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研究生(外文):Ya-Fen Hong
論文名稱(外文):Molecular cloning of cystatin genes from tomato leaves (Lycopersicon esculentum)
指導教授:江善宗 吳如雯
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Cystatin是植物受外來病菌、蟲害、機械傷害時,所引發自我保護機制而產生抑制cysteine這類蛋白酶的抑制劑。一些植物cystatin兼具有三個動物cystatin superfamily的特性,包括缺乏雙硫鍵結或是半胱胺酸的殘基(the stefin)、胺基酸序列最類似於the cystatin以及具有多重結構域(multidomain)的特性(the kininogen)。這些多重結構域的cystatins已在馬鈴薯、蕃茄、豇豆、向日葵等植物中發現。
目前馬鈴薯cystatin(potato multicystatin, PMC)(Solanum tuberosum)的序列已完全解出,而文獻指出可能和PMC具有高度相似性的蕃茄cystatin(tomato multicystatin, TMC),則尚未完全剖析。故本研究主要是由蕃茄葉(Lycopersicon esculentum UC204A)中選殖cystatin基因,並分析其序列。首先由蕃茄幼葉中抽取蕃茄的genomic DNA,並依據已知TMC序列設計一段正義(sense)LeCPIgs1與LeCPIas2反義(antisense)核酸引子,進行genomic PCR來建構TMC的genomic library,再從已知TMC序列設計的反義引子LeCPIas4, LeCPIas5,配合adaptor上的引子AP1、AP2,進行genomic walking。從蕃茄多重cystatin的結構域7及8中發現,每一cystatin結構域只含一intron,分別為102 bp(intron 7)及78 bp(intron 8),intron的位置均位在cystatin的��-helix保留區(LARFAVQDYNKXX)及活性區QxVxG之間。利用馬鈴薯未轉錄區(5’-UTR)設計引子UTR3和TMC的5’端蕃茄設計LeCPIsp1,得到了一個完整的TMC-1(tomato multicystasin domain 1)及TMC-2(只含有LARFAV的部分)及TMC intron-1。經由TMC intron-1和PMC intron-1的比對,發現TMC與PMC在intron-1的鹼基數目都不是3的倍數(而TMC的intron-7、intron-8以及PMC其他段的intron都為3的倍數)。
TMC-1與TMC-2分別與PMC-1及PMC-2序列的相質性為82%及77%,與蕃茄已知序列TMC-6, 7, 8(AAF23128)及7, 8 domain相質性為59-66%。在TMC-1和PMC各個domain中出現保留區LARFAV和活性區QxVxG及N端保留區Gly3、Gly4和C端Trp77,與其他植物cystatin相似。值得注意的是TMC-1在活性區QxVxG之前的序列為QKNGSSLEFEKVLKVKK和已發表的TMC- 6, 7, 8 domain共同出現的AHLEYVENLNVKE有很大的不同。由親源樹狀關係顯示出TMC-1和TMC-2與PMC-1及PMC-2的親緣關係較TMC的其他domain來的接近。再以Swiss-model系統進行TMC-1三級結構預測時,也發現其結構上所對應的胺基酸和文獻所歸納植物cystatin結構類似。由結論得知TMC和PMC在exon和intron的序列上具有高度相似性。
Cystatins are inhibitors of cysteine proteases for defensive strategies against insect, fungi attack or mechanical wounding. Some plant cystatins possess all the characteristics of animal cystatin superfamily, including lack of disulfide bonds or cysteine residues like the stefin, high degree of homology with the member of cystatin and containing repeat cystatin-like domains similar to the kininogen.
