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研究生(外文):Zhao-Wei Wu
論文名稱(外文):A study of ZnO Metal-Semiconducotor -Metal Photodetectors with transparent electrodes
指導教授(外文):Chun-Chen Chan
外文關鍵詞:ZnOtransparent electrodesultraviolet detectorRF Sputtering methodMetal-Semiconducotor-Metal Photodetectors
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In this thesis, I used RF sputtering method to deposit the ZnO thin films, and annealed in different temperature. The ZnO thin films were analyzed by XRD, SEM, EDS, PL measurements. I used the ZnO thin films to be the MSM photodetector.
The ZnO thin films were used to be the MSM photodetector, and deposited the ITO, In2O3, IZO, and SnO2 as the electrodes to compare. I used RF sputtering method to deposit the In2O3, IZO, and SnO2 thin films. And I annealed the thin films in different condition to improve the transmittance and resistivities. Then I measured the photoelectric characteristic of ZnO MSM photodetector. Base on these results of photoelectric measurements, it is proposed that the optical device is suitable for short-wavelength UV photodetector.
In this thesis, I used sputtering method to deposit the ZnO thin films on silicon substrate. It is useful to develop low cost short wavelength UV photodetectors and has a great potential for the application of the short wavelength OEIC.
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………1
1-1 Overview………………………….………………………1
1-2 Outline………………………………………...……..2

Chapter 2 Quality Analyses of the ZnO thin film…………........4
2-1 Introduction………………………………………..……...4
2-2 Deposited ZnO thin film…………………………….……5
2-3 Results and Discussion……………….…………………..6
2-3-1 Crystal structure analyses………………….……….6
2-3-2 Surface micro structure & EDS analyse…….……...7
2-3-3 Photo-Luminescence analyses………………….…....8
2-4 Conclusion………………………………………..…..9

Chapter 3 Quality Analyses of the In2O3、IZO and SnO2 thin
3-1 Introduction……………………………………………...11
3-2 Experiment………………………………………………12
3-3 Results and Discussion………………………………….13
3-3-1 Crystal structure analyses…………………………14
3-3-2 Surface micro structure………..................…15
3-3-3 Optical transmittance measurement………………16
3-3-4 Electrical measurement…………………………...17
3-4 Conclusions………………………………………...……19

Chapter 4 Theory and Fabrication of ZnO/Si MSMPD…..….22
4-1 Introduction.………………………………………..22
4-2 Theoretical Analysis………………………………….22
4-2-1 Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Junction…………….22
4-2-2 PhotoCurrent Mechanisms………………………..23
4-2-3 PhotoCurrent Responsivity……………….…...….25
4-2-4 Quantum Efficiency………………………………25
4-2-5 Response Speed…………………………………...26
4-2-6 Dark Current…………………………………...…28
4-3 Experiment………………………………………………29
4-4 Results and Discussion……………………………….30
4-5 Conclusion…………………………………………...….31

Chapter 5 Conclusions……………………………………………...33
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