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Author (Eng.):An-Chi Hu
Title (Eng.):3D Registration for Mushroom Bodies of Drosophila Brain
Advisor:陳永昌陳永昌 author reflink
advisor (eng):Yung-Chang Chen
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:電資工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:59
keyword (chi):對位變形
keyword (eng):registrationwarping
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  • HitsHits:194
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In the research of life science, a fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, with the abilities of learning and memory is chosen for research to facilitate the understanding of structures and functions of the brain neural network. In fruit flies’ brains, the mushroom bodies are important neuropils, known to be involved in learning and memory.
Due to the importance of mushroom bodies and its characteristic shape, registration for the mushroom bodies is an interesting and useful research topic. The system we developed in this thesis provides an automatic registration applied to mushroom bodies. We register the standard model of mushroom bodies to individual data set of confocal images with noises.
A mainly two-stage surface-based registration algorithm has been proposed in this study. This algorithm is composed of global and local registration. Affine registration has been chosen as the global registration to eliminate the large, global differences such as scale and orientation between the two surface models. And a two-level local registration has been proposed to eliminate the remaining differences between the surfaces after the global registration. The two-level local registration initially first eliminates the angular differences and the length differences of the six axes between the target model and the standard model. Then, performing the point-based warping eliminates finer variations between the two models. The experimental results show that performing the registration algorithm proposed here makes the volume data registered satisfactorily roughly well.
Abstract ............................................................................................ i
Table of Contents ............................................................................ ii
List of Figures……………………………………………………. iv
List of Tables..…………………………………………………… vii

Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………………………...1
1.1 Background and motivation…………………………………………….1
1.2 Thesis organization……………………………………………………...2

Chapter 2: System Overview……………………………………...3

Chapter 3: Pre-processing…………………………………………8
3.1 Definition of the bounding box…………………………………………8
3.2 Global alignment of bounding box ……………………………………..9
3.2.1 Modification of the angular difference by using PCA ……………9
3.2.2 Scaling …………………………………………………………..13

Chapter 4: Global Registration…………………………………15
4.1 Creation of the distance map…………………………………………..15
4.1.1 Edge detection …………………………………………………16
4.1.2 Construction of the distance map………………………………19
4.2 Affine transform……………………………………………………….22
Chapter 5: Local registration……………………………………26
5.1 Angular differences reduction between the six axes…………………..26
5.1.1 Field-based warping……………………………………………..26
5.1.2 Feature movement using distance map………………….………29
5.2 Further warping………………………………………………………..32
5.2.1 Point-based warping……………………………………………..32
5.2.2 Automatic detection of the control points by using clustering…..34

Chapter 6: Experimental Results………………………………..41
6.1 The target 3D model and the standard model………………………41
6.2 Results of Pre-processing…………………………………………...43
6.3 Results of global registration……………………………………….45
6.4 Results of field-based warping……………………………………...47
6.5 Results of point-based warping……………………………………..49

Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future works………………………56

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