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研究生(外文):Jun-Nan Liu
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Concrete Durability Using Accelerated Leaching Test
指導教授:黃 然
指導教授(外文):Ran Huang
外文關鍵詞:Leachingcompressive strengthggbssilica fume
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摘 要
  試驗成果顯示(1)經析出試驗後混凝土強度明顯降低,普通混凝土約降低15~21%;添加10%矽灰混凝土約降低4~8%;添加50%爐石粉混凝土約降低9%~10% :(2)鈣離子析出量隨著水膠比降低而減少,水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65混凝土少 20%;添加矽灰10%水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65少 32%;添加爐石50%水膠比混凝土0.45比0.65少28% ;(3)水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65吸水率少37%;添加10%,矽灰水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65吸水率少34.2%;添加50%爐石粉水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65吸水率少34% ;(4)水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65吸水速率少14%;添加10%矽灰水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65吸水速率少35.4%;添加50%爐石水膠比0.45混凝土比0.65吸水率少21% ;(5)熱重分析結果證明低水膠比和添加礦物摻料,可有效抑制鈣離子 被析出;(6) 鈣離子析出量與試體抗壓強度存有一定的關係。
This study is aimed to investigate leaching effect on concrete. Two water/binder ratios and two mineral admixtures were selected for the testing program. An external electrical potential was applied to accelerate the leaching process. Specimen tests include compressive strength, absorption, sorptivity, XRD microscopic analysis, and TG-DTA investigation.
Test results demonstrate that (1) after leaching test, compressive strengths of all concrete specimens reduced and the control group had greatest strength reduction; (2) the amount of calcium ion leaching-out was less for lower water/binder ratio and mineral admixture addition; (3) the absorption and sorpitivity increased with increasing water/binder ratio and affected by the mineral admixtures and percentage of addition; (4) less calcium ion leaching-out was observed for silica fume and GGBS concretes using TGA results; and (5) there existed a relationship between leaching quantity and compressive strength.

Keywords: leaching, compressive strength, ggbs, silica fume
目 錄
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目 錄 iii
表 目 錄 vi
圖 目 錄 viii
第一章 緒 論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究方法與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 混凝土之耐久性 4
2-2 混凝土析出劣化機理 4
2-3 影響混凝土析出劣化因素 6
2-3-1 孔隙結構 6
2-3-2 外在環境對混凝土劣化影響 8
2-3-3 卜作嵐材料 9
2-4 析出劣化對混凝土之影響 13
2-4-1 力學性質之影響 13
2-4-2 孔隙結構之影響 14
第三章 試驗計畫 16
3-1 試驗變數 16
3-2 試驗材料與配比 16
3-3 試驗設備及方法 21
3-3-1 試驗設備 21
3-3-2 試驗方法 26
第四章 試驗結果與分析 34
4-1 前言 34
4-2 抗壓強度 34
4-2-1 不同齡期抗壓強度 34
4-2-2 析出試驗後混凝土抗壓強度 36
4-3 混凝土劣化深度 40
4-4 混凝土之鈣離子析出量 41
4-5 鈣離子析出量與強度關係 45
4-6 混凝土物理性質變化 47
4-7 混凝土微觀分析 53
第五章 結論與建議 73
5-1 結論 73
5-2 建議 74
參考文獻 75
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