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研究生(外文):Kao-chi Yang
論文名稱(外文):The evaluation of five protein sources on the digestibility of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.
指導教授(外文):Yii-Shing Huang
外文關鍵詞:Litopenaeus vannameidigestibilityprotein
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本實驗目的是以五種蛋白質源,來測驗白蝦的消化率以判定其優劣。實驗飼料是以參考飼料70%與飼料原料30%混合製成,白魚粉做為參考飼料的蛋白源。分別將黃豆粉、綠藻粉、肉骨粉、菜仔粕、烏賊內臟粉等原料混合,並添加0.5%Cr2O3作為外源指標劑。實驗共蓄養8週,每天餵飼蝦體重4%飼料。養殖環境水溫控制在28±1℃,鹽度為32 ppt。分析結果顯示活存率平均在90%以上,各組原料無顯著差異。五種原料亁物表觀消化率(ADMD)值範圍在61.8~67.3%,皆無顯著差異。蛋白質表觀消化率(APD)以黃豆粉組(89.5%)有較高的蛋白質消化率;綠藻粉組(72.2%)最低。脂質表觀消化率(ALD)為6.7~85.1%間,綠藻粉組(85.1%)與菜仔粕組(81.6%)有較高脂質消化率;肉骨粉組最低(6.7%)。無氮抽出物表觀消化率(ANFED)以肉骨粉組(99.9%)、黃豆粉組(91.9%)、烏賊內臟粉組(94.2%)較佳;而菜仔粕組最低(65.3%)。胺基酸表觀消化率(AAAD)以黃豆粉組(89%)較佳而綠藻粉組(77.3%)較低,與蛋白質表觀消化率有類似的趨勢。結果顯示各種原料的優劣順序依次為:黃豆粉組、烏賊內臟粉組、菜仔粕組、肉骨粉組及綠藻粉組。
The purpose of this study was to investigate five protein sources on the digestibility of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Each experimental diet contained 70% of white fish meal as reference diet mixed with 30% of one of the following ingredients:roasted soybean meal, Chlorella meal, meat and bone meal, rapeseed meal and squid bowels meal. The ration was 4%body weight and the duration of the experiment was eight weeks. The water temperature of the circulation system was controled at 28±1℃, salinity 32ppt. There were no significant differences among the five test diets in survival rate . There were no significant differences in apparent dry matter digestibility (ADMD) ranging from 61.8 to 67.3% among the diets. Apparent protein digestibility(APD) was significantly higher in shrimp fed roasted soybean meal(89.5%), while Chlorella meal was the lowest(72.2%). The apparent lipid digestibility(ALD) was significantly higher in shrimp fed Chlorella meal(85.1%)and rapeseed meal(81.6%) followed by those fed roasted soybean meal(35.8%), squid bowels meal(38.7%), meat and bone meal(6.7%)was the lowest. The apparent nitrogen-free extract digestibility (ANFED) was significantly higher in shrimp fed meat and bone meal(99.9%)、roasted soybean meal(91.9%)and squid bowels meal(94.2%), rapeseed meal(65.3%)being the lowest. Apparent amino acid digestibility (AAAD) was significantly higher in shrimp fed roasted soybean meal(89%), while Chlorella meal(77.3%)was the lowest. It was concluded that roasted soybean meal, squid bowels meal, rapeseed meal, meat and bone meal, Chlorella meal were better protein sources than the latter three sources.
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