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研究生(外文):Li-Chiang Hu
論文名稱(外文):Study of Rational Harmonic Mode-Locked Fiber Laser and Applications
指導教授(外文):Shyh-Lin Tsao
外文關鍵詞:Rational harmonic mode-lockingsolitonoptical communicationlaser
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本文提出約分諧波鎖模光纖雷射應用於光分時多工傳輸系統之研究。於雷射光源之共振腔部份,是利用一個振幅調變器,注入外加調變訊號使其操作在約分諧波鎖模模式,以達成倍增光脈衝序列之重複率的效果,並調整振幅調變器之直流偏壓使其操作在非線性區的範圍,達成輸出脈衝振幅等化的效果。於傳輸系統方面,我們模擬脈衝經過光孤子壓縮後應用於光分時多工傳輸系統的情形。在長距離傳輸過程中,我們以長距離單模光纖搭配色散補償光纖,使色散造成得以補償,並以摻鉺光纖放大器補償長距離傳輸的損失,最後,我們針對40 Gbit/s, 80 Gbit/s和160 Gbit/s的分時多工系統進行了傳輸效能的評估。
In this thesis, we propose a rational harmonic mode-locked fiber laser applied to optical time-division-multiplexing transmission system (OTDM). In the cavity of the laser source, we utilize an amplitude modulator driven by external modulation signal to let the laser operate in rational harmonic mode locking to multiply the repetition rate of the optical pulse train. And then, we adjust the DC bias voltage of the amplitude modulator in nonlinear region to equalize the amplitude of the output pulse train. In optical transmission systems, we simulate the case of the pulse after soliton-effect compression applied to optical time-division-multiplexing transmission system. In the long-distance transmission system, we insert the dispersion-compensated fiber to compensate chromatic dispersion, and use the erbium doped fiber amplifier to compensate the loss caused by long distance transmission. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the OTDM transmission system for data rate of 40 Gbit/s, 80 Gbit/s, and 160 Gbit/s.
Chinese Abstract………………………………………………...i
English Abstract………………………….……………………..ii
Acknowledgment………………………..…………………….. iv
Contents……………………………………………………….. .v
List of Figures………………………………………….……...viii
List of Tables…………………………………………………..xiv

Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………1

Chapter 2 Experimental Analysis of Rational Harmonic Mode-Locked Fiber Laser………………………….4

2-1 Introduction…………..…..………………………………………..…...4
2-2 Physics of Active Mode-Locking ………….....………………………..6
2-2-1 Fundamental Mode-Locking……….………………...………..11
2-2-2 Harmonic Mode-Locking…………………...………………...15
2-2-3 Rational Harmonic Mode-Locking………….………………...17
2-3 Experimental Analysis of Rational Harmonic Mode-Locked Fiber Laser...…………………………………………………………..…...19
2-3-1 Measurement of MZI modulator transmission function………20
2-3-2 Experimental Setup……………………………………………22
2-3-3 Analysis of Results……………………………………………23
2-3-3-1 5 GHz Pulse Train Generation………………….….…25
2-3-3-2 7.5 GHz Pulse Train Generation…………………...…26
2-3-3-3 10 GHz Pulse Train Generation……………….…...…27
2-3-3-4 15 GHz Pulse Train Generation……………….….…..27
2-3-3-5 20 GHz Pulse Train Generation…………......….….…28
2-3-4 Amplitude Equalization of Rational Harmonic Mode-locked Laser…………………………………………………………..28
2-3-4-1 Principle…………......….………………………….…29
2-3-4-2 Experimental Result…………......….……………..…30
2-4 Discussion and Summary...………………………………………...…32

Chapter 3 The Soliton-Effect Compression Technique..…….56

3-1 Introduction ………………………...…………………..……..……...56
3-2 Soliton Pulse Compression…………...…………................................59
3-2-1 Theory of Soliton Pulse Compression……......……………….59
3-2-2 Simulation of Soliton Pulse Compression………………...…..65
3-3 Pulse Reshaping…...…………………………………...….………….66
3-3-1 Theory of Pulse Reshaping……………………….………..….67
3-3-2 System Description and Result...……………………….…..…68
3-4 Summary………………………………….……………………..……69

Chapter 4 Optical Time-Division-Multiplexing Transmission System………………………………...…….…….83

4-1 Introduction…………...………………………………………...…….83
4-2 High Speed Laser Source……………………………………………..85
4-3 OTDM Multiplexing and Demultiplexing…..……...………………...86
4-4 Single-Channel OTDM Transmission………………………………...88
4-5 Summary and Discussion……………………………….………...…..92

Chapter 5 Conclusions……...……………………..…………103


Publication Lists…………………………………………….………xvii
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