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研究生(外文):Chuan-Wei Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Supply Chain Management of Sand and Gravel Shipping and Transportation in Northern Taiwan Area
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ching Chang
外文關鍵詞:Supply Chain ManagementSand and Gravel SupplyInland Transportation
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Sand and gravel are essential raw materials for infrastructure construction projects. However since illegal suppliers tend to obtain the supply of sand and gravel from rivers and caused serious problems to Taiwan’s environment protection, as well as loss have or damage to public and private property and human lives. Such problems usually cause the short supply of sand and gravel, and consequently result in the delay of the infrastructure projects. In order to settle the above difficulties, the government has promulgated “Sand and Gravel Supply and Exploration Program”. Such a program includes diversification of the sources of suppliers, and ocean and inland transportation projects.
In view of the huge demand of sand and gravel in northern Taiwan areas, and the short supply, environment protection problems, it becomes necessary to consider the solution concerning how to obtain sufficient supplies from overseas, including Mainland China areas. As a result of this, it needs to consider the smooth operation and the efficiency of supply chain, including sea-going ships, sand and gravel trucks, wharf location, and port operation. This thesis discusses the above problems and possible solutions by virtue of interviews, literature review, and problem shooting. It explores the contents of relevant laws and regulations, contract of carriage, management of truck and inland transportation, etc. This thesis uses certain criteria to choose the best location of sand and gravel distribution center and provide some suggestions on the future development of sand and gravel supply chain in northern Taiwan areas.
謝 辭 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
目 錄 iv
表 目 錄 vi
圖 目 錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.4 研究方法及流程 2
1.5 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 供應鏈 5
2.2 供應鏈管理 8
2.3 砂石船貨運相關研究 12
2.3.1 砂石供需及運送模式相關文獻 12
2.3.2 砂石車管理相關文獻 14
第三章 台灣北部地區砂石船貨運產業分析 19
3.1 北部地區砂石供需現況 19
3.2 北部地區砂石船貨運供應鏈 21
3.2.1 砂石產業價值鏈 21
3.2.2 東砂北運供應鏈 23
3.2.3 進口砂石供應鏈 27
3.3 北部地區砂石船運送特性 30
3.4 北部地區砂石船貨運供應鏈現況 33
3.4.1 砂石船貨運運量與起、到運現況 33
3.4.2 北部地區各港口砂石裝卸設施 36
3.4.3 碼頭運輸裝卸方式 38
3.4.4 海公路聯運時間 40
3.4.5 海公路聯運成本 41
第四章 供應鏈管理問題分析 43
4.1 船舶營運問題分析 43
4.1.1 砂石之海上運送契約之研究 43
4.1.2 砂石船管理問題分析 60
4.2 車隊經營問題 67
4.2.1 內陸運送契約內容分析 67
4.2.2 砂石車管理問題分析 73
4.3 砂石專區區位選擇 76
4.3.1 砂石專區功能 76
4.3.2 預拌混凝土業產業特性 76
4.3.3 砂石專區區位評選準則 77
4.3.4 砂石專區區位評選 82
4.4 污染防治問題 85
4.4.1 污染防治概念建立 85
4.4.2 環境管理的發展 86
4.4.3 砂石業污染防治技術 88
4.4.4 北部地區港口之砂石污染防治措施 96
第五章 結論與建議 105
5.1 結論 105
5.2 建議 107
參考文獻 110
附錄一 115
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