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研究生(外文):Chong-Fu, Leu
論文名稱(外文):The Damshuei River Plume:A model study
指導教授(外文):Yao-Tsai, Lo
外文關鍵詞:Danshuei RiverTideRiver PlumeNumerical Model
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本論文是以淡水河口及其附近海域為範圍,利用三維非性水理模式Princeton Ocean Model (簡稱POM),研討區域內的溫鹽環流及潮流與水舌的互動情況,及台北港對河口水舌與潮汐的影響。其開口邊界值,以台灣東北角麟山鼻潮位站的實測半日潮水位,為給定軀動模式的水位。本模式只考慮潮流與河流淡水的注入,其他重要的因素如風等則忽略,來研究水舌與潮流的運動狀況。
Since a vast amount of family sewages and industrial wastes from Taipei metropolis brought onto the vicinity of the Danshuei River mouth, it may significantly affect the estuarine environment and ecosystem. Furthermore, the interaction between the river plume and tidal current seems to be more complicated due to the construction of Taipei Harbor.
In this study, we use a three-dimensional, non-linear primitive-equation ocean model, Princeton Ocean Model (POM) to research the formation and evolution of the Danshuei River plume and its modulation by tides. the model was forced by a semi-diurnal tide (M2) of Lin-san-pi tide station located at the north-east coast of Taiwan, For simplicity, the model just considers tides and river inflow.
The model result shows that surface flow turns anticyclonically within the river mouth due to the Coriolis force. Also, a baroclinic boundary current is developed along the coast toward northeast. We find that the main channel of the Danshuei River is close to the right of the river viewing from land to sea, where the flow is swift. The impact of the jetty effect of Taipei Harbor on the Danshuei River plume is not so obvious except during the period of the stand tide. In addition, the flow is slow and perhaps forms a small-size eddy in the region between the left side of the river mouth and the north jetty of Taipei Harbor. From recent satellite images, we can find that it is the region of shoaling water.
According to the model result, we recognize that the influence of the jetty of Taipei Harbor on the tidal flow and the Danshuei River plume is significant. We plan to do further study of the distribution of the sediment near this region.
誌謝 Ⅰ
摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅶ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
第一章�緒論 1
1-1、水舌定義 1
1-2、淡水河口環境 2
1-3、過去的相關研究史料 4
1-4、研究動機 7
第二章� 研究方法 10
2-1、模式 10
2-2、基本理論 11
2-3、2.5階紊流閉合模式 13
2-4、σ座標系統 14
2-5、垂直方向邊界條件 17
2-6、MPDATA模式 17
2-7、計算時距的限制 20

第三章 模式的建制 23
3-1、網格設定 23
3-2、資料來源與初始條件 27
第四章�結果與討論 31
4-1、 潮汐模式 31
4-2、淡水河淡水注入河口流場、鹽度場 39
4-2-1、表面流及鹽度場 39
4-2-2、底層流及鹽度場 45
4-2-3、河口垂直橫斷剖面鹽度圖 50
4-2-4、台北港對淡水河口水舌及流場、鹽度場的影響 57
第五章�結論 63
5-1、結論 63
5-2、展望 65
參考文獻 66
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