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研究生(外文):Chen Nien-Shan
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Mentoringship to the Customer Service’s Vocational adjustment
指導教授(外文):Dr.Chien Yu
外文關鍵詞:Mentoringshipcustomer serverse personnelvocational adjustment
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This research means the conduct of probing into the
implementation that mentoringship and adjustment to customer service personnel's vocational, including:Probe into at present mentoringship make the present situation and mentoringship implemented to make for helping the way in which customer service personnel's vocational meets in the customer service industry. Originally study the quality that the department adopts the multiple case study law and study to go on, study four persons of interview of the customer call center and serve as the person in charge in the customer service centre or the enterprise customer service department, five senior customer service personnel and six customer service personnel serving as the apprentice serving as the mentor worker from it can find by one that grow up customer service the personnels speed quickly become person who serves as apprentice new mentor worker only every one for entering already there aren't personnel newly for five persons already Close experience, so can probe into other changes , seek so that interviewees' consent carries on the recording in the course of interview, and will visit and discuss that the recording will be put in order into a draft word for word , will analyse the draft word for word , acquisition finding, its main conclusion is arranged as follows:
First,though administrator show this whether one transmission knowledge , important way of experience implement present situation find several characteristics at present by it all.
1.In the customer service departments of enterprises, relation in mentoringship manage by executive from person who takes on master worker each other relation combine : , certain procedure by oneself behind determining only, it is a kind of unofficial relation not structural.
2.The protege's drop that but causes reality and expecting of understanding to work while entering the industry, ca use the leaving office rate to increase.
3.The mentor worker one through some course been only in training to be the more additional to prove, to the of the same generation to consult, to before master worker study etc., it is scarce for training.
4.To it chooses to be to pass way that executive appoint mostly mentor worker.
Second, mentorr and protege make the job to customer service personnel and suit.
This research adapts to dividing the job of customer service personnel into five aspects and including: Working intension , study , adaptation of interpersonal relationships , psychology and society, and mentor and protege make corresponding assistance and is also divided into this five aspects, its relevant conclusion is as follows:
1.Make on the part skill and attitude that are learning to serve the customer that relatively have planning to mentor and protege in the customer service industry at present, that the mentor and protege make the additional effects brought in interpersonal relationships , but the psychology meets is that the master worker teaches one's own experience for apprentice's reference, the apprentice's problem is apter to be solved when having similar working experience each other with mentor and protege.
2.As to working intension and adaptation studying, some apprentice must balanced self- itself work wrong cognition to customer service, often produce the situation of the maladjustment in study in courses arranged of a succession of enterprises and course of suiting of work, in group being relatively unable to give consideration to situation of this kind of in making in mentor and protege of group type , study and is it enter pressure of conduct just to tide over in encouraging each other between being of the same generation mostly.
3.It is that the socialized speed increases that mentor and protege make and adapt to the greatest help to the job, the ones that enabled just entering and organizing enter personnel newly, made the environment that understood and familiar with and in, increase interpersonal relationships through mentor and protege, and can enable increasing , producing the common goal through customer service personnel of group's operation centripetal force .
4.The part met in the psychology, the customer service personnel that entered newly must think the master worker's role so that just entered the sense of insecurity organized and is comforted, is it work setback when sense can but unlikely to give up through encouragement of master worker also to contact just, but the master worker's interviewees express it is a master worker one that can't help either for the apprentice's mood to manage sometimes.
5.Meet the part relatively focusing on being transferred and promoted , developing to the society partly, and some of this one are directly subordinate to superiors and provide information on transferred and promoted in enterprisesing mostly, and senior and of the same generation will propose trying the direction of development, and encourage each other each other.
目 錄
謝 誌 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 VI
目 錄 XI
表 次 XIII
圖 次 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節  研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程與實施 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 6
第五節 重要名詞界定 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 師徒制理論 9
第二節 職業適應相關理論 18
第三章 研究設計與實施 25
第一節 研究方法 25
第二節 資料搜集與分析 33
第四章 訪談整理 37
第一節  受訪公司實施師徒制的現況 37
第二節 師徒制對員工職的職業適應 48
第三節 主要研究發現 58
第五章 結論與建議 64
第一節 結論 64
第二節  建議 66
第三節  研究者的省思 68
參考文獻 71
附錄 73
附錄一 訪談邀請書 75
附錄二 錄音同意書 76
附錄三 訪談大綱 77
附錄四 訪談逐字稿範例 84
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