Corporations often invested plenty of money in training. The cognition of training’s importance is rooted deeper nowadays than before in both the owner’s and employee’s minds. To make the training effective、besides a good course、the training management is the key to assure training quality and effect. ISO 10015、the first international standard of training management、made its debut to the world in December 1999. The purposes of this descriptive study were to investigate the training management status of ISO 9000-certified life insurance companies for sales personnel and to explore their gaps to meet the ISO 10015 guidelines and also their opinions on training status and ISO 10015. Interviews and questionnaire surveys were given to 11 training specialists or managers from 11 life insurance companies. The conclusions of this study were made as follows: (1) Life insurance companies had well-developed training management system for sales personnel. (2) The training stages ordered from with small to large gaps comparing with ISO 10015 guidelines were designing and planning training、providing for the training、defining training needs、and evaluating the outcome of training. (3) Organizational and job training needs were well developed、while personal training needs mostly came from informal channels. The method of official competency analysis was started to be adopted. (4) Training design was well developed in life insurance companies in the aspects of course design、trainer’s training and training materials. (5) The evaluating levels ordered from full to partial implementation were reaction、learning、results、and then behavior. (6) The training stages ordered from high to low satisfaction were providing for the training、designing and planning training、defining training needs、and evaluating the outcome of training. (7) The improving actions and opinions on training process included personal competency analysis、internalized、on-site、or charged courses、assurance of trainer’s and trainee’s quality、role playing、study group、and overall performance analysis. (8) Most life insurance companies considered not to apply ISO 10015 for the worries of no virtual effects、heavy load of manpower、time and cost for implementing in long-term basis and lacking flexibility.