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研究生(外文):Lung-pin Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A Windows Based Parallel File System
指導教授(外文):Yar-sun Hsu
外文關鍵詞:parallel file systemhigh performance I/OWindows operating system
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微軟視窗作業系統佔了個人電腦作業系統市場相當大的一部分。但是大部分現存的平行檔案系統,都是基於UNIX-like的作業系統。我們使用微軟 .NET framework實作了一個平行檔案系統,並且提供一個 .NET 的程式庫給使用者,以藉由我們的平行檔案系統來達到高效能I/O。除此之外,我們也實作了一個檔案系統驅動程式來捕捉Win32 I/O相關的API,因此現存的執行檔可以不用重新編譯而可以存取存在我們檔案系統的檔案。在這篇論文中,描述了我們系統的設計方法與實現,也量測了我們檔案系統的效能。結果顯示,寫的效能可以達到110MB/s,而讀的效能可以達到75MB/s。
Advances in technology lead to remarkable performance improvements in computer systems nowadays. Personal computers (PC) equipped with high speed network interfaces are affordable and easy to acquire for researchers. A group of loosely coupled computers that work together closely form a cluster. PC clusters have been commonly used these days to solve CPU-intensive tasks. But the speed improvement of hard disks can not catch up with other components in the system. The storage subsystem becomes a bottleneck for I/O-intensive tasks. Therefore, parallel file system is widely used in clusters to provide high performance I/O.
Microsoft Windows operating systems share an enormous portion of the PC operating system market. But most of the existing parallel file systems are based on UNIX-like operating systems. We implement a parallel file system for Windows using the Microsoft .NET framework. A .NET library is provided for users to achieve high performance I/O by using our parallel file system. In addition, a file system driver is implemented to trap Win32 API I/O function calls. Thus existing binaries can access files stored on our parallel file system without recompiling. In this thesis, the design and implementation of our system are described and the performance is also evaluated. The results show that the write performance reaches a peak of 110MB/s and the read performance reaches a peak of 75MB/s.
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
3 Design and Implementation
3.1 System Architecture
3.2 Metadata
3.3 Metadata Server
3.4 I/O Daemons
3.5 Library
4 File System Driver
4.1 Brief History of theWindows Operating System
4.2 Windows NT Overview
4.3 I/O Request Packet
4.4 Virtual Address Space Layouts
4.5 Three Types of I/O
4.6 Implementation Details
4.7 Experience in Developing a File System Driver
5 Performance Evaluation
5.1 Test Environment
5.2 Local File SystemEvaluation
5.3 Various Number of Iods
5.4 Various Striping Size
5.5 File SystemDriver Evaluation
6 Conclusion and Future Work
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 FutureWork
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