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研究生(外文):Che-Ren Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Optimization design of noise reduction in pipeline systems
指導教授(外文):Der-Yuan LiouShin-Chuan Gu
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:269
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The pipeline ventilating system is common in the factory, office building and household, among them the air blower is the noise source and the noise can propagate along the pipeline into the inner room or radiate from the tube surface. This paper tries to design the acoustic parameters of pipeline system by using Taguchi method, grey relational analysis and artificial neural network. We first sort information of silencers in the market and make a database, next establish firmly the influential parameters(factors) of the silenced pipeline system, and give these parameters reasonable levels, finally we can get the best group to match the results by using the orthogonal table of the Taguchi method and analysis of variance(ANOVA).
This paper sorts the pipeline ventilating system into a single qualitative characteristic problem and multiple qualitative characteristics problem in dealing with the silenced ventilation system. The orthogonal table of the Taguchi method deals with the single qualitative characteristics. We use the grey relational analysis to simplify the multiple qualitative characteristics problem to single qualitative characteristics problem. The test results showed that the silencer is the best influence factor for noise attenuation in ventilation systems, next are the length of pipe and bulged tube length, the elbow pipe diameter is the least.
Because the orthogonal table of the Taguchi method is the partial factor experiment, in order to confirm the result of the best group, this paper uses the artificial neural network to establish the ventilation system forecast model, and we found that the obtained results both are to closely meet, therefore the results in this paper show that the Taguchi method process the ventilation system is feasible based on the grey relation in grey theory. Also prove that we can use the fewer time to obtain many related ventilation system silencers information and the best parameters design.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究方法及步驟 3
1.4 本文架構 4
第二章 田口式實驗設計法 5
2.1 背景及原理 5
2.2 田口實驗設計法的特點 10
2.3 品質損失函數 10
2.4 田口式實驗設計法的步驟 14
2.5 變異數分析 14
2.5.1 變異數分析的目的 15
2.5.2 不偏變異數理論介紹 17
2.5.3 變異數分析的步驟 19
2.6 田口式實驗設計法之程式建置 21
2.7 田口式實驗設計法及變異數分析小結 22
第三章 類神經網路設計 23
3.1 類神經網路由來 23
3.2 類神經網路原理簡介 23
3.2.1 類神經網路優缺點之通性 31
3.3 倒傳遞網路( Back - Propagation Network ) 32
3.3.1 倒傳遞網路演算法 33
3.3.2 倒傳遞類神經網路之參數 40
3.3.3 網路學習訓練品質的控制 41
3.4 類神經網路設計案例 42
第四章 灰關聯於多品質特性實驗設計 46
4.1 多品質特性之實驗設計 46
4.2 灰色理論 47
4.2.1 灰色系統 47
4.2.2 建立序列之可比性 48
4.2.3 四大公理 50
4.2.4 灰色關聯度 51
4.3 多品質特性之實驗設計最佳化之演算步驟 53
第五章 消音元件消音特性建置與參數分析 57
5.1 聲壓位準 57
5.2 受音端聲場之影響 60
5.3 管道底部反射音 62
5.4 直風管路的聲音損失 62
5.5 肘彎傳遞損失 63
5.6 分歧管及管徑變化聲音損失 65
5.7 膨脹壓縮管 66
5.8 再生噪音 67
5.9 消音箱參數分析 68
第六章 通風消音系統設計 69
6.1 通風消音系統問題敘述 69
6.2 管道消音系統設計之程式建購 70
6.2.1 消音系統元件設計 71
6.2.2 灰色關聯度於田口式實驗設計 76
6.3 田口實驗設計法於消音系統之參數設計 77
6.3.1管道單品質設計流程 78 消音量為設計品質特性 80 以成本價格為品質特性 82 以長度為品質特性 85
6.3.2 管道多品質特性設計流程 89
6.4 應用類神經網路於通風消音管路系統設計 94
6.5 通風消音管路系統設計分析小結 104
6.6 消音箱參數分析 105
6.6.1 消音箱設計流程 114
第七章 結論 117
參考文獻 120
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