The genomic DNA sequences for potato cystatin (PMC) have been characterized. However a gene coding for tomato cystatin (TMC) which posseses similar biochemical properties to PMC has not been investigated. This study focuses on molecular cloning and characterization of cystatin genes from tomato leaves (Lycopersicon esculentum). The genomic DNA of tomato cystatin was isolated from tomato leaves UC204A. The genomic library of tomato cystatin was constructed by genomic PCR with the primers of LeCPIgs1 and LeCPIas2 designed from TMC gene sequences. In addition, genomic walking from UC204A genomic libraries is investigated using gene-specific primers LeCPIas4, LeCPIas5 designed from TMC gene sequences. The results showed that one intron occurs in each of tomato cystain-coding sequences, e.g. 78 and 102 bp in TMC domain 7 and 8, separately. A intron in each of tomato cystatin-like domains is located at the same region between ��-helix (LARFAVQDYNKXX) and catalytic QxVxG motif. A complete TMC-1 (tomato multicystatin domain 1) and partially TMC-2 are acquired by using the primers designed from PMC 5’ untranslation region and TMC 5’ end of DNA sequence. When compared with TMC and PMC introns, demonstrates the intron-1 in TMC and PMC are both not a multiple of three.
TMC-1, TMC-2 and PMC-1, PMC-2 have high homology of 82% and 77% amino acid identitiy, separately.TMC-1 and TMC-6, 7 and 8 has low homology of 59-66% amino acid identity. TMC displayed a conserved region LARFAV, a catalytic QxVxG motif, Gly3, Gly4 in the N-terminal region and Trp77 in the C-terminal region, which are similar to other plant cystatins. The front TMC-1 sequence of the QxVxG motif (QKNGSSLEFEKVLKVKK) is noticeable differently with published TMC 6, 7, 8 domains (AHLEYVENLNVKE). A phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that TMC-1 and TMC-2 are closer to PMC-1 and PMC-2 compared to TMC 6, 7, and 8 domains. The structure of TMC-1 is analogous to several plant cystatins analyzed by Swiss-model system. In conclusion, it is shown high similarity of TMC and PMC in the DNA sequence with exons and introns.
(1) 蕃茄植物受傷信號(wounding signals)---------------------------2
(2) 蕃茄植物受傷信號途徑(wounding signaling pathway)--------3
(3) 蕃茄植物受傷誘導的防禦蛋白質(systemic wounding
response proteins) -----------------------------------------------------4
(1)馬鈴薯cystatin(potato cystatin)--------------------------------12
(2)向日葵cystatin(sunflower cystatin)----------------------------13
(3)豇豆cystatin(cowpea cystatin)----------------------------------14
(3)蕃茄cystatin(tomato cystatin)----------------------------------15
2.蕃茄葉組織total RNA萃取----------------------------------------20
5.first strand cDNA的製備-------------------------------------------22
7.以PCR方式建立蕃茄genome libraries--------------------------23
9.聚合酵素鏈鎖反應(Polymerase chain reaction, PCR)----------25
10.瓊脂糖電泳(agarose gel electrophoresis-------------------25
14.限制酶(restriction enzyme)的剪切作用------------------------28
1.蕃茄cystatin基因genomic DNA片段之選殖及分析-------------29
(1)Genomic DNA之intron選殖及分析---------------------------29
(2)Genomic DNA之全長序列選殖-----------------------------------30

圖四、不同煉合溫度下放大TMC的genomic DNA片段-----------------63
圖五、pGEM-T Easy Vector圖譜與其上限制酶切位------------------64
圖六、TMC genomic walking的流程圖----------------------------------65
圖七、以genomic libraies為模版,配合引子AP1, AP2/ LeCPIas4, LeCPIas5 擴增genomic DNA之電泳圖--------------------------66
圖九、以genomic libraries為模版,配合引子AP1, AP2 / LeCPIas4, LeCPIas5擴增genomic DNA之電泳圖--------------------------68
圖十、以限制酶酵素(EcoRI)水解TMC genomic DNA----------------69
圖十一、以引子UTR1, 2, 3/ LeCPIsp1擴增genomic DNA之電泳圖----70
圖十四、TMC-1和TMC-6, 7, 8胺基酸序列比對----------------------72
圖十五、MJ誘導蕃茄葉的total RNA電泳圖---------------------------73
圖十六、以引子LeCPIsn1 / LeCPIas5擴增cDNA之電泳圖--------------74
圖十七、PCRII-TOPO Vector圖譜與其上限制酶切位----------------75
圖十八、以colony PCR確認接入拓蹼載體的cDNA------------------76
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