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研究生(外文):Peng-Kai Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Community Structure of Copepods in I-Lan Bay of Northeastern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Hsin Liao
外文關鍵詞:copepodsMDSANOSIMcommunity structureI-Lan