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研究生(外文):Yi-Ying Shie
論文名稱(外文):Copper requirement and its interaction with vitamin C in juvenile grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus
指導教授(外文):Shi-Yen Shiau
外文關鍵詞:copperrequirementgroupervitamin C
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本研究探討石斑魚稚魚銅(copper, Cu)之需求量及銅與維生素C (ascorbic acid, AA)間交互作用及其對免疫反應之影響。
實驗一:硫酸銅(copper sulfate)以下列劑量0、1、2、4、6、8、10與20 mg Cu/kg diet添加於基礎飼料中,其實際分析值分别為0.11、1.66、2.41、4.37、6.56、8.97、11.03與20.05 mg Cu/kg diet等總共八組,餵予平均初重13.35 ± 0.004 g之石斑魚稚魚,每組三重覆,於密閉循環系統中飼養八週。石斑魚餵食6.56 mg Cu/kg diet組其增重率顯著(p<0.05)高於其它各組。石斑魚肝臟銅鋅超氧化歧酶活性以餵食6.56 mg Cu/kg diet組最高,8.97 mg Cu/kg diet組次之,20.05 mg Cu/kg diet組再次之,餵食未添加銅之控制組則最低。石斑魚血漿藍胞漿素活性以餵食6.56 mg Cu/kg diet組最高,8.97 mg Cu/kg diet組次之,11.03 mg Cu/kg diet組再次之,餵食控制組最低。石斑魚白血球超氧陰離子產率以餵食4.73及6.56 mg Cu/kg diet兩組高於其他各組。石斑魚肝臟銅鋅超氧化歧酶活性與血漿藍胞漿素活性經拐點迴歸分析以及全魚體銅保留量經線性迴歸分析估得石斑魚稚魚之銅最適需求量為
4∼6 mg Cu/kg diet。
實驗二:本實驗為2×3複方實驗設計,含適量(6 mg Cu/kg diet)與高量(48 mg Cu/kg diet)銅之基礎飼料中分別添加三種劑量維生素C (適量:8.3 mg AA/kg diet,兩倍適量:16 mg AA/kg diet及四倍適量:32 mg AA/kg diet)總共六組,NCu-NC (6 mg Cu/kg diet; 8.3 mg AA/kg diet)、NCu-HC (6 mg Cu/kg diet; 16 mg AA/kg diet)、NCu-HHC (6 mg Cu/kg diet; 32 mg AA/kg diet)、HCu-NC (48 mg Cu/kg diet; 8.3 mg AA/kg diet)、HCu-HC (48 mg Cu/kg diet; 16 mg AA/kg diet)、及HCu-HHC (48 mg Cu/kg diet; 32 mg AA/kg diet),餵予平均初重12.21 ± 0.02 g石斑魚稚魚,每組飼料三重複,實驗為期八週。當石斑魚飼料中添加適量維生素C時,其增重率以餵食NCu-NC組顯著(p<0.05)高於HCu-NC組;石斑魚魚體及肝臟銅濃度皆以餵食HCu-NC組高於NCu-NC組;石斑魚餵食NCu-NC組之白血球超氧陰離子產率高於HCu-NC組。在HCu組別中,石斑魚增重率以餵食HCu-HHC組高於HCu-NC組;石斑魚魚體及肝臟銅濃度皆以餵食HCu-NC組高於HCu-HHC組;石斑魚餵食HCu-HHC組之白血球超氧陰離子產率高於HCu-NC組。本實驗結果顯示提高飼料中維生素C含量,可以改善石斑魚因攝取高量銅所造成組織中過量銅之蓄積,並減輕對石斑魚成長及免疫反應之抑制作用。

The study was conducted to quantify the optimum dietary copper (Cu) requirements and its interaction with vitamin C (ascorbic acid, AA) in juvenile grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus).
Experiment Ι. Copper sulfate was added to the basal diet at 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 20 mg Cu/kg diet providing the actual dietary value of 0.11, 1.66, 2.41, 4.37, 6.56, 8.97, 11.03 and 20.05 mg Cu/kg diet, respectively. Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of fish (initial body weight 13.35 ± 0.004 g) in a recirculated rearing system for 8 weeks. Fish fed diet with 6.56 mg Cu/kg had significantly (p<0.05) higher weight gain than all the other dietary treatments. Liver copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD) activity was highest in fish fed diet with 6.56 mg Cu/kg, followed by 8.97 mg Cu/kg, then 20.05 mg Cu/kg, and lowest in fish fed the unsupplemented control diet. Fish fed diet with 6.56 mg Cu/kg had highest plasma ceruloplasmin activity, followed by 8.97 mg Cu/kg, then 11.03 mg Cu/kg, and lowest in fish fed the control diet. Leukocyte superoxide anion production ratio was higher in fish fed diets with 4.73 and 6.56 mg Cu/kg than other dietary treatments. Analysis by broken-line regression of liver CuZn SOD activity and plasma ceruloplasmin activity, and by linear regression of whole-body Cu retention of the fish indicate that the adequate dietary Cu concentration in growing grouper is about 4~6 mg Cu/kg diet.
Experiment ΙI. Basal diet containing either adequate (6 mg Cu/kg diet, NCu) or high (48 mg Cu/kg diet, HCu) dietary copper each supplemented with three levels of vitamin C (adequate: 8.3 mg AA/kg diet, NC; 2X adequate: 16 mg AA/kg diet, HC; and 4X adequate: 32 mg AA/kg diet, HHC). Six experimental diets (NCu-NC: 6 mg Cu/kg diet, 8.3 mg AA/kg diet; NCu-HC: 6 mg Cu/kg diet, 16 mg AA/kg diet; NCu-HHC: 6 mg Cu/kg diet, 32 mg AA/kg diet; HCu-NC: 48 mg Cu/kg diet, 8.3 mg AA/kg diet; HCu-HC: 48 mg Cu/kg diet, 16 mg AA/kg diet; and HCu-HHC: 48 mg Cu/kg diet, 32 mg AA/kg diet) were each fed to triplicate groups of fish (initial body weight 12.21 ± 0.02 g) for 8 weeks. In the adequate dietary vitamin C group, fish fed the NCu-NC diet had significantly (p<0.05) higher weight gain than fish fed the HCu-NC diet; whole body and hepatic Cu concentrations were higher in fish fed the HCu-NC diet than fish fed the NCu-NC diet; fish fed the NCu-NC diet had higher leukocyte superoxide anion production ratio than fish fed the HCu-NC diet. In the high dietary Cu group, fish fed the HCu-HHC diet had higher weight gain than fish fed the HCu-NC diet; whole body and hepatic Cu concentrations were higher in fish fed the HCu-NC diet than fish fed the HCu-HHC diet; fish fed the HCu-HHC diet had higher leukocyte superoxide anion production ratio than fish fed the HCu-NC diet. These data suggest that depressed growth and immunity and high tissue Cu accumulation in grouper due to high Cu ingestion could be improved by high dietary vitamin C supplementation.
總摘要(英文) ........................III

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