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研究生(外文):Ju-chun Yao
論文名稱(外文):Perspective, Emotional Experience, respondent Behaviors and Coping Strategies of Children who witness the interparental Conflict: An Analysis Research
指導教授(外文):Lee-Fang Tsai
外文關鍵詞:coping strategiesbehavior responseperspectiveemotional experiencechildren who witness interparental conflict
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(一) 父母婚姻衝突時,兒童面對父母婚姻衝突在觀點方面,整體而言多偏向負面觀點:所有的受訪者都認為父母不在乎地暴露其衝突、父母的衝突無法解決其所面臨的問題,並且受訪者自認沒有能力解決父母的婚姻衝突。有一半的兒童認為所有的父母都會爭吵,爭吵是正常的,也認為自己與同學的吵架與打架行為沒什麼關係。幾乎所有的孩子對父母婚姻衝突都能夠有條理地歸因,並據以對此衝擊事件採取一些消極或積極的因應。
(二) 父母激烈衝突當時,兒童面對父母婚姻衝突的情緒經驗方面,兒童直接感受到害怕、傷心難過、緊張與討厭四類情緒。 曾經目睹父母肢體暴力的兒童,都表現出強烈的害怕情緒。本研究發現六位受訪者之中的A、E受訪者與C受訪者,呈現沈溺於其情緒經驗狀態,無法做出積極的因應行為與策略:而個性較為堅強的B、D受訪者則能夠超越害怕情緒,而做出比較積極的因應行為與策略。
(三) 父母激烈衝突當時,兒童面對父母婚姻衝突的行為反應方面:如立即離開父母衝突現場,或做其他活動使自己不去注意父母的衝突行為。有的兒童無法離開衝突現場時,則會大聲哭泣,表現出非常害怕的反應。部分兒童則會模仿父母的吵架與打架行為。並且兒童對於父母婚姻衝突的情境都會保有鮮明不可磨滅的記憶,暴力的陰影已經在小小的心靈裡生根。
(四) 父母激烈衝突時,兒童面對父母婚姻衝突的行為反應與因應策略方面則分為積極的與消極的兩極反應:積極的是少數兒童會採取有效的介入,如扮小丑以阻斷父母的爭吵,幫忙家務或自我勉勵不讓自己成為父母衝突的原因。多數的孩子採取的是消極的方式:不介入父母衝突,逃避去想、去談,自我安慰,習慣並接受父母婚姻衝突,並且採取消極因應策略的兒童都會逃避到玩樂的活動去,以忘卻父母婚姻衝突所帶來的煩惱。而幾乎所有的受訪者都不指望父母破鏡重圓,家庭能夠回到無憂無慮的從前。本研究發現兒童對父母婚姻衝突的因應策略與其如何看待父母婚姻衝突的觀點可能有所關連:有的兒童(如A、C、E受訪者)往往沈溺於其害怕的情緒,或作惡夢,或逃避去回憶,無法作出積極的因應策略。而有的兒童(如B受訪者)能夠對父母婚姻衝突作詳細而清晰的歸因,並採取明確的主張,他們也較能夠設法調節本身的情緒反應,並採取某些積極的介入策略。而部分認知程度雖高(如E、F受訪者),雖能夠對父母婚姻衝突作清晰的歸因,但無法調節自己的情緒,而以經常與同儕打架、爭吵作為情緒宣洩的方式,並視之為合理的行為。
The purpose of this study was to provide insight into children’s perspective, emotional experience, respondent behaviors, and coping strategies to the interparental conflict. Six 11-12 year-old elementary school children, who are still having the experience of or just have encountered their parents’ marital conflict, were interviewed one to three times. The process of the interview was recorded and transcribed for analysis.
The following are some findings of this research. (1) when the parents are having conflict, the children’s perspective : generally all the interviewees are tending to negative perspectives, children considered that their parents did not care to conflict in front of their children, all the interviewees believed that their parents’ marital problems could not be solved by having conflict, also children realized they were not capable of solving the conflicts. Half of the children believed that all the parents would have quarrels and fights, and that it is normal and reasonable. Most of interviewees who could attribute coherently revealed their point of view to the conflicts. They were also more capable of having more coping skills with their parents’ conflict. (2) when the parents were having the violent conflicts, the children’s emotional experience was: children would feel terrified, sad, nervous and annoyed. Especially for the children who were witnessed to marital violence, experienced mild trauma. Interviewees A, E and C who were stuck with their fears. For the interviewees B and D, they could overcome their fears and have positive coping skills. (3) children’s respondent behaviors: they would depart the conflict immediately, doing something to let themselves neglect their parents’ fighting. Or they would cry loudly, appearing terribly scared. Some of the children would imitate their parents’ arguing or fighting behaviors. And all the children are impressive to the conflict between their parents; (4) There were constructive and passive reaction for the coping strategies: the constructive way was that some of the children would interfere with their parents’ conflict, assist in doing family chores, or act as a good kid to stop or cut down their parents’ possible conflict. On the other side, the passive way for most of the interviewees was that they would not interfere in the conflict, they would evade thinking and talking about their disturbance, self-compromise and get used to or accept it. All the children who were in a passive way to the parents’ marital conflict would hide themselves in amusement, such as playing video games, reading comic books, watching TV etc, to forget their annoyance. And almost all of the interviewees would not expect that their parents would reunion again, and their families would return to” the good old times”. This research finds that children’s respondent behaviors and their coping strategies to the parents’ conflict vary related to their perspective. Some of the children could only make rough attributions (such as interviewees A, C and E) were often stuck with their fears. And the other children (such as interviewee B) could make detail and clear attributions, would had a definite position to the conflicts. Also, they could cope with their emotions better and take some constructive and aggressive strategies. However, some of them (such as interviewees E and F) though attributing clearly, weren’t able to adjust themselves emotionally. Instead, they fought and quarreled with their classmates as an outlet, and they considered it reasonable.
This research has discussed the result and suggested further research and also proposed the implication for the teaching and counseling practices.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 V
目次 VII
表次 IX
圖次 X

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 5
第三節 名詞解釋 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 父母婚姻衝突如何影響兒童 9
第二節 兒童如何面對父母婚姻衝突 18
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 訪談法 23
第二節 研究參與者 24
第三節 研究工具 27
第四節 研究實施程序 30
第五節 資料處理 31
第六節 信度與效度的檢核 35
第四章 研究結果與討論 37
第一節 受訪者目睹父母衝突的經驗分析結果 37
第二節 六位受訪者目睹父母衝突經驗之綜合分析與討論 117
第五章 結論與建議 133
第一節 結論 133
第二節 建議 135
參考書目 139
中文部分 139
英文部分 142
附錄一 同意書 149
附錄二 兒童訪談過程錄音帶文字轉錄要點 150
附錄三 兒童目睹父母婚姻衝突訪談程序與大綱 151
附錄四 邀請函 153
附錄五 家長同意書 154
附錄六 兒童目睹父母婚姻衝突經驗之分析架構表 155
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