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研究生(外文):Hui-Yu Chiu
論文名稱(外文):A study on the fluctuation in catch of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) elvers immigrating into the waters off Kungliau.
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Tien Lee
外文關鍵詞:elverKuroshioLa Niña
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貢寮鄉位於台灣東北部,鄉民以漁業為主要經濟活動,是台北縣的漁業重鎮。貢寮地區漁業以沿近海作業為主,採捕鰻苗一直以來都是鄉民過年前後的副業,但是近年來鰻苗漁獲量減少,影響了漁民採捕的收入。本研究以衛星表水溫圖利用邊緣偵測的方法配合地理資訊系統量測黑潮邊緣到鹽寮灣的最短距離,並收集1995~2006年貢寮海域之鰻苗漁獲量等資料,以探討日本鰻 (Anguilla japonica)鰻苗來游量變動之原因。


Kungliau township, located in the northeastern Taiwan, is the chief fishery town of Taipei county, and fishery is the main economic activity for the local residents. The fishery of Kungliau district relies mainly on the coastal and offshore fisheries. Collection of elvers has been subsidiary activity that local residents engage in during the Chinese New Year season. However, the catch of elvers has been decreasing in recent years and hence impacted on income of the fishermen. We collected the AVHRR sea surface temperature images and fishing data to find out the relationship between Kuroshio fluctuation and the catch of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) elver immigrating by using Sobel edge detection.
The fishing season for the elvers is from November to March of the following year. During the period of December 1995 to March 2006, the peak catch of elvers happened in 2000, and its annual catch fluctuated with the total catch of the whole island. A positive correlation between CPUE and IPUE indicated that the daily income of fisherman increased with CPUE.
The monthly distance from Kuroshio-Edge to the coast in Yen-Liau bay is from 4 to 32 nautical miles. Elver catch and CPUE tend to be higher when the Kuroshio close to Yen-Liau bay. Therefore, the shorter distance contributed to the elvers being transported into Yen-Liau bay.
The oceanic environment data were used to conduct the discriminate analysis. The analysis revealed that the oceanic environment in La Niña period is significantly different from the El Niño and usual periods. The El Niño and usual periods have more similar oceanic environment. The distance from Kuroshio to the coast is shorter in La Niña period, thus the catch of elvers and CPUE increase simultaneonsly. On the contrary, in usual and the El Niño periods the Kuroshio is farther to the Yen-Liau bay when the catch of elvers and CPUE are worse.

Keywords:elver、Kuroshio、La Niña
第一章 前言………………………………………………………………1
第二章 材料與方法
一、 漁獲統計資料………………………………………………....6
二、 水質監測資料………………………………………………....6
三、 衛星資料……………………………………………………....6
四、 黑潮邊緣離岸距離…………………………………………....7
五、 資料分析……………………………………………………....9
第三章 結果
一、 台灣各地區與貢寮海域鰻苗漁獲產量變動之情形……...…11
二、 貢寮海域鰻苗漁業之年別CPUE及IPUE值……………….12
三、 貢寮海域鰻苗漁業月別CPUE之變動……………………...13
四、 貢寮海域鰻苗漁業日漁獲產量之變動……………………...17
五、 黑潮離岸距離與鰻苗漁獲量的關係………………..……….18
六、 貢寮海域在氣候變遷下的環境變化………………………...19
七、 氣候變遷對鰻苗漁獲量之影響……………………………...19
第四章 討論與結論
一、 貢寮海域鰻苗年漁獲量、CPUE值及IPUE值…………….22
二、 貢寮海域鰻苗漁獲量及CPUE值與黑潮變動之關係...........23
三、 氣候變遷對貢寮海域鰻苗漁獲量及CPUE值之影響……...24

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