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外文關鍵詞:Teacher's professional developmentCognitive aspect of teachingAffectiive aspect of teaching
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Through questionnaire survey and statistical factor analysis, eight cases were selected from a group of 46 students who participated in a class of mathematical teaching methods. Case study method was used to track the eight student cases for understanding their cognitive and affective interaction in mathematics teaching and tried to find out the influences and the change of cognition-affection. This research consists of three phases including the competitive, the experimental and precipitative stages of cognition-affection with questionnaire investigation, interview,and classroom observation. The author analyzed and interpreted the connotation and the chang of the cognition-affection interaction for the these cases.
The results showed that the cognitive development of teaching can strengthen the represention of affective aspect of teaching , and practice of affective teaching can also let the students realize the importance of cognition. Hence it seems that cognition and affection are a unity of the two sides of students’ pedagagical concepts. During three research stages, the situation of cognition and affection for the cases was continuously swinging, sometimes the cognitive leads, sometimes the affective overrides, and sometimes the two are balance. In addition, the change of the advantage for cognition and affection was related to the teacher educators’ intervention, the absence of powerful PCK for the student teachers to represent their belief and value of teaching and the absence of the cognition for those affection factors of teaching mathematics. The results of the study might be useful for mathematics teacher educators to understanded the reasons why cognition and affection of student teachers competition and swings in every stages. In view of the above, they could design relative educational activity or curriculum in order to educate students teachers to realize the importance of affective aspect of teaching mathematics further, and promote the professional cognitive development of the two aspects at the same time.
第一章 緒論................................................1
第一節 研究的背景和動機......................................1
第二節 研究的問題和目的......................................5
第二章 文獻探討.............................................7
第一節 數學教師的專業發展....................................7
第二節 專業發展的認知面向...................................15
第三節 專業發展的情意面向...................................20
第四節 專業發展的認知與情意面互動............................27
第三章 研究方法............................................35
第一節 研究場域和對象......................................35
第二節 個案研究法..........................................39
第三節 研究設計和資料收集...................................43
第四節 資料分析............................................52
第五節 研究限制............................................58
第四章 研究結果............................................61
第一節 穩定型.............................................61
第二節 擺盪型.............................................85
第三節 知情互動的跨個案分析................................108
第五章 討論和省思.........................................113
第一節 學生教師教學認知與情意的互動..........................113
第二節 學生教師認知與情意的優勢轉變.........................115
第三節 學生教師知情互動研究的困難............................118
第六章 結論和建議.........................................121
第一節 研究結論和啟示......................................121
第二節 接續研究的建議.....................................123


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