimensions of intact Wistar rats with room-temperature stimulation 30
4.5.2 Fractal dimensions of intact Wistar rats with cold-temperature stimulation 37
4.5.3 Fractal dimensions of SCI Wistar rats 41
4.6 Power spectral analyses of EUS EMG and CMG for Wistar rats 52
4.6.1. Power spectra of intact Wistar rats with room-temperature stimulation 52
4.6.2 Power spectra of SCI Wistar rats 55
4.7 Discussion 61
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Directions for Future Research 66
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