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論文名稱(外文):Approximately Mining Recently Repeating Patterns on Data Streams
外文關鍵詞:Repeating patternData StreamData Mining
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Repeating patterns represent temporal relations among data items, which could be used for data summarization and data prediction. More and more data of various applications is generated as a data stream. Accordingly, the traditional strategies for mining repeating patterns on static database are not suitable in a data stream environment. Besides, in the dynamic environment of a data stream, mining the repeating patterns from the whole history data sequence does not extract the newest trend of patterns in the data stream. For this reason, two algorithms for efficiently mining recently repeating patterns in a data stream are proposed in this thesis. One is named the appearing-bit-sequence-based incremental mining algorithm and the other one is named the basic-patterns estimating-based algorithm. The incremental mining approach applies appearing bit sequences to compute the frequencies of data patterns efficiently within the sliding window. By maintaining the appearing bit sequences of maximal repeating patterns, the newly generated recently repeating patterns are mined from the maintained information to reduce processing cost when the window slides. The estimating-based method maintains the repeating patterns, potential repeating patterns, and 2-item patterns, a partition-based scheme is used to count the frequencies of patterns. By constructing a data structure to support efficiently access of remained patterns, the frequency of an unretained pattern is estimated according to the frequencies of its maximum prefix-subpattern and suffix-subpattern. The experimental results show that the incremental mining method is an efficient way for mining recently repeating patterns correctly. And the estimating-based method provides a even more faster way to discover recently repeating patterns from a data stream approximately.
附表目錄 ii
附圖目錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 相關文獻探討 2
1-3 論文方法 6
1-4 論文架構 7
第二章 問題定義及背景知識 8
2-1 問題定義 8
2-2 位元索引結構與運算方式 11
第三章 出現位元序列漸進探勘法 14
3-1 儲存結構 14
3-2 初始視窗序列探勘 15
3-3 重覆樣式漸進探勘 16
3-4 範例說明 19
第四章 保留樣式估算法 23
4-1 最近視窗序列保留樣式 23
4-2 分段最近出現次數 24
4-3 精簡保留樣式 26
4-4 保留樣式儲存結構 28
4-5 方法論述 31
4-6 範例說明 33
第五章 演算法效率評估 39
5-1 資料產生方式 39
5-2 實驗評估 40
5-3 實驗結果總結 50
第六章 結論 51
參考文獻 52
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