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研究生(外文):Wei-Yu Sun
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Different Protein Quality and Quantity on the gonad somatic index and Growth of purple sea urchin (Anthocidaris crassispina)
指導教授(外文):Shyn-Shin Sheen
外文關鍵詞:purple sea urchinproteinweight gaingonadal growthGSIEAAI
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料,並以餵食龍鬚菜(Gracilaia sp.)組作為控制組,利用EAAI 值評估飼料之胺基酸組成是否符合胺基酸組成的需求,以龍鬚菜組最高(0.919)而玉米粉組EAAI 值最低(0.853)。經90 天的餵養實驗後,以增重率及生殖腺指數來評估其成長情況。結果顯示增重率以龍鬚菜組成長最佳,而後依序為玉米粉組、精離大豆蛋白組、米糠組、魚粉組,而以大豆粉組最差。生殖腺指數則以精緻大豆蛋白組最高,而後依序為魚粉組、玉米粉組、米糠組、大豆粉組,而以龍鬚菜組的生殖腺指數最低。
15%、25%、35%及45%之實驗飼料,經60 天的餵養實驗後,結果顯示以蛋白質含量25%組飼料成長最佳,而後依序為35%、45%、15%,而以蛋白質含量5%組飼料最差。生殖腺指數則以蛋白質含量35%組最高,而後依序為25%、45%、15%而以蛋白質含量5%組最低。
豆蛋白與魚粉比例為0:4、1:3、1:1、3:1 及4:0 五組等蛋白(25%)等能量之實驗飼料,利用EAAI 值評估飼料之胺基酸組成是否符合胺基酸組成的需求,以1:3(精離大豆蛋白:魚粉)組飼料之EAAI 值最高。(0.907),而0:4(精離大豆蛋白:魚粉)組飼料其EAAI 值最低(0.853)。經60 天的餵養實驗後,結果顯示成長以1:1(精離大豆蛋白:魚粉)飼料組最佳,而以0:4(精離大豆蛋白:魚粉)成長最差,生殖腺指數則以4:0(精離大豆蛋白:魚粉)最高,而0:4(精離大豆蛋白:魚粉)最低。
The purpose of this study was conducted to investigate the effects of different protein source, concentration and ratio on the somatic growth and gonad growth of purple sea urchin (Anthocidaris crassispina). There were three experiments for this study. Gracilaia sp. Were used as a control diet. Fish meal, soybean meal, isolated soya protein, corn meal and rice bran were used as the protein sources to formulate isonitrogenous(25%) and isoenergetic(395 kcal) diets for experiment Ⅰ. EAAI value was used to estimate whether the amino acid composition of fulfills the need of purple sea urchin. The results showed that EAAI of Gracilaia sp. was the highest (0.919), and that of diet containing corn meal was the lowest (0.853). The weight gain was high in sea urchin fed Gracilaia sp., intermediate in sea urchin fed corn meal, isolated soya protein, rice bran, fish meal, and the low in sea urchin fed diet containing soybean meal. The gonad somatic index was high in sea urchin fed isolated soya protein, intermediate in sea
urchin fed fish meal, corn meal, rice bran, soybean meal, and the low in sea urchin fed Gracilaia sp..
Isolated soya protein was used as the protein source top formulate diets with five protein levels (5%、15%、25%、35%、45%) diets of experiment Ⅱ. The experimental duration was 60 days. The weight gain was high in purple sea urchin fed the diet containing 25% protein, intermediate 35%, 45%,and 15% and the lowest in sea urchin fed diet containing 5% protein. The gonad somatic index was high in sea urchin fed diet containing 35% protein,intermediate in sea urchin fed 25%, 45% and 15% and the lowest in sea urchin fed diet containing 5% protein.
Isolated soya protein and fish meal were used as the protein sources formulate to diets with five protein ratios(isolated soya protein : fish meal; 4:0、3:1、1:1、1:3、0:4)diets of experiment Ⅲ. EAAI value was used to estimate whether the amino acid composition of fulfills the need of purple sea urchin. The results showed that EAAI of diet 1:3 (isolated soya protein :fish meal) was the highest (0.0.907), and that of diet 0:4(isolated soya protein : (fish meal )was the lowest (0.853). The experimental duration was 60 days. The weight gain was high in sea urchin fed 1:1 (isolated:soya protein : fish meal ) diet and the low in sea urchin fed diet 0:4 (isolated soya protein : fish meal ). The gonad somatic index was high in sea urchin fed 4:0 (isolated soya protein : fish meal ) diet and the low in sea urchin fed 0:4 (isolated soya protein : fish meal ) diet.
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