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研究生(外文):Jing-Ting Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Studies on histidine-related compounds and formation of biogenic amines in flying fish
外文關鍵詞:flying fishhistidinebiogenic aminebuffering capacity
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本研究探討七種飛魚包括黑鰭飛魚(Cheilopogon cyanopterus)、白鰭飛魚(Cheilopogon unicolor) 、斑鰭飛魚(Cypselurus poecilopterus)、紫斑鰭飛魚(Cheilopogon spilonotopterus) 、細頭飛魚(Cypselurus angusticeps)、白短擬鰭飛魚(Parexocoetus brachypterus)和紅斑鰭飛魚(Cheilopogon atrisignis)等之組胺酸(histidine, His)、甲肌肽(ß-alanyl-1-methyl-L- histidine, anserine, Ans)和肌肽(ß-alanyl-L-histidine, carnosine, Car)含量之差異,從中選擇兩種化學組成差異較大之飛魚肉在4及25℃進行貯存試驗,以了解鮮度變化以及生物胺之產生情況。
不同種類之飛魚水分含量在75~79% 之間,蛋白質在20~24% 之間,而脂肪含量皆在0.6%以下,屬高蛋白低脂魚。七種飛魚皆富含His (232~473 mg/100g),黑鰭、紫斑鰭、白短擬鰭和紅斑鰭等四種飛魚之His含量較高,皆達380 mg/100g以上,但Ans和Car量小;白鰭飛魚與其他飛魚在游離胺基酸與雙胜肽組成明顯不同,其Ans含量高達326 mg/100g,但His含量則為所有飛魚中最低者;細頭和斑鰭兩種飛魚之His和Ans皆較低。黑鰭與白鰭飛魚之血合肉中His、Ans及Car含量皆明顯低於普通肉,其牛磺酸(taurine)含量則較普通肉高。黑鰭飛魚之His含量以在屏東所採集者最高,其次台東,宜蘭最低;白鰭飛魚之His與Ans含量亦以屏東樣品最高,台東者為三地中最低。
七種飛魚之pH值介於6.1-6.5之間,黑鰭飛魚、白鰭飛魚、黃鰭鮪(Thunnus albacares)、吳郭魚(Tilapia zillii)及海鱺(Rachycentron canadum)普通肉緩衝能力最高之pH範圍皆在pH 6-7,其中黃鰭鮪、黑鰭及白鰭飛魚緩衝能力顯著高於吳郭魚和海鱺,飛魚與鮪魚因含高量之His與Ans而有較高之pH緩衝能力。
黑鰭與白鰭飛魚在25℃貯存12~18小時總生菌數(anaerobic plate count, APC)以對數增加,在第18小時明顯有臭味產生,18及24小時揮發性鹽基態氮(volatile basic nitrogen, VBN)含量超過初期腐敗標準值(25 mg/100 g),氨含量亦在24小時後明顯增加;在4℃貯存2天後APC逐漸增加,VBN含量在第6天開始明顯增加,18天後超過25 mg/100g,氨含量則在12天後明顯上升。兩種飛魚普通肉在25℃貯藏18~24小時後pH緩衝能力先下降而後上升,與初期腐敗之時間相對應。
黑鰭與白鰭飛魚之ATP相關化合物在25℃貯藏初期以IMP為主要化合物,並在18~36小時之間分別由7.5及7.6 μmol/g迅速減少為0.2及2.3 μmol/g, K值由27.9及29.8 %迅速增加至91.7及71.2 %;相較之下4℃貯藏時K值變化明顯較為緩慢。
黑鰭與白鰭飛魚在25℃貯藏60與72小時,His含量皆明顯減少,而Ans變化不大;4℃貯存時His則無明顯變化,總游離胺基酸含量在25℃及4℃貯藏後期皆有大量增加之情形。生鮮飛魚中並無Orn存在,在初期腐敗時產生,似可作為鮮度及腐敗程度之輔助指標。黑鰭與白鰭飛魚在貯存期間產生之生物胺以腐胺、屍胺及組織胺為主,前趨物分別為Orn、Lys及His,且Him增加之莫耳數與His減少之莫耳數相當。兩種飛魚25℃貯存至24小時之生物胺指標(biogenic amine index, BAI)分別為0.81及0.65,已接近食品中毒風險之臨界值1,至36小時則分別高達6.13及3.17;4℃貯存下黑鰭與白鰭飛魚達臨界值則分別約在第13及15天。
The contents of histidine (His), anserine (ß-alanyl-1-methyl-L- histidine, Ans) and carnosine (ß-alanyl-L-histidine, Car) in margined flyingfish (Cheilopogon cyanopterus), whitefin flyingfish (Cheilopogon unicolor), yellowfin flyingfish (Cypselurus poecilopterus), sailfin flyingfish (Parexocoetus brachypterus), narrowhead flyingfish (Cypselurus angusticeps), stained flyingfish (Cheilopogon spilonotopterus) and glider flyingfish (Cheilopogon atrisignis) were analyzed in this stduy. Two specimens with bigger difference on chemical compositions were selected to investigate the changes of freshness and the formation of biogenic amines during storage at 4 and 25℃.
