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研究生(外文):Ying-Chun Lai
論文名稱(外文):A High Performance Additive White Gaussian Noise Generator Using the Wallace Method
指導教授(外文):Tsin-Yuan Chang
外文關鍵詞:Gaussina noise generator
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Combining the Box-Muller method, Central Limit Theorem, and the Wallace method, a hardware white Gaussian noise generator (WGNG) is proposed to simulate the noise effect appeared in the communication channel and is synthesized in a 0.18um CMOS process. Passing two statistical tests of chi-square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test, the proposed noise generator can generate high-quality 666.667 million Gaussian random variables per second.
It is different from the existing methods that require complex calculations. The proposed design only requires additions, subtractions, and shift operation in the major part. Because of only having simple operations, it is easy to achieve high performance.
In addition, the proposed architecture is not only applied to generate the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), but also applied to generate the random variables with other distributions such as exponential distributions.
摘要 I
誌謝 II
目錄 III
第一章 概論 1
第二章 文獻討論 2
第三章 理論架構 3
第四章 統計檢定 4
第五章 模擬結果與比較 5
第六章 結論 6
英文附錄 7

Contents I
List of Figures III
List of Tables IV

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Applications 1
1.2. Motivation 2
1.3. Thesis Organizations 3
Chapter 2 Methods Overview 5
2.1. Central Limit Theorem 5
2.2. Box-Muller method 6
2.3. Polar method 8
2.4. Wallace method 10
2.5. Ziggurat method 12
2.6. Comparisons of Previous Methods 16
Chapter 3 Proposed Architectures 17
3.1. The original architecture 17
3.2. The modified architecture 18
3.2.1. The first stage of Box-Muller 20
3.2.2. The second stage of Box-Muller 22
3.2.3. The third stage of Box-Muller 27
3.2.4. The forth stage of Box-Muller 28
3.2.5. The architecture of Wallace 28
Chapter 4 Statistic Tests 31
4.1. Chi-square test 31
4.2. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 32
4.3. The results of the statistic tests 34
Chapter 5 Simulation Results and Comparisons 45
Chapter 6 Conclusions 49
Bibliography 51
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