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研究生(外文):Meng-Han Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A study on the system of scientific observer programs for international fishery managment:with discussion on Taiwan's countermeasures
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-Jung Lu
外文關鍵詞:scientific fishery observer programregional fishery management organizationTuna fishery
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我國之遠洋鮪釣船數眾多,作業海域遍佈三大洋,觀察員計畫之推行必須滿足不同鮪魚管理組織的規範,在制度面、財務面與操作面均面臨考驗。本研究指出目前國內實施之觀察員制度的隱憂包括:(1)觀察員人數擴張迅速,現行體系管理不易;(2)觀察員調度與薪給制度問題;(3)觀察員流動率過高;(4)替代役觀察員僅執行岸上勤務; (5)法律無明確規範觀察員身份;(6)觀察員計畫經費來源的合理性問題等。經分析國際間之發展與檢討國內外之狀況,提出之對策包括:(1)於「水產資源保育管理辦法」中明定觀察員身份與權責;(2)積極加入各組織,並遵守相關規定及措施;(3)規範觀察員之工作項目、優先順序及待遇標準;(4)提高或成立單獨觀察員管理機構,專門負責觀察員相關事項;(5)觀察員儲備方式多元化,並訂定不同層級之觀察員;(6)以政府負擔機構維持成本,業者負擔營運成本為原則,合理規劃觀察員計畫經費等。
Sustainable utilization of fishery resources has become the main purpose of international fishery development nowadays. To reach the purpose, monitor, control and surveillance (MCS) are necessary implements and fishery observer program (FOP) is one of the most important practical tools that can help carry out MCS. In this study, we analyze conceptual and legal development of international FOP in progress; compare present status and future development among regional FOP in major tuna fishery management organizations as well as the system design and implementation situation of national FOP between the United States and Japan; and finally examine domestic regulations of our country, then put forward countermeasure and suggestion.
After 'the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea' adopted in 1982, there has been growing awareness of international conservation and management of fishery resources. In 1995, the 'Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Sock and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks' and the 'Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishery' requested regional fishery management organizations to coordinate regional FOP plan. The international FOP system has been developed from being implemented by coastal state individually into setting up a regional standard by fishery management organization then requires related countries to fulfill the 'agreement' or 'code'. In the past, distant-water fishing nations were placed observers by coastal states voluntarily, however in present, the nations should manage national FOP mandatorily to reach region standard. The 'Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna' and ' Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission' have adopted and implemented standards of FOP. The standards themselves and their execution effect among the member states will influence the FOP requirements of other organizations.
As Taiwan has tremendous amount of tuna fishing boats operating in the three Oceans, the implementation of FOP must meet the requirement from different organizations and overcome the problems raised in institutional, financial and operational levels. In the study, we point out some issues that particularly concerned from present implemented system by the government as follows: (1) rapid expansion of observer's number cause difficulty in current management system; (2) problems in observer deployment and wage system; (3)high flowing rate of observer employment; (4)observers recruited by compulsory civil service system not allowed to carry out on-board duty; (5) observer's identity not clearly defined in Fisheries Act; (6) reasonable budget sources supporting FOP, and etc. According to the trend of international development and the problems faced in domestic and abroad implementation, the countermeasures recommended to put forward include: (1) to grant observer's identity, power and responsibility in the 'Regulations for Conserving and Managing Aquatic Resources'; (2) to actively join interested organizations and comply with relevant regulation and measure; (3) to standardize the observer's duty, working priority and wage standard; (4) to promote level of FOP management organization or establish independent one to specifically responsible for program implementation; (5) to set up a multi-source observer man power supply system, and stipulate observer promotion system; (6) to reasonably allocate FOP budget with principle of organization maintaining cost by government and operating cost from industry; and etc..
謝 辭
第一章 緒論 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 2
三、研究範圍與方法 2
四、研究架構 3
第二章 國際觀察員制度演進與相關規定發展 4
第一節 漁業觀察員的意義與功能 5
第二節 國際法律文件與觀察員制度演進 10
第三節 我國觀察員相關規定之發展 18
第四節 小結 25
第三章 主要鮪類漁業組織觀察員制度分析 26
第一節 主要鮪類漁業組織 26
第二節 鮪類漁業組織觀察員制度分析 37
第三節 南方黑鮪保育委員會科學觀察員計畫標準之分析 45
第四節 小結 51
第四章 外國觀察員制度之分析 52
第一節 美國觀察員制度與執行情形 52
第二節 日本觀察員制度與執行情形 61
第三節 小結.. 67
第五章 聯合國發展觀察員計畫考量因素分析 68
第一節 任務與管理體系 68
第二節 法律與財務需求 71
第三節 小結.. 84
第六章 我國觀察員制度現況、問題與對策 86
第一節 我國觀察員制度現況.. 86
第二節 問題與對策.. 103
第三節 小結.. 113
第七章 結論與建議 115
第一節 結論.. 115
第二節 建議.. 118
參考文獻 122
附錄一 中西太平洋高度洄游魚類種群養護與管理公約 128
附錄二 南方黑鮪保育委員會科學觀察員計畫標準 134
附錄三 FAO觀察員之訓練與作業標準範例 147
附錄四 日本觀察員執行CCSBT觀察員計畫的歸國報告書大綱 149
附錄五 中白令海觀察員計畫 152
附錄六 北太平洋公海流網漁業科學觀察計畫 155
附錄七 WCPFC觀察員、船長及船員之權利義務、責任標準規定 161

表 目 錄
表2-1  觀察員被賦予的主要任務、目標及其對目標達成之重要性 7
表2-2 國際文件對漁業資源養護與管理規定要求事項比較 16
表2-3 各年度公佈之鮪延繩釣漁船赴各洋區作業規定中有關觀察 員上船條款規範方式比較 22
表3-1 世界主要鮪魚管理組織基本資料與我國參與方式 28
表3-2  IATTC、CCSBT與WCPFC觀察員計畫比較 38-40
表4-1 美國觀察員計畫實施概況 58-60
表4-2 日本2004年南方黑鮪延繩釣觀察員船數、努力量、目標漁 獲量涵蓋率 64
表4-3 2001到2004年日本執行CCSBT觀察員計畫人事經費比較 66
表5-1 觀察員計畫管理體系優缺點比較 70
表5-2  STCW-F規定漁船船員基本安全訓練課程內容及時數 76
表5-3 觀察員薪給制度優缺點比較 80
表5-4 各國及區域漁業管理組織觀察員計畫費用比較 81
表6-1 2003至2005年期間我國觀察員觀測任務與航海安全訓練時 數 91
表6-2 2002 至2005年期間我國洋區別觀察員人數配置情形 94
表6-3 2004 及2005年各洋區之觀察員涵蓋率推估(航次涵蓋率) 96
表6-4 2004 及2005年各洋區之觀察員涵蓋率推估(目標魚種分別 估算) 97
表6-5 2004 及2005 年我國觀察員採樣任務比較 101
表6-6 日本CCSBT觀察員計畫之生物資料調查優先順位 109
表6-7 澳洲CCSBT觀察員計畫之延繩釣觀察項目優先順序 110
圖 目 錄
圖3-1 IATTC管理海域範圍圖 29
圖3-2 ICCAT管理海域範圍圖 29
圖3-3 CCSBT管理海域範圍圖 31
圖3-4  IOTC管理海域範圍圖 31
圖3-5 WCPFC管理海域範圍圖 33
圖4-1 美國觀察員計畫運作方式 54
圖6-1 我國觀察員現行管理體制 87
圖6-2 我國觀察員計畫運作方式構想圖 106
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