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研究生(外文):Tai-Lee Tseng
論文名稱(外文):A Review and Analysis of the ROC Seafarers Pension Deposition System
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ching Chang
外文關鍵詞:Seafarer LawLabour Standard LawPension
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In view of the difference of cultural background, natural resources, governments of each country have different policies toward the adoption of pension. Especially facing theslow growh rate of population, and situations of aged society, as well as change of industrial structures, it becomes urgent for each government to improve the pension system of their countries.
Taiwan is an inland and its economies heavily rely on international trate.And, therefore, shipping industry is increasingly important to Taiwan economies. As result of this, seafarers act as a key role in ship operation. During the 1960s, Taiwan's seafarers reached a number of 30,000. However, in accordance with the recent statistics of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan only has 3,558 seafarers in 2005. It becomes clearly that the working conditions on board a ship are harder than those ashore, and thus results in the decline of newcomers who are willing to enter into this profession.
This thesis explores new pension systems provised by Taiwan's Labour Standard Law, which was effective as from July 2005. It also discusses those rules provided by the Ministry of Transpcratior and Communications in June 3,2004, namely “Rules Governing the Depository Account Exclusively for Seafarers'Pension”, in order to explore whether or not such a system can meet its original purpose of protecting seafarers' benefits. It aims to analyze and discuss those potential problems arising from the retirement and pension system of Taiwan's seafarers, and provide useful reference to the authorities.
謝 辭 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究範圍與限制 3
1.4 研究方法與研究流程 3
第二章 先進國家退休金制度分析 8
2.1 先進國家社會保險制度發展趨勢 8
2.2 世界銀行模式之分析與檢討 12
2.3 各國年金發展經驗 15
2.4 各國公、私年金整合類型之分析 23
2.4.1 新加坡退休金制度背景分析 27
2.4.2 香港退休金制度背景分析 28
第三章 我國勞工退休金制度分析 32
3.1 背景分析 32
3.2 現行制度之問題 34
3.2.1 現行勞工退休制度之問題 34
3.2.2 年金保險與勞工個人退休準備金專戶制之評析 34
3.3 勞工退休制度研議改進過程 37
第四章 我國船員退休金提撥制度分析 40
4.1 船員法規定 40
4.1.1 立法目的 40
4.1.2 退休離職儲金制度的意義 41
4.2 船員法相關規定 43
4.3 我國勞工退休金新制與舊制方式 47
4.3.1 立法意旨 47
4.3.2 勞基法舊制介紹及改制理由 47
4.3.3 勞工退休金新制特色 49
4.3.4 勞工退休金新、舊制比較分析 51
4.4 我國船員退休金與勞工退休金之提撥方式之比較 52
4.5 我國船員退休離職儲金專戶方案分析 59
第五章 結論與建議 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 建議 75
參考文獻 77

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