The moisture in seven specimens ranged from 75 to 79 % and protein from 20 to 24 %. Flying fish were lean fish with lipid content lower than 0.6 %. Flying fish were rich in His ranged from 232~473 mg/100g. The His contents of margined, sailfin, stained and glider flying fish were higher than 380 mg/100g, but their Ans and Car were relatively low. The compositions of free amino acids and dipeptides of whitefin flyingfish were different from those of the other species. It had a very high level of Ans (326 mg/100g) with the lowest amount of His. Both His and Ans in narrowhead and yellowfin flying fish were lower as compared to those of the other species. The contents of His, Ans and Car in dark muscle of flyingfish were much lower than those in white muscle. However, the former had a much higher amount of taurine than the latter. The content of His in margined flyingfish collected from Pintung were the highest, follow by those from Taitung and I-Lan. The whitefin flyingfish sampled from Pintung also had the highest contents of His and Ans, while those form Taitung were the lowest.
The pH values of white muscle of seven specimens ranged from 6.1 to 6.5. The white muscle of margined flyingfish, whitefin flyingfish, yellowfin tuna, tilapia and cobia had the highest buffering capacities in the range of pH 6-7. The buffering capacities of yellowfin tuna, margined flyingfish and whitefin flyingfish were significantly higher than those of tilapia and cobia. Flying fish and tuna had higher pH buffering capacities due to large amounts of His and Ans present in their white muscles.
The contents of aerobic plate count (APC) of margined and whitefin flying fish increased in logarithm when stored at 25℃ for 12 to 18 hour, and obious odors occurred at the 18th hour. The contents of volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) were higher than 25 mg/100g at the 18th and the 24th hours respectively, while the contents of ammonia increased significantly at the 24th hour. When stored at 4℃, the content of APC increased gradually after storage for 2 days, while the content of VBN increased drastically at the 6th day and was higher than 25 mg/100g at the 18th day. The content of ammonia had an obvious increase at the 12th day. The buffering capacities of white muscle in two species of flying fish decreased after storage for 18 to 24 hours and thereafter increased, which were associated with the stage of their initial decomposition.
Among the ATP-related compounds of margined and whitefin flyingfish, IMP was the most predominant compound at initial stage of storage and decreased rapidly after storage at 25℃ for 18 to 36 hours. The K values increased rapidly from 27.9 and 29.8 % to 91.7 and 71.2 %, respectively. As compared with those stored at 25℃, the changes of K values were significantly lower during storage at 4℃.
