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研究生(外文):Wen-Der Liu
論文名稱(外文):Kinetics of Inhibitory-Substrate Biodegradation: Salinity Effect and Parameter Identifiability
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yuan Lee
外文關鍵詞:toluenephenoltrichloroethyleneNaCl salinitytoluene oxidizing culturephenol oxidizing culturekinetic modelparameter identifiability
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抑制性基質生物降解過程會對微生物產生抑制現象,因而增加動力模式分析之困難;尤其降解時若存在鹽度,會使動力模式分析更加複雜,不易求得動力參數。本研究主要探討甲苯(輕微抑制性)、酚(自我抑制性)及三氯乙烯(TCE,共代謝抑制性)等三種化合物在不同氯化鈉鹽度(NaCl= 0- 5%)下的生物降解。研究方法除了進行批次試驗外,並以動力模式模擬觀測值,利用非線性迴歸法求取動力參數。對於淡水試驗組所得之動力參數,其可檢定性也利用相關係數及聯合信賴區間圖法加以檢驗。
在降解試驗之前,先培養四種混合微生物,分別為氯化鈉濃度為0及3.5%的水溶液中培養之淡水甲苯氧化菌(LHTO4)、鹽水甲苯氧化菌(HHTO4);以及淡水酚氧化菌(LHPO6)與鹽水酚氧化菌(HHPO6)。培養所得之LHTO4與HHTO4菌用以分解甲苯、TCE以及甲苯、TCE混合物;而LHPO6與HHPO6則僅用以分解酚。降解試驗以批次方式測試基質在氯化鈉為0, 2, 3.5及5%的水溶液中被淡水菌降解的速率,以及在氯化鈉為3.5%的水溶液中被鹽水菌降解的情況。
結果發現對於甲苯的生物降解,當NaCl濃度由0增至5%,LHTO4生長係數與甲苯降解速率皆隨鹽度增加而降低。鹽度對於降解速率之影響,以非競爭抑制模式分析,所得常數為n= 4.6, KT= 25.3 g/L。在NaCl= 3.5%,甲苯被LHTO4降解之最大比基質降解速率k值(0.15 h-1)小於被HHTO4降解之k值(0.23 h-1),表示鹽度馴化已提高降解效率。用以描述甲苯降解的Monod模式參數,經可檢定性分析結果發現k與半速率常數KS相關性高,所以其可檢定性低。
對於酚的生物降解,試驗結果顯示LHPO6生長係數與酚降解速率同樣隨鹽度增加而減少。鹽度對降解速率造成之非競爭抑制,其常數為n= 1.3, KT= 34.5 g/L。比較酚在NaCl=3.5%被LHPO6與HHPO6降解速率,發現馴化可增進酚在鹽度下之降解效果。以淡水環境下六個批次降解數據為樣本,測試Haldane模式參數之可檢定性。結果發現以降解期間比生長速率法(GRIB method)所得的參數可檢定性最高,平均相關係數達0.693。而傳統單一基質降解曲線法及初始比生長速率法所得的參數平均相關係數皆大於0.9,難以獲得可靠的參數值。
對於TCE的生物降解,試驗發現TCE被淡水甲苯氧化菌(LHTO4)降解之轉化能力與降解速率隨NaCl鹽度增加而降低。鹽度對降解速率之非競爭抑制常數為n= 1.7, KT= 46.1 g/L。比較在3.5%NaCl下,TCE被LHTO4與HHTO4菌降解之情況,發現 HHTO4仍保有降解甲苯能力,但共代謝TCE能力卻大幅降低。當甲苯與TCE混合,HHTO4降解TCE的能力提昇,且所有試驗皆顯示甲苯對TCE的競爭抑制大於TCE對甲苯抑制,尤其在高鹽度時更為明顯。模式參數可檢定性分析方面,利用酚氧化菌在resting cells情況下,添加及未添加甲酸鹽的共代謝TCE數據(Lee and Cheng, 1998)來進行。結果發現利用修正Monod模式描述TCE降解時,因為TCE都在低濃度範圍,所以參數k與KS無法唯一檢定。而其中未添加甲酸鹽的降解數據可成功檢定TC與k/KS,但添加甲酸鹽的降解數據仍因TC與k/KS相關性高而無法順利檢定。
Although the biodegradation of inhibitory substrates in fresh water has been extensively studied and quantified using a kinetic model, the extent and rate of the degradation of the compounds in saline water have seldom been addressed. This study investigates how salinity affects the biodegradations of three substrates: toluene (characterized with negligible inhibition), phenol (self inhibition) and trichloroethylene (TCE, competitive inhibition). Additionally, parameter identification analysis was performed using approaches of the correlation coefficient and the joint confidence region to examine the reliability of the parameters of kinetics describing the degradation of the three substrates in fresh water.
