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研究生(外文):Jia-Jiun Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The effects of dietary oxytetracycline on residues and non-specific immune responses of hybrid tilapia
指導教授(外文):Nan Fan-hua
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本研究主要探討,濃度為25、50、75、200mg/kg/day羥四環黴素(Oxytetracycline, OTC) 添加在飼料中連續投餵吳郭魚5日,停藥期20日,於投餵前(第0天)與1、2、3、4、5、6、7、9、13、17、21、25(停藥第20天),吳郭魚肌肉及血液中OTC濃度殘留之情形;以及在第0、1、5、6、7、9、13、17、21、25天,超氧陰離子(Superoxide anion, O2- )、總白血球數(Total WBC count)、超氧歧化酵素(Superoxide dismutase, SOD)、轉氨基酵素(Transglutaminase,GOT、GPT)活性對吳郭魚非特異性免疫及生理指標之影響。
研究結果發現,以不同濃度OTC投餵吳郭魚其肌肉殘留濃度各於實驗第6天達到最高,而在實驗第25天(停藥第20天) 僅添加 OTC 200 mg/kg/day未符合衛生署的動物用藥殘留標準,其他各處理組均符合國內外之規範要求(0.1 mg/kg)。在血清中殘留濃度各於實驗第5天時達到最高而在實驗第25天所有處理組殘留濃度均低於檢測標準。超氧陰離子活性在各處理組間都有受到抑制,高劑量組別較為明顯,但在實驗第21天後則回復平穩。在總白血球數方面,各處理組與控制組比較無顯著差異。超氧歧化酵素活性在各處理組及採樣天數間無顯著差異皆維持在一平穩值。在GOT及GPT活性方面,各處理組及採樣天數間無顯著差異
The research made a study of the five days feeding course in tilapia with 25, 50, 75, 200 mgkg/day oxytetracycline additive feed and withdrawal time for 20 days. At day 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,13,17,21,25, examined the drug residues in fish muscle and serum. In addition, at day 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,13,17,21,25, examined non-specific immune immunological parameters and physiology parameters such as superoxide anion (O2-) production ratio,total WBC count, superoxide dismutase (SOD),glutamate oxolacetate transaminase (GOT) activity and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) activity.
The drug residues in fish muscle were highest concentratiom at day 6, after day 25, residual concentration is lower than a bulletin of government 0.1mg/kg, except for OTC of 200mg/kg/day treated . In fish serum were highest residual concentratiom at day 5 and also after day 25 the residual concentration below 0.1mg/kg in all treatment.
The result showed that O2- production ratio was decreased in all treatment, especiallyin high dose treatment, but after day 21 O2- production ratiowas return to normal level. Total WBC count, superoxide dismutase (SOD), GOT and GPT activity were no significance in all treatments.
◆ 謝辭----------------------------------------------------i
◆ 中文摘要-----------------------------------------------ii
◆ 英文摘要----------------------------------------------iii
◆ 目錄---------------------------------------------------iv
◆ 表目錄--------------------------------------------------v
◆ 圖目錄-------------------------------------------------vi
◆ 第一章 前言---------------------------------------------1
◆ 第二章 文獻整理-----------------------------------------3
◆ 第三章 材料與方法--------------------------------------15
◆ 第四章 結果--------------------------------------------25
◆ 第五章 討論--------------------------------------------34
◆ 第六章 結論--------------------------------------------40
◆ 參考文獻-----------------------------------------------41
◆ 附錄---------------------------------------------------66
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pathogens. Dis. Aquat. Org. 20, 127-136.
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