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研究生(外文):Hui-Chih Shiu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the gearbox and rubber components of bogie by Finite Element Method
指導教授(外文):Rong-Juin Shiu
外文關鍵詞:GearboxFinite element analysisModal analysis
  • 被引用被引用:3
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The research is to discuss the chap problem and the vibration reduction problem of the rubber bush elements of its bogie. Because of the chronically
chap problem, we explore the problem through comparing the experiments with the simulations. This vibrating problem is common in Tze Chiang class, the vibrating source has to be located and make improvement on it. The stiffness of the rubber elements is tested to enhance the stiffness and to avoid resonance,and then reduce vibration . Since the chap problem of the gear box occurred chronically, the gear box
was analyzed with finite element software, and tests were carried out to determine the natural frequency and mode shape of the structure and check with FEM prediction. Then the frequency response function of the gear box was both determined both experimentally and analytically, then the amplitude of the forces under chronic impact can be obtained approximately through their ratios As for car body vibration, this research measured the vibration amplitude
and tried to locate the vibrating source. It is revealed that vibration is caused by the rubber bushing, Therefore the stiffness of the rubber bush is tested by experiments and improvement was made and the resonance frequency was be
After a series of experiments, it reveals that canceling the electromagnetic brake can reduce the shearing strain that the gear box sustains to the least and reduce the chap problem. Comparing the improved bushing with the original one, and it shows that if the train is installed with center pin hole and traction bar rubber bush, the vibrating problem is significantly improved.
Keyword : Gearbox, Finite element analysis, Modal analysis, Frequency response analysis, Rubber bushing, Static stiffness
目 錄
第一章序 序論
1.1 研究動機與目的
1.2 研究方法與流程
1.3 文獻回顧
1.4 軟體簡介
1.5 論文架構
第二章 應用軟體與理論簡介
2.1 模態分析法
2.1.1 模態分析之理論
2.2 頻率響應分析之理論
2.3 應變規轉換計算理論
2.4 橡膠之彈性理論
第三章 齒輪箱模態分析與實驗
3.1 模態分析實驗
3.1.1 齒輪箱模態量測實驗
3.1.2 實驗儀器與實驗說明
3.1.3 實驗結果
3.2 齒輪箱FEM 分析
3.2.1 齒輪箱有限元素模型之建立
3.2.2 齒輪箱模態分析
3.3 模態分析與實驗比對
第四章 齒輪箱與馬達連接FEM 模擬分析與實驗
4.1 實驗儀器簡介
4.2 應變規安裝
4.2.1 應變規介紹
4.2.2 應變規之黏貼位置
4.3 應變規黏貼後之空轉測試
4.3.1 空轉測試方法及實驗
4.4 正線測試
4.4.1 應變規的分佈點
4.4.2 正線測試實驗
4.5 齒輪箱與馬達連接FEM 分析
4.5.1 齒輪箱與馬達連接有限元素模型之建立
4.5.2 齒輪箱與馬達連接之模態分析
4.6 齒輪箱與馬達之頻率響應分析
4.6.1 齒輪箱龜裂處之頻率響應分析
4.6.2 馬達上吊耳之頻率響應分析
4.6.3 馬達下吊耳之頻率響應分析
4.7 齒輪箱之衝擊力評估
4.8 結果討論第五章 橡膠襯套FEM 模擬分析與實驗85
5.1 改善前實驗目的與流程說明
5.1.1 改善前正線測試
5.1.2 改善前車廂撞擊測試
5.2 轉向架FEM 分析
5.2.1 自強號車廂車體結構
5.2.2 轉向架有限元素分析
5.2.3 振源套討
5.2.4 提出改善方案
5.3 牽引桿橡膠襯套實驗
5.3.1 實驗目的及流程說明
5.3.2 靜剛度測試
5.3.3 動剛度測試
5.3.4 扭轉測試
5.3.5 偏角測試
5.3.6 破壞測試
5.3.7 疲勞測試
5.4 牽引桿橡膠襯套之有限元素分析
5.5 中心銷橡膠襯套實驗
5.5.1 靜岡度測試
5.5.2 動剛度測試
5.5.3 破壞測試
5.5.4 疲勞測試
5.6 中心銷橡膠襯套之FEM 分析
5.7 改善後實驗說明
5.7.1 改善後正線測試
5.7.2 改善後車廂撞擊測試
5.8 小結
第六章 結論與未來研究方向
6.1 結論
6.1.1 齒輪箱部份
6.1.2 橡膠襯套部分
6.2 未來研究方向
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