The contents of His of margined and whitefin flyingfish decreased after storage at 25℃ for 60 and 72 hours, but Ans remained changed. The content of His did not change significantly when storage at 4℃. The amounts of free amino acids gradually increased during storage at 25 and 4℃. Ornithine (Orn) was not detected in flying fish muscle; however, it was found in a considerable amount at the stage of initial decomposition. Therefore it might be used as an indicator for freshness and degrees of decomposition. The biogenic amines of margined and whitefin flyingfish, including putrescine (Put), cadaverine (Cad) and histamine (Him) were the most predominant compounds during storage. Their precursors were Orn, lysine (Lys) and His, respectively. The decreased mole of His was almost equal to the increased mole of Him. The biogenic amine index (BAI) values of two species of flying fish were 0.81 and 0.65 after storage at 25℃ for 24 hours, which were close to 1, the hazard value induced scombroid poisoning. The values increased to 6.13 and 3.17 at the 36th hour of storage, respectively. When stored at 4℃, the BAI values of margined and whitefin flyingfish reached the hazard value at the 13th and the 15th day.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅵ
表目錄 Ⅹ
圖目錄 XII
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻整理 5
一、飛魚的生物特徵、漁業、利用與文化 5
(一) 生物特徵 5
(二) 漁業 5
(三) 利用 6
(四) 蘭嶼達悟族之飛魚文化 7
二、游離組胺酸及其相關雙胜肽 9
(一) 分佈 9
(二) 生理功能 11
(三) 應用 19
(四) 肌肽和甲肌肽之分解酶 20
三、食品中之生物胺 22
(一) 生物胺之生成 22
(二) 生物胺之代謝 22
(三) 生物胺與食品中毒 23
(四) 魚類生物胺生成菌 25
四、魚貝類鮮度指標 26
(一) 總生菌數 27
(二) VBN及NH3 27
(三) K值 28
(四) 生物胺指標(BAI) 28
參、材料與方法 30
一、研究項目、進行步驟與樣品製備 30
(一) 不同品種飛魚化學特性以及組胺酸相關化合物組成分析 30
(二) 飛魚及其他魚類貯藏期間緩衝能力之比較 30
(三) 普通肉與血合肉及不同地點飛魚組胺酸相關化合物組成之差異
(四) 飛魚貯藏期間鮮度、組胺酸相關化合物與生物胺之變化 31
二、化學分析方法 31
(一) 一般成分 31
(二) pH值 32
(三) 總生菌數(APC) 32
(四) 肌肽、甲肌肽、β-丙胺酸、組胺酸、其他游離胺基酸與氨 32
(五) ATP相關化合物與K值之計算 33
(六) 緩衝能力 34
(七) 揮發性鹽基態氮 34
(八) 生物胺 35
三、統計分析 36
肆、結果與討論 37
一、不同品種飛魚化學特性以及組胺酸相關化合物組成分析 37
(一) 一般成分與pH值 37
(二) 游離胺基酸與雙胜肽 38
二、飛魚與其他魚類緩衝能力之比較 40
三、飛魚普通肉與血合肉以及不同地點樣品組胺酸相關化合物成分之差異 41
四、飛魚普通肉25℃及4℃貯藏期間鮮度、組胺酸相關化合物與生物胺之變化 42
(一) 總生菌數、pH值與緩衝能力 42
(二) 揮發性鹽基態氮及氨 44
(三) ATP相關化合物及K值 46
(四) 游離胺基酸 48
(五) 生物胺 52
伍、結論 56
陸、參考文獻 57
柒、表 82
捌、圖 106

表 目 錄
表一、飛魚之名稱、體重與體長 82
表二、飛魚之一般成分與pH值 83
表三、飛魚普通肉游離胺基酸及雙胜肽之含量 84
表四、飛魚普通肉與血合肉游離胺基酸及雙胜肽含量之比較 85
表五、不同地點飛魚普通肉之游離胺基酸及雙胜肽含量 86
表六、黑白鰭飛魚普通肉在25℃貯藏期間總生菌數及pH值之變化 87
表七、黑白鰭飛魚普通肉在4℃貯藏總生菌數及pH值之變化 88
表九、黑白鰭飛魚普通肉在25℃貯藏期間時氨含量之變化 90
表十一、黑白鰭飛魚普通肉在4℃貯藏期間時氨含量之變化 92
表十二、黑鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間ATP及其相關化合物含量之變化 93
表十三、白鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間ATP及其相關化合物含 量之變化
表十六、黑鰭飛魚普通肉在25℃貯藏期間游離胺基酸及雙胜肽 含量之變化
表十七、白鰭飛魚普通肉在25℃貯藏期間游離胺基酸及雙胜肽含量之變化 98
表十八、黑鰭飛魚普通肉在4℃貯藏期間游離胺基酸及雙胜肽 含量之變化
表十九、白鰭飛魚普通肉在4℃貯藏期間游離胺基酸及雙胜肽含量之變化 100
表二十、黑鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間生物胺含量之變化 101
表二十一、白鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間生物胺含量之變化 102
表二十二、黑鰭飛魚普通肉4℃貯藏期間生物胺含量之變化 103
表二十三、白鰭飛魚普通肉4℃貯藏期間生物胺含量之變化 104
表二十四、飛魚與其他魚類普通肉緩衝能力之變化 105

圖 目 錄
圖一、黑鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間組胺酸與組織胺之變化 106
圖二、白鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間組胺酸與組織胺之變化 107
圖三、黑旗與白鰭飛魚普通肉於25℃貯藏期間生物胺指標之變化 108
圖四、黑白鰭飛魚普通肉於4℃貯藏生物胺指標之變化 109
圖五、飛魚與其他魚類之普通肉25℃貯藏期間pH 6~7之緩衝能力 110
圖六、黑鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間緩衝能力之變化 111
圖七、白鰭飛魚普通肉25℃貯藏期間緩衝能力之變化 112
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