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研究生(外文):Tai-Huang Chan
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of directional wave fields using x-band navigation radar image sequences
指導教授(外文):C. R. ChouJ. Z. Yim
外文關鍵詞:radarRemote of sensing
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As an alternative, many researchers have applied remote sensing techniques to measure and record the sea surface. They have the advantages that information of a relative large area can be acquired instantly. Methods for the analyses of X-band navigation radar image sequences in Taipei Harbour have been studied and reported here in this thesis. Using radars is better direct measuring; one can measure and determine sea state parameters either from a far distance using satellites, or on board of a ship, as well as on land.

This paper is divided into two parts. In the first half we describe the briefly the methodology used. Random surface fluctuations were first simulated on a 2D plane using model spectra. 2D wavenumber- and wavenumber-frequency spectra are then obtained through Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). From these, 1D frequency spectrum, as well as parameters such significant wave height, and direction of propagation can be obtained. It is demonstrated that the present method can yield satisfactory results as compared with input data. In the second part, we analyzed some radar image sequences available. Both our estimated wave heights and wave directions are comparable with the ground truth. The result of the direction of propagation is satisfactory. The averaged deviations from ground truth are in the range of 12% for wave heights, which are believed to be acceptable. However, it must be admitted that, there are still have a lot of unresolved problems.
第一章 前言..............................................1
1.1 波浪觀測.............................................1
1.2 海浪譜的估計.........................................2
1.3 研究目的與方法.......................................5
1.4 本文組織架構概述.....................................5
第二章 理論基礎..........................................6
2.1 分析模式建立流程.....................................6
2.2 波場影像數位化......................................10
2.4 模式中主波向及示性波高的計算........................17
第三章 計算模式的驗證...................................21
3.1 驗證方法與步驟......................................21
3.2 第一階段驗證........................................21
3.3 第二階段驗證........................................24
3.4 第三階段驗證........................................27
3.5 第四階段驗證........................................29
第四章 實際雷達影像分析結果.............................31
4.1 觀測地點與儀器......................................31
4.1.1 觀測地點..........................................31
4.1.2 觀測儀器..........................................32
4.2 雷達影像處理流程....................................34
4.3 灰階化..............................................35
4.4 影像濾波............................................37
第五章 結論與建議.......................................48
5.1 結論................................................48
5.2 建議................................................48
附錄 A 雷達影像示性波高的求法...........................53
附錄B 各月未乘迴歸參數前的示性波高與潮波儀資料逐時比對圖55
附錄C 各月分析所得的示性灰階值乘以常數100後與潮流儀資料比對圖......................................................60
附錄D 各月示性波高與潮波儀資料逐時比對圖................65
附錄E 雷達影像分析主波向結果玫瑰圖......................70
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