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研究生(外文):Wei-Te Shen
論文名稱(外文):The Influences on Concrete Properties by Two Cement-Based Surface Coating Treatments
指導教授(外文):Wei-Chung Yeih
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The major concern of this research is to study the influence of the order of coating process on the coating performance. Two sequences are studied: the cement-based coating on the bottom and cover-up coating on the top; the cover-up coating on the bottom and the cement-based coating on the top. Thickness of coating is taken as the variable as well. Physical properties and durability tests under different environments are carried out. Experiments include permeability, water absorption rate, rapid charge penetration test, accelerated chloride migration test, four-probe electrical resistivity, open circuit potential and accelerated carbonation test.
The experiment results show that after coating process, the experiments on permeability, water absorption rate, rapid charge penetration test, four-probe electrical resistivity, open circuit potential and accelerated carbonation test all show that coated concrete has a better performance than uncoated one. As thickness of coating increases, the performance becomes better. For water absorption rate and permeability tests, it is found that to use the cover-up coating on the top is better than to use the cement-based coating on the top. For other experiments, no significant differences exist for these two processes. The scanning electron micrscope pictures show that to use the cover-up coating on the top can cover the cement-based coating inside such that the cement-based coating can have a nicer curing condition and form a denser microstructure consequently.
目 錄

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目 錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的與範圍 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 前言 5
2-2 混凝土耐久性 6
2-3 混凝土孔隙結構 6
2-4 氯離子擴散機理 9
2-5 混凝土中性化機理 11
2-5-1 中性化原理 11
2-5-2 混凝土中性化速率 14
2-6 電阻與混凝土關係 15
2-7 混凝土表面塗封處理方法 16
第三章 實驗計畫 18
3-1 實驗變數 18
3-2 實驗材料 19
3-3 試驗設備 24
3-4 試體製作及試驗方法 38
3-4-1 試體製作 39
3-4-2 試驗方法 39
第四章 結果與討論 50
4-1 前言 50
4-2 接著強度試驗 52
4-3 混凝土表面塗封處理之物理性質 55
4-3-1 滲水性試驗 55
4-3-2 吸水速率試驗 58
4-4 混凝土表面塗封處理之耐久性 66
4-4-1 開路電位試驗 66
4-4-2四極式電阻試驗 68
4-4-3 中性化試驗 71
4-4-4 氯離子加速擴散試驗 76
4-4-5 電滲試驗 83
4-5 SEM觀察 87
第五章 結論與建議 89
5-1 結論 89
5-1 建議 90
參考文獻 92

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