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研究生(外文):Hao-Chiun Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the nutrition and heavy metals absorption of Gracilaria coronopifolia and Gelidium amansii at different salinity
指導教授(外文):Sha-Yen Cheng
外文關鍵詞:salinityGracilaria coronopifoliaGelidium amansiiabsorptionnutritionheavy metals
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摘 要
龍鬚菜暴露在鹽度14、24及34 psu以及將石花菜暴露於鹽度34 psu下,探討兩者對水中氨-氮和正磷等營養鹽及銅、鉛、鎘、鋅、鐵及錳等重金屬吸附之影響研究,並做比較。
龍鬚菜在鹽度14、24及34 psu下,水中氨-氮濃度隨著時間的增加而降低,7天後鹽度24 psu下之氨-氮吸收率最高為73.6 %,石花菜在鹽度34 psu下,7天後氨-氮之吸收率為62.3 %,7天後龍鬚菜和石花菜之氨-氮濃度和各鹽度間皆有顯著差異(P<0.05)。龍鬚菜暴露在鹽度14、24及34 psu,水中正磷濃度隨著時間的增加而降低,7天後鹽度14 psu下正磷之吸收率最高為22.8 %,石花菜在鹽度34 psu下,7天後水中正磷之吸收率為6.1 %,7天後龍鬚菜和石花菜之正磷濃度和各鹽度間皆有顯著差異(P<0.05)。龍鬚菜暴露在鹽度14及24 psu下,7天後N:P 比值分別由11.6及28.4下降為7.13及13.5;在鹽度34 psu下,龍鬚菜及石花菜7天後之N:P 比值分別由10.8及23.5增加為17.5及23.6,龍鬚菜各鹽度間之N:P 比值有顯著差異(P<0.05),龍鬚菜和石花菜在鹽度34 psu下,其N:P 比值則無顯著差異(P>0.05)。
龍鬚菜和石花菜水中重金屬濃度7天後均降低,其中龍鬚菜在鹽度14 psu下以鉛、鎘和錳的吸收率分別為88.4 、10.8 和37.8 %最高,在鹽度24 psu下以銅和鐵的吸收率最高分別為68.3 和100 %,在鹽度34 psu下則以鋅的吸收率最高為42.6 %。在鹽度34 psu下龍鬚菜對銅及鐵的吸收率分別為55.8和98.7 %皆高於石花菜,而石花菜對鉛、鎘、鋅及錳的吸收率分別為57.0、12.9、67.3及15.8 %皆高於龍鬚菜,經統計分析結果7天後各重金屬濃度和各鹽度間皆有顯著差異(P<0.05)。
龍鬚菜和石花菜體內重金屬蓄積量隨著天數增加而增加,7天後,銅、鉛、鎘、鋅及錳在鹽度14 psu下龍鬚菜體內蓄積量分別為2.40、1.43、0.27、1.54及0.33 mg/g DW最高,鐵則在鹽度24 psu下龍鬚菜體內蓄積量1.13 mg/g DW最高。7天後,龍鬚菜暴露在鹽度34 psu下,對銅、鉛及鋅蓄積量分別為0.96、0.59及1.04 mg/g DW皆顯著高於石花菜的蓄積量0.73、0.43及0.15 mg/g DW(P<0.05),而石花菜對鎘、鐵及錳的蓄積量分別為0.21、0.70及0.39 mg/g DW皆顯著高於龍鬚菜的蓄積量0.12、0.49及0.16 mg/g DW(P<0.05),經統計分析結果7天後各重金屬蓄積量和各鹽度間皆有顯著差異(P<0.05)。
龍鬚菜和石花菜重金屬濃縮係數皆隨著天數增加而增加,龍鬚菜對重金屬銅、鉛、鋅及鎘之濃縮係數在鹽度14 psu下最高分別為3187、4667、281及31,錳濃縮係數則是在鹽度24 psu下最高為127。在鹽度34 psu下,龍鬚菜各重金屬的濃縮係數皆高於石花菜重金屬的濃縮係數,經統計分析結果7天後各重金屬濃縮係數和各鹽度間皆有顯著差異(P<0.05)。
The aimed of this study was to investigate and compare the different degrees of absorption of nutrition (tatol phosphorus and ammonia-N) and heavy metal (cooper, lead, cadmium, zinc, iron and manganese) for Gracilaria coronopifolia and Gelidium amansii when exposed to different salinities of water.
