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研究生(外文):Jin-Bo Chen
論文名稱(外文):Novel Design of Coplanar Waveguide fed Antenna for Broadband Circular Polarization
指導教授(外文):I-Chung Deng
外文關鍵詞:Circular polarizationCoplanar waveguide-fedInductive Slot antennasbroadband
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本論文提出幾種新型共面波導饋入式寬頻帶圓形極化天線,並針對每種不同類型的天線結構進行探討。從國內外文獻來看,過去只有極少數關於共面波導饋入式圓極化天線曾被探討和提出,主要是因為共面波導饋入式天線比傳統的微帶天線在圓形極化設計上困難,然而共面波導饋入式天線卻有很多比微帶天線更佳的特性。本研究所設計的圓極化天線目標在於良好的S11參數,盡可能與50歐姆傳輸系統達到阻抗匹配、良好的AR值與3-dB AR值頻寬、並在AR值的空間中對稱性分布等。
實驗結果得知,該天線設計結構不但可以在實務製作前,依明確的設計規則得到預期的天線結構與尺寸。這裡我們將顯示三個不同類型的天線結構,第一以共面波導饋入感應槽孔之圓極化天線設計,實驗結果顯示返回損失和3分貝軸向比率的頻寬分別能達到7.8%和12.3%。第二以共面波導饋入菱形槽孔之寬頻帶圓極化天線設計,實驗結果顯示返回損失和3分貝軸向比率的頻寬分別能達到62%和32.4%。第三以共平面波導饋入圓形槽孔之圓極化天線設計,在返回損失和3分貝軸向比率的頻寬分別能達到50%和36%。同時這三個類型天線結構在輻射特性上都具有不錯的全向性輻射場型、且在操作頻帶內都為3.5dBi 左右的天線增益位準及1dBi 範圍內的增益變化量,本論文將以為三個章節分別來描述上述三種天線特性。
In this study, we propose several novel designs of CPW-fed broadband circularly polarized (CP) antenna. Besides, we also discuss each kind of our proposed antenna structures. From a lot of reports, only a little literature discussed about CPW-fed circularly polarized antennas, because the design of the CPW-fed CP antenna is more difficult than that of the conventional microstrip one. However, the CPW-fed CP antenna has better characteristics than the microstrip one. The purpose of this research of CP antenna is focused on the better S11 to attain the impedance matching of 50 ohmic of the communication system, the better AR values and 3-dB AR bandwidth, and the better symmetry of the spatial distribution of the AR.
From our experiments, they are in good agreement with the simulation results. There are three types of antenna structures which are described in the following three chapters. In the first type, the CPW-fed inductive slot antenna with circular polarization has the impedance bandwidth of 7.8% and the AR bandwidth of 12.3%. In the second type, the proposed antenna has the impedance bandwidth of 62% and the AR bandwidth of 32.4%. In the last type, it has 50% and 36% respectively in the impedance bandwidth and AR bandwidth. In these proposed antennas, they have good omni-directional radiation patterns, and all of the antenna gain are about 3.5dBi with less 1dBi variaton.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 文獻探討 3
1.3 內容提要 6
第二章 以共平面波導饋入感應槽孔之圓極化天線設計 8
2.1 簡述 8
2.2 天線設計方法 8
2.3 實驗結果與討論 11
第三章 共面波導饋入菱形槽孔之寬頻帶圓極化天線設計 19
3.1 簡述 19
3.2 天線設計 19
3.3 實驗結果與討論 22
第四章 共面波導饋入圓形槽孔之寬頻帶圓極化天線設計 38
4.1 簡述 38
4.2 天線設計 38
4.3 實驗結果與討論 41
第五章 結論 60
參考文獻 62
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