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研究生(外文):Tzu-Pao Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Influence on Different Voltages of Accelerated Chloride Migration Test by Using Colorimetric Method
指導教授(外文):Chung-Chia Yang
外文關鍵詞:Accelerated chloride migration testColorimetric methodChloride migration coefficient
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摘 要
本研究利用加速氯離子傳輸試驗 (Accelerated Chloride Migration
Test),探討不同電壓(24V、30V、48V),水膠比(0.35、0.45、0.55、0.65),齡期(28天、91天)及普通波特蘭水泥與添加飛灰20%、爐石40%、爐灰30%取代水泥量之混凝土對累積電量之影響,並依據比色法(Colorimetric Method)量測氯離子於混凝土試片之平均穿透深度及計算非穩態傳輸係數,最後利用統計中隨機誤差之特性,進行或然率之應用。
試驗結果顯示,以齡期而言,91天齡期遠比28天齡期之非穩態傳輸係數低;以控制組 (C組) 及對照組 (F組、S組、SF組) 而論,氯離子之非穩態傳輸係數為C組>S組>SF組>F組。


The accelerated chloride migration test was used to investigate the different voltages (24V, 30V, and 48V), different w/b ratios (0.35, 0.45, 0.55, and 0.65) ,different ages (28days, 91days) and the ordinary Portland cement concrete and concrete containing different type of mineral admixtures (fly ash, slag and ash with slag replacement for 20%, 40% and 30% weight of the total cementitious content) effect of the total charge passeds in concrete. The colorimetric method test was used to measure the chloride ion penetration depth in specimen of concrete and calculate chloride ion non-steady-state migration coefficient. Than finally to proceeding the usage of probability by taking advantage of the character of random inaccuracy in statistics.
Speaking about age, the migration coefficient of the chloride ion non-steady-state resulted from 91 days was more lower than 28 days; comparing the controlled set (C set) with contrastive set (F set, S set, SF set), the migration coefficient of the chloride ion non-steady-state is C set > S set > SF set > F set.
In process of ACMT and colorimetric method, we can find out that when specimen in a state of 48V with age 28 days, its energy will be more higher resulted from more higher voltage during the same electricized time. The electric current will generate heat resulted from high resistance of concrete when it penetrates specimen, the moving ratio of chloride will be faster resulted from increased temperature. Hence when voltage is more higher, it will resulted in entire penetration through concrete specimen by much of specimen that will cause us enable to evaluate. Moreover the waterization of age 28days’ specimen not yet completed that resulted in incompact construction of vesicle, and it will
cause chloride to pass quickly if increase the voltage that will probably

cause ruin of concrete construction. So not to take this kind of data on carrying out analysis for other 5 items. If just in consideration of single observely, the graph of standard related deviation that the total charge passeds of unit area and the chloride average penetration depth will achieve requests from the control curve.

Keywords: Accelerated chloride migration test, Colorimetric method, Chloride migration coefficient
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 量測混凝土耐久性之方法 4
2-2 快速氯離子滲透試驗 5
2-3 加速氯離子試驗 7
2-4 比色法試驗 9
2-5 孔隙結構 10
2-6 離子在混凝土中之傳輸之方法 11
2-7 添加礦物摻料對抵抗氯離子侵入的影響 12
2-8 礦物摻料之特性 13
2-8-1 爐石 13
2-8-2 爐石之卜作嵐反應 14
2-8-3 飛灰 15
2-8-4 飛灰之卜作嵐反應 16
2-9 孔隙溶液的影響 17
第三章 試驗計劃 18
3-1 試驗變數 18
3-2 試驗材料性質 19
3-2-1 粒料 19
3-2-2 水泥 21
3-2-3 飛灰 21
3-2-4 爐石 21
3-2-5 強塑劑 21
3-3 試驗之配比設計 21
3-4 試體編碼 23
3-5 試驗方法及儀器設備 24
3-5-1 試驗前置處理 24
3-5-2 加速氯離子傳輸試驗 27
3-5-3 比色法試驗 29
3-5-4 力學性質試驗 30
第四章 結果與討論 31
4-1 抗壓強度 31
4-2 電壓加速氯離子傳輸中之溫度效應 33
4-3 ACMT試驗之累積電量 38
4-3-1 電流與累積電量 38
4-3-2 水膠比對總累積電量之影響 52
4-4 比色法之平均穿透深度及非穩態傳輸係數 59
4-4-1 比色法之平均穿透深度與水膠比之關係 70
4-4-2 電壓對非穩態傳輸係數之影響 75
4-5 總累積電量與平均穿透深度之關係 85
4-5-1 養護齡期與電壓之影響 85
4-5-2 隨機誤差之特性 91
第五章 結論與建議 97
5-1 結論 97
5-2 建議 98
參考文獻 99
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