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研究生(外文):Shu-Ju Chang
論文名稱(外文):Reproductive biology and stomach contents analysis of sharpspine skate, Okamejei acutispina off northeast Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shoou-Jeng Joung
外文關鍵詞:Okamejei acutispinareproductive cyclesizes at maturitystomach content
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本研究係針對台灣東北部海域混獲數量較多之耳棘老板鯆(Okamejei acutispina),進行其生殖生物學研究及胃內容物分析。所使用樣本係2004年10月至2005年11月間於宜蘭大溪漁港採得。主要漁獲水域在龜山島、澳底和彭佳嶼附近(24°30´~26°N、121°30´~122°30´E),漁獲水深100~200 m,所得樣本全由拖網所捕獲。其中用於生殖研究者有雄魚339尾,雌魚373尾,其中包括109尾懷孕的個體;胃內容物分析則共有677尾。體盤寬 (DW; cm) 與體重 (TW; g) 之迴歸關係為TW=0.0174DW 3.042(n = 712, P<0.0001)。雌、雄魚之50%性成熟體盤寬分別為26.2 cm及23.7 cm,此外,由卡方檢定得知成熟與未熟個體之性比皆為1:1。本種生殖模式為卵生,左右卵巢皆具功能,即將產出的卵莢平均長度為5.1±0.39 cm,寬度為2.7±0.27 cm。根據GSI之月別變化與卵莢出現月份判斷雌魚終年均可生殖,高峰期在10~3月間。經由組織切片可得知雌雄生殖週期有同步的情形。胃內容物分析結果顯示,有43尾空胃樣本,空胃率為6.5%,主要餌料生物種類為甲殼類,胃內容物中出現甲殼類的樣本占全部樣本數的79.8%,其次依序為魚類、頭足類。

Reproductive biology and stomach content of the sharpspine skate, Okamejei acutispina, in the northeastern Taiwan waters were examined in this study. Specimens were collected at Dasi fish market; in Yilan county from October 2004 through November 2005. All specimens were captured from the adjacent waters of Gueishan Island, Auti and Peng Chia Yu by trawlers at the depth of 100~200m. A total of 339 males and 373 females (including 109 pregnant individuals) were used for reproductive examination and 677 specimens were used for stomach content analysis. The sexes combined DW-TW relationship was described as: TW =0.0174DW 3.042 (n = 712, P<0.0001). Sizes at maturity were estimated to be 26.2 cm and 23.7 cm DW for females and males, respectively. The sex ratio of total specimens was not significantly different from 1:1 based on Chi-square test (P>0.05). Sharpspine skate is oviparous and possess paired functional ovaries. The length of egg case was 5.1±0.39 cm and the width was 2.7± 0.27 cm. According to monthly changes of GSI and the appearance of egg cases, the sharpspine skate produce egg case all the year around, but the peak is from October through March. Histological examination suggested section that the reproductive cycle of male and female are synchronized. Forty-three (6.5%) of 677 stomachs examined were empty, and crustacean was the most important food item (79.8%), followed by fish and cephalopod.

Key word: Okamejei acutispina, reproductive cycle, sizes at maturity, stomach content.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
第一章、前言 1
1-1 分類與型態特徵 1
1-2 漁獲概況 1
1-3 前人研究 2
1-4 研究目的與動機 5
第二章、材料與方法 7
2-1 樣本採集、量測及處理 7
2-2 性成熟判定 8
A. 雌魚 9
B. 雄魚 9
2-3組織切片製作流程 10
2-4 資料分析 11
第三章、結果 14
3-1 全長、體盤寬、體盤長與體重的迴歸關係 14
3-2 生殖研究 15
3-2-1 雌性生殖系統 15
3-2-2 雄性生殖系統 17
3-2-3 卵子發生(Oogenesis) 18
3-2-4 精子發生(Spermatogenesis) 19
3-2-5 雌雄性成熟體盤寬 20
3-2-6 產卵季節 22
3-2-7 產卵數 23
3-2-8 卵莢 23
3-2-9 性比 24
3-3 胃內容物分析 24
3-3-1 攝餌狀態 24
3-3-2 攝餌重與攝餌月別變化 24
3-3-3 體盤寬別與成熟別之攝餌情形 25
第四章、討論 27
4-1 生殖 27
4-2食性 33
参考文獻 37
附表 43
附圖 49
謝辭 86
Table 2-1 Specimens of Okamejei acutispina used in this study 43
Table 2-2 The flow sheet of histological section 44
Table 2-3 Routine hematoxylin and eosin staining procedure 45
Table 3-1 Number of immature and mature specimens examined in this study 46
Table 3-2 Frequency of food item occurred in different disc width 47
Table 3-3 Frequency of food item occurred in different maturity 48

Fig. 1-1 Female of Okamejei acutispina 49
Fig. 2-1 Sampling areas of O. acutispina in this study 50
Fig. 2-2 Diagram showing the measured portions of O. acutispina 51
Fig. 2-3 Female reproductive system of the O. acutispina 52
Fig. 2-4 Male reproductive system of the O. acutispina 53
Fig. 3-1 Relationship between disc width (DW) and total length (TL) for O. acutispina 54
Fig. 3-2 Relationship between disc width (DW) and Disc length (DL) for (A) female and (B) male of O. acutispina 55
Fig. 3-3 Relationship between disc width (DW) and total weight (TW) for O. acutispina 56
Fig. 3-4 Histological section of shell gland 57
Fig. 3-5 Histological section of ovary. Oogonia in the ovarian epithelium 58
Fig. 3-6 Histological section of ovary. Oogonia develop into oocyte 59
Fig. 3-7 Histological section of ovary. Oocyte is covered with 2-3 layers of squamous cells 60
Fig. 3-8 Histological section of ovary. Squamous cells develop into cuboidal epithelium 61
Fig. 3-9 Histological section of ovary. A mature oocyte 62
Fig. 3-10 Histological section of testis. Stage I: primary spermatogonia (SG1) during the reproductive cycle. 63
Fig. 3-11 Histological section of testis. Stage П: primary spermatogonia (SG1) enclosed by a basement membrane (BM) developed into secondary spermatogonia (SG2) and seminiferous epithelium gradually disappear during the reproductive cycle 64
Fig. 3-12 Histological section of testis. Stage Ш: primary spermatocytes (SC1) developed into secondary spermatocytes (SC2) during the reproductive cycle 65
Fig. 3-13 Histological section of testis. Stage ΙV: secondary spermatocytes (SC2) developed into spermatids (ST) during the reproductive cycle 66
Fig. 3-14 Histological section of testis. Stage V: spermatozoa (SPZ) a. gather to from sperm clump and sertoli cells (SE) line the basement membrane clearly; b. sperm gradually slender during the reproductive cycle 67
Fig. 3-15 Histological section of testis. Stage VΙ: mature spermatozoa (SPZ) and sperm clump (SC) associated with Sertoli cells (SE) during the reproductive cycle 68
Fig. 3-16 Relationship between disc width and gonad weight for female O. acutispina 69
Fig. 3-17 Relationship between disc width and uterus width for female O. acutispina 70
Fig. 3-18 Relationship between disc width (DW) and shell gland width for females of O. acutispina 71
Fig. 3-19 Maturity ogive for female O. acutispina 72
Fig. 3-20 Relationship between disc width and gonad weight for male O. acutispina 73
Fig. 3-21 Relationship between disc width and clasper length for male O. acutispina 74
Fig. 3-22 Maturity ogive for male O. acutispina 75
Fig. 3-23 Monthly variation on percentage of pregnant female O. acutispina 76
Fig. 3-24 Monthly variation on percentage of pregnant female O. acutispina that egg cases were in uterus and oviduct 77
Fig. 3-25 Monthly variation of average maximum ovum diameter for female O. acutispina 78
Fig. 3-26 Monthly variation of gonad somatic index (GSI) for O. acutispina 79
Fig. 3-27 Monthly variation of hepatosomatic index (HSI) for O. acutispina 80
Fig. 3-28 Monthly variation of SVI and pregnancy for O. acutispina 81
Fig. 3-29 The egg case of O. acutispina 82
Fig. 3-30 Frequency of food item occurred between the stomach contents of O. acutispina 83
Fig. 3-31 Relationship between weight of stomach contents and disc width for O. acutispina 84
Fig. 3-32 Monthly variation of index stomach fullness for O. acutispina 85

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