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研究生(外文):Jia-Huei Jeng
論文名稱(外文):The study of trace metals of the aquaculture ponds in Taiwan Area
指導教授(外文):Tien-His Fang
外文關鍵詞:trace metalaquaculture pondchemistry monitor
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結果顯示出所分析的水樣,其溶解態,鎘、銅、鉛、鋅之濃度範圍分別為0.001-1.211(平均值0.02)mg/l、0.029-13.369 ( 0.981) mg/l、0.002-3.262(0.131)mg/l、0.041-21.826(1.3)mg/l,這些濃度並未超出環保署規定養殖類水體的標準值,但屏東地區的鎘(0.081mg/l)、銅(3.698 mg/l)及鋅(2.441 mg/l)與雲林地區的鉛 (0.279 mg/l)其平均濃度,較高於其他區域的濃度。此外,銀紋與川紋笛鯛養殖池的鎘與鋅元素、枋頭與班頭養殖池的銅元素以及吳郭魚養殖池的鉛元素濃度出現較其他養殖池為高的濃度。而懸浮物的重金屬在結晶相及非結晶相的濃度比較中,鎘、銅、鉛元素在非結晶相之濃度佔總濃度54~67%間,但鋅元素卻是結晶相濃度佔總濃度84%以上。
The trace metals accumulated in organisms in the aquaculture pond will be uptaken by human consumers through the food chain. As a result, the concentration of trace metals in aquaculture pond is one of the indicators that will affect the health of consumers. In this study, water samples from aquaculture ponds around the Taiwan were analyzed by the HACCP system. The concentration and distribution of dissolved Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in different kinds of aquaculture ponds were presented in this study. In addition, the distributions of particulate metals in the residual and non-residual phase of the some randomly selective aquaculture ponds were also shown.
The results show that the concentration ranges of dissolved metals in aquaculture ponds are as follows: Cd, 0.001-1.211(average 0.02) m g/l; Cu, 0.029-13.369 (average 0.981) m g/l; Pb, 0.002-3.262 (average 0.131) mg/l; and Zn, 0.04-21.83 (average 1.30) mg/l, respectively. These concentrations completely follow the regulations of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan. The concentrations of dissolved metals slightly varied with different kind of aquaculture ponds. The average concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn found in aquaculture ponds of the Pein-Tun area and Pb in aquaculture ponds in Yuin-Lin area are higher than those of other areas. In addition, the concentrations of Cd and Zn in Lutjanus argentimaculatus 、sedae, Cu in Rhabdosargus sarba and Pb in Tilapia zillii aquaculture ponds are higher than the other organisms in the different aquaculture ponds. In spite of that, The concentrations of particulate Cd, Cu and Pb are slightly dominant in the non-residual phase, accounting for 54-67% of total concentration. While, the concentration of particulate Zn is chiefly dominant in the residual phase, occupying more than 84% of total concentration.
Finally, in order to avoid the over accumulation of trace metals in human consumers through the aquaculture organisms, it is necessary to monitor the concentrations of chemical constituents, especially trace metals and pesticides, in aquaculture ponds. This can prevent from the toxicity of trace metals caused by aquaculture foods in consumer.
第一章 簡介
1.1 前言……………………………………………………………1
1.2 金屬來源………………………………………………………1
1.3 重金屬對人體的影響…………………………………………3
1.4 HACCP簡介…………………………………………………5
1.5 HACCP應用在水產品上……………………………………8
1.6 研究目的 ……………………………………………………9
第二章 研究區域…………………………………………14
第三章 材料及方法
3.1 採樣及處理…………………………………………………..16
3.2 金屬元素分析
3.2.1 分析方法介紹……………………………………….…17
3.2.2 分析過程……………………………………………….20 藥劑準備…………………………………………20 溶劑萃取過程……………………………………21 石墨式原子吸收光譜儀偵測重金屬元素濃度…23 重金屬元素濃度計算……………………………23
3.3 懸浮顆粒之重金屬元素分析
3.3.1 分析方法介紹……………………………………………28
3.3.2 懸浮顆粒分析方法………………………………………….. 非殘餘結晶相……………………………………..29 殘餘結晶相………………………………………..29
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 不同縣市的重金屬元素濃度分布……………………………31
4.2 不同物種養殖池間的重金屬濃度差異………………………34
4.3 重金屬在不同地區的養殖池池水之濃度……………………36
4.4 不同地區的重金屬元素之間的相關性……………………….49
4.5 pH與重金屬元素間的相關性…………………………51 4.6 懸浮物中的金屬元素濃度在各相間的差異…….53
第五章 結論…………………………56
第六章 參考文獻………………………57
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