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論文名稱(外文):Stability characteristics of arches under pure compression due to distributed load
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Arches apply to many engineering structures, and one of these application types is to bear the backfill soil above the arch structure, we call it backfillarch in this paper. This article analyses it under the condition of momentless arch shape. Along the direction of the span it cause different momentless arch shapes because of changing of the soil pressure with the depth of the covered soil. Because there are many part of discussion with stability of the arch structure in existing documents in the bridge, but it mostly seldom mention seldom stability of backfillarch. So the article use the linear and non-linear method to analyse its behavior of stability. This article use KG method and N1 method as linear buckling analysis method,and use Newton method as non-linear buckling analysis method.The result shows that under the situation of smaller rise of span three methods can all get very close answer. And make a discussion with stability of postbuckling behavior in perturbation method. The result shows that we can divide rise of arch into several ranges in order to define its stability type attitude as the basis of engineer's design.
目  錄
謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與文獻回顧 1
1.2 研究內容 3

第二章 拱構造之應用與內力分析 5
2.1 拱構造之應用與其力學特性 5
2.1.1 拱結構於橋樑之應用 5
2.1.2 承受不同載重型式之拱構造的應用 11
2.2 拱軸線之決定 14
2.3 線性分析 22
2.4 挫屈分析 28

第三章 後挫屈分析 31
3.1 主路徑分析 32
3.2 次路徑分析 34
3.3 實例分析 37

第四章 結論與建議 43

附錄A 附圖 56
附錄B 主次路徑圖 61
附錄C 挫屈參數表 79
參考文獻  81

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