Prior to the biodegradation tests, four mixed cultures were cultivated. They were LHTO4 (cultivated with toluene dissolved in fresh water as the sole carbon source), HHTO4 (with toluene in saline water with 3.5% NaCl), LHPO6 (with phenol in fresh water) and HHPO6 (with phenol in saline water with 3.5% NaCl). Tests were conducted on phenol biodegradation using culture LHPO6 in NaCl salinities of 0, 2, 3.5 and 5% and using HHPO6 in 3.5% NaCl. Toluene, TCE and the toluene-TCE mixture were also degraded by the culture LHTO4 in NaCl salinities of 0, 2, 3.5and 5%, while degradations by HHTO4 were conducted in 3.5% NaCl.
Experimental results indicate that when toluene was degraded by culture LHTO4, NaCl acted as a non-competitive inhibitor, where inhibition coefficients used in the model were n= 4.6 and KT= 25.3 g/L for substrate degradation. The results show that the rate and extent of toluene degradation in 3.5% NaCl by culture HHTO4 were better than those obtained by culture LHTO4. The identification of parameters for toluene degradation in fresh water revealed that the correlation between k and KS was high and the identifiability was low.
When phenol was applied as the growth substrate utilized by LHPO6 in saline waters, the NaCl concentration similarly affected bacterial growth and substrate degradation. The noncompetitive inhibition coefficients were n= 1.3 and KT= 34.5 g/L for substrate degradation. For the phenol degradation by culture HHPO6 at NaCl 3.5%, both Yobs and k were higher than those obtained using culture LHPO6 in the same salinity. With respect to the parameter identifiability, the Haldane kinetics that describes phenol degradation in fresh water is more accurately estimated by the GRIB method than by other conventional methods. GRIB method yields high identifiability parameters, where the average correlation coefficient was as low as 0.693.
The degradations of TCE by cultures LHTO4 and HHTO4 were more complex than those of toluene and phenol. While TCE was used as a cometabolic substrate for culture LHTO4 in resting cells, the TCE transformation capacity and specific growth rate decreased as the salinity increased from NaCl 0 to 5%. The noncompetitive inhibition coefficients were n= 1.7 and KT= 46.1 g/L for TCE degradation. In 3.5% NaCl solution, toluene and TCE were individually degraded by culture HHTO4, indicating that the halotolerant culture HHTO4 could maintain its capability to degrade toluene but lost its effectiveness in cometabolic transformation of TCE. In the presence of toluene, TCE degradation was more inhibited by toluene than toluene degradation was by TCE. The rate and capacity of TCE transformation by culture HHTO4 was improved when toluene was present. The analyses of parameter identifiability for the modified Monod kinetics describing TCE biodegradation indicate that k and KS were strongly correlated. When k/KS and TC were used as surrogate parameters, they became identifiable if formate was amended as the source of the reducing power of the bacteria.
謝誌 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 vii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xii
符號表 xiv
第一章 緒言 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3 研究內容 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1鹽度對微生物的影響 5
2.2鹽度對有機物生物降解的影響 5
2.2.1 甲苯 7
2.2.2酚 10
2.2.3 三氯乙烯 12
2.3 有機物生物降解動力模式參數可檢定性 13
第三章 生物降解試驗材料與方法 16
3.1 菌種的培養 16
3.2主要藥品 17
3.3批次試驗 18
3.4 檢測分析 20
第四章 批次生物降解模式與參數檢定 23
4.1甲苯批次生物降解動力模式 23
4.2酚批次生物降解動力模式 25
4.3三氯乙烯批次生物降解動力模式 27
4.4 模式參數檢定方法 28
4.5模式參數可檢定性分析方法 29
第五章 甲苯之生物降解 33
5.1 試驗結果 33
5.2 模式參數檢定 35
5.3 Monod模式參數可檢定性分析 37
5.4 討論 40
第六章 酚之生物降解 41
6.1試驗結果 41
6.2模式參數檢定 43
6.3 Haldane模式參數可檢定性分析 46
6.3.1 批次試驗結果 46
6.3.2 以初始比生長速率法(IGRA Method)檢定參數 46
6.3.3 以單一基質降解曲線法(SDES Method)檢定參數 47
6.3.4 以降解期間比生長速率法(GRIB Method)檢定
參數 51
6.3.5 討論 54
6.4 以生物放大效應方程式進行Haldane模式參數檢定 61
6.5討論 63
第七章 三氯乙烯之生物降解 66
7.1試驗結果 66
7.2模式參數檢定 69
7.3 TCE共代謝模式參數可檢定性分析 73
7.3.1 k與KS的可檢定性分析 74
7.3.2 k/KS與TC的可檢定性分析 76
7.4討論 80
第八章 結論與建議 82
8.1 結論 82
8.2 建議 84
參考文獻 86
附錄A 批次試驗數據 94
附錄B 參數檢定程式碼 115
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