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研究生(外文):Che-Sheng Tsao
論文名稱(外文):Thermal Control and Fluid Resistance Measurement on Microfluid Chips
指導教授(外文):Pei-Tai Chen
外文關鍵詞:fluidic capacitancefluidic resistancelab-on-a-chipsoft lithographyPDMS(polydimethylsiloxane)Sephacryl S-100 HRIR thermometry
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在本研究中,我們使用壓力感測器量測液體注入微流體晶片中所產生的壓力變化,在此種實驗架構中,部分的流體會進入壓力感測器的連接管路內而壓縮空氣,造成流容(fluidic capacitance)效應。這種流容所產生的暫態響應會使得壓力到達平衡的上升時間增加,我們推導此種流阻(fluidic resistance)與流容並聯架構中壓縮體積的解析解,由解得的壓縮體積可推得壓力差以及估計壓力差到達平衡的上升時間。這種方法應用於量測與流阻有關的壓力變化之時間響應,包括流體流過微流道中的薄膜及粉末所產生的阻力。而晶片的製作主要是透過軟微影(soft lithography)製程技術,先製作流道母模,再使用PDMS澆鑄翻模製作出微流道。
在壓力的量測上,由平衡後量得的壓力差與設定的流率可推算出微流體晶片中的流阻,晶片中大部分的流阻由尼龍薄膜所造成,而當微流道內充滿Sephacryl S-100 HR粉末時,大部分的流阻由Sephacryl S-100 HR所造成。對於較大的流率,上升時間會降低;對於較大的流阻,上升時間會增加,實驗的結果與數值預估有相當高的一致性。
本研究的第二部分探討晶片上的加熱反應器其溫度變化之時間反應以及晶片上溫度分佈之相互關係,溫度在晶片上的動態反應行為是由熱在晶片上的熱傳導、熱由晶片以熱對流散至空氣中,以及熱儲存在晶片等三個因素所描述。本文首先由熱傳導微分方程式出發,得到溫度對時間變化的時間常數、在晶片上溫度衰減的距離之特徵長度,以及熱對流係數、熱傳導係數、晶片厚度等參數在晶片熱反應的關係式。本文並以玻璃片為基材,在其上製作50µm與100µm的加熱器及溫度感應的電阻,建立溫度控制迴路,量測晶片的溫度動態反應時間常數,以及使用紅外線檢溫法 (IR thermometry)量測溫度在晶片上的分佈情形及特徵距離,最後再與數值模擬做比較。
In this thesis, we used a pressure sensor to measure the pressure during the liquid flowing into the microfluidic chip through the syringe pump. In this configuration, parts of the liquid flowed into a tube connected with the pressure sensor, consequently, compressing the air in this tube. The fluidic capacitance effect was generated in this tube. The transient response induced by the fluidic capacitance increased the rising time of the pressure. We derived the analytical solution of the compressed volume, the pressure related to the compressed volume and the rising time. This method was applied to measure the fluidic response and it’s pressure, associated fluidic resistance, including fluid flowing through membrane and powders in microchannels. These microfluidic chips were manufactured by soft lithography technology to make master mold. The chips were then cast from mold. On the measurement, the fluidic resistance could be compute by the steady-state response of the pressure measured and pumping rate of the syringe pump adjusted. We found that the huge resistance on this microfluidic chip was from the nylon membrane, however, the maximum resistance was from the Sephacryl S-100 HR powders filled up the microchannel. We concluded that the rising time was low when we used the high pumping rate, and the rising time was high when the fluidic resistance was high.
Another work regarding thermal analysis on glass chips, we discussed the relationship between the time response and the distribution of the temperature generated by heaters on chips. Heat flowing on the chip could be described by the thermal conduction, the thermal convection, and the heat capacity. First, we considered the heat equation and obtained a solution related to the time constant of the temporal temperature variations and the characteristic length of the temperature decayed on the chips. We fabricated some resistances for heaters and sensors on the glass substrates and constructed a control loop. We measured the time constant of the thermodynamics on the chip, then measured the distribution and the characteristic length through the IR thermometry. Finally, the experiment results were compared with numerical models.
第一章 緒論.........................................1
第二章 理論基礎....................................16
2-2-3晶片上的熱傳導第三章 晶片設計與製程規劃.......33
第四章 實驗結果....................................49
4-1-2流道注入DI water的壓力量測....................52
4-2-5 PI參數調整對溫度上升之影響...................78
第五章 結論與未來展望..............................94
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