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研究生(外文):CHIH-YUN KE
論文名稱(外文):A Study Of (Pb,Ca)TiO3 Pyroelectric Thin Film Infrared Array Thermal Image System
指導教授(外文):Chung-Cheng Chang
外文關鍵詞:specific detectivityPb0.7Ca0.3TiO3remanent polarizationcoercive electric fieldpyroelectric coefficientvoltage response
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本實驗以射頻磁控濺鍍法沈積呈焦電中性之鈣鈦酸鉛( Pb0.3Ca0.7TiO3, PCT )薄膜於矽基板上,同時製作積體化之焦電式薄膜紅外線影像感測元件。並且以兩種不同結構,來製作積體化之焦電式薄膜紅外線影像感測元件並且比較相關特性量測結果。利用蝕刻技術提昇元件響應特性,且並依此技術製作焦電式紅外線陣列感測器,並以此元件進行熱影像之量測與分析。
在鈣鈦酸鉛薄膜方面,經由焦電係數、最大偵測率及XRD繞射等實驗得知,鈣鈦酸鉛薄膜為鈣鈦礦的結構及退火溫度在650度15分鐘時,特性較佳。特性測量方面,其一對一電極式結構殘餘極化量為2.67 C/m2和矯頑電場為3.75×106 V/m2。而交錯電極式結構殘餘極化量為5.34 C/m2和矯頑電場為1.5×106 V/m2。焦電係數在200℃各為9.26×10-4 C/m2K及18.99×10-4 C/m2K。因結構上的相異,測得出交錯電極式結構焦電係數較高,且在相同感測面積範圍內,元件擴充數量交錯電極式也來得佳。
在元件特性方面,在單一感測器,於6.4Hz頻率可得最大感測元件電壓感度,一對一電極式結構為383V/W,交錯電極式結構622V/W。元件最大特定偵測率各為1.278 105 cmHz1/2W-1及2.149 105 cmHz1/2W-1。
利用以上的結果,我們製作完成二維16 × 16 的焦電式紅外線影像感測元件,同時探討兩種不同結構感測器所形成之陣列其熱影像感測優缺點並比較分析之。
The experiment deposits the Pb0.3Ca0.7TiO3, PCT film which is burnt electronic neutrality to the silicon base plate based on the Radio-Frequency Sputtering System, at the same time, produces burnt electronic film infrared image sense modules. And produces burnt electronic film infrared image sense modules based on two different structures and compares the measure result of relative speciality. Use etch technology to improve the response speciality of the modules, and produce burnt electronic infrared array sensor depending on this technology, then measure and analyze the heated image of the module.
At the aspect of PCT, according to the experiments of the burnt electronic coefficient, maximize sense ratio and XRD diffract, it is known that speciality is better when PCT film is perovskite structure and the anneal temperature is 650℃ and time is 15 minutes. At the aspect of speciality measure, the staggered electrode structure resist polarize mete is 2.67 C/m2 and the coercive electric field is 3.75×106 V/m2. its one-to-one electrode structure resist polarize mete is 5.34 C/m2 and the coercive electric field is 1.5×106 V/m2. Burnt coefficient at the temperature of 200℃ each is 9.26×10-4 C/m2K and 18.99×10-4 C/m2K. Because of the difference of structures, the burnt coefficient of staggered electrode structure is higher, and at the same scope of sense area, the expansion of staggered electrode module number will be better.
At the aspect of module speciality, the single sensor can obtain maximized sense module voltage sensitivity at the frequency of 6.4 Hz, the one-to-one electrode structure is 383 V/W and the staggered electrode structure is 622 V/W. Each maximized specific detectivity is 1.278 105 cmHz1/2W-1 and 2.149 105 cmHz1/2W-1.
According to the above results, we produced the module of burnt electronic infrared image sense which is two dimensions 16 × 16, at the same time, we discussed, compared and analyzed the merits and faults of array heated images sense which are generated by two sensors of different structures.
Chapter 1 preface…………………………………..…………………..1
Chapter 2 Fundamental Principle of the Pyroelectric Infrared Image Sensor………………………………………………………5
2-1 Systematic introduction on the material of infrared sensor..…5
2-2 Ferroelectric materials………………………………..……….5
2-3 Calcium titanium structure……………………………..……..7
2-4 Pyroelectric Material…………………………………..……...7
2-5 Pyroelectric Phenmena………………………………..………8
2-6 Brief Introduction of Calcium-Modified Lead Titanate, PCT.10
2-7 The coefficient of PCT infrared sense and inspective components system…………………………………………...12
2-7.1 Voltage responsivity and Current responsivity……..…...12
2-7.2 Noises………………………………………………..…..14
2-7.3 Noise equivalent power (NEP) and Specific detectivity (D*)……………………………………………………….16
2-7.4 Merit of Figures………………………..………………...17
Chapter 3 The produce method of film and the steps of producing component………………………………..………………...18
3-1 The steps of producing film………………………………….18
3-1.1 Anneal process………………………………………..…18
3-2 The produce process of infrared burnt electronic film sensor..19
3-2.1 The produce flow of component………………..……….19
3-2.2 Produce floating structure………………………..……...20

Chapter 4 The specialty analysis of material component....................22
4-1 The analysis of film surface’s micro-structure……………..….22
4-2 The analysis of film’s crystallized direction………………..….23
4-3 The analysis of film’s depth………………………………...….24
4-4 Measure result of electric property………………………….....24
4-4.1 The analysis of PCT film’s dielectric constant and dielectric loss……..…………………………………………….…....24
4-4.2 The speciality analysis of P- E curve at 0.3KHz………….25
4-4.3 The measure of burnt electronic coefficient…………...….26
4-4.4 The analysis of PCT film sense component’s merit figure…………………………………………………...…27
4-5 The speciality measurement of pyroelectric thin film sensor.....28
4-5.1 Voltage response………………………………………..…28
4-5.2 The relation between noise voltage and frequency……..…28
4-5.3 Equivalent noise power…………………………………....29
4-5.4 Sense ratio………………………………………………....29
4-5.5 Naturalized sense ratio………………………………….....29
Chapter 5 Application of fabricated pyroelectric infrared ray sensor…………………………………………………...….31
5-1 Introduction…………………………………………………….31
5-2 Experiment process…………………………………………….31
5-2.1 One-to-one electrode structure………………………….....32
5-2.2 Stagger electrode structure……………………………..….33
5-3 Result and discussion…………………………………………..33
Chapter 6 Conclusion……………………………………………………..35
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