The ammonia-N concentration in the water G. coronopifolia exposed to decreased as the duration of the exposure increased. This applied to salinities of 14, 24 and 34 psu especially for salinity of 24 psu at which the absorption of ammonia-N for G. coronopifolia reached 73.6 % after 7 days of exposure. In the water with salinity of 34 psu, G. amansii could absorb 62.3 % of ammonia-N after 7 days of exposure. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between salinity and the ammonia-N concentration in G. coronopifolia and G. amansii.
This study showed the similar result on tatol phosphorus absorption. Tatol phosphorus concentration in the water G. coronopifolia exposed to decreased as the duration of the exposure increased. This result applied to salinities of 14, 24 and 34 psu. At salinity of 14 psu, the absorption of tatol phosphorus for G. coronopifolia reached 22.8 % after 7 days of exposure. In the water with salinity of 34 psu, G. amansii could absorb 6.1 % of Tatol phosphorus after 7 days of exposure. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between salinity and the tatol phosphorus concentration in G.a coronopifolia and G. amansii.
When exposed to salinity of 14 and 24 psu, the N:P ratio of G. coronopifolia decreased from 11.6 and 28.4 to 7.13 and 13.5 respectively. The N:P ratio of G. coronopifolia and G. amansii increased from 10.8 and 23.5 to 17.5 and 23.6 respectively at salinity of 34 psu. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between N:P ratio of G. coronopifolia and various degrees of salinity but there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) for N:P ratio of G. coronopifolia and G. amansii at salinity of 34 psu.
After 7 days of exposure, the heavy metal concentration in water G. coronopifolia or G. amansii exported to was reduced. G. coronopifolia absorbed copper and iron up to 55.8 and 98.7 %, which are greater than the absorption of G. amansi when salinity is 34 psu. While G. amansii demonstrated the better absorption than G. coronopifolia as it absorbed 57.0, 12.9, 67.3 and 15.8 % of lead, cadmium, zinc and manganese when salinity is 34 psu. The statistics showed that there is a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the heavy mental concentration and salinity.
There was a positive correlation between the days of exposure and heavy metal accumulation in G. coronopifolia and G. amansii. After 7 days of exposure in the water with salinity of 14 psu, G. coronopifolia accumulated copper, lead, cadmium, zinc and manganese at the highest level of 2.40, 1.43, 0.27, 1.54 and 0.33 mg/g Dry Weight respectively. G. coronopifolia accumulated the highest level of iron at 1.13 mg/g when the salinity is 24 psu.
When exposed to salinity of 34 psu, G. coronopifolia accumulated 0.96 mg/g DW of copper, 0.59 mg/g DW of lead, and 1.04 mg/g DW of zinc, significantly exceeding the accumulation in G. amansii which were 0.73 mg/g DW of copper, 0.43 mg/g DW of lead, and 0.15 mg/g DW of zinc (P<0.05). Exported at the same degree of salinity, G. amansii accumulate 0.96 mg/g of cadmium, 0.59 mg/g of iron, and 1.04 mg/g DW of manganese which exceeded the accumulation in G. coronopifolia as 0.12 mg/g DW of cadmium, 0.49 mg/g DW of iron, and 0.16 mg/g DW of manganese. The statistic data showed that there was a significant difference between heavy metal accumulation and salinity (P<0.05).
There was a positive correlation between the days of exposure and heavy metal concentration factor in G. coronopifolia and G. amansii. Heavy metal concentration factor in G. coronopifolia reached the highest level at salinity of 14 psu as the copper concentration factor was 3187, lead concentration factor was 4667, zinc concentration factor was 281, and cadmium concentration factor was 31. As for manganese accumulation, the highest levels were achieved at salinity of 24 psu as manganese concentration factor was 127.
With the same degree of salinity of 34 psu, all heavy metal concentration factors in G. coronopifolia all exceeded those in G. amansii. The statistic data showed that there was a significant difference between heavy metal concentration factor and salinity (P<0.05).
目 錄
第一章 緒言………………………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻整理…………………………………………………………4
第三章 鹽度變化對龍鬚菜吸收營養鹽之影響
第四章 鹽度變化對龍鬚菜吸收重金屬之影響
第五章 结論……………………………………………………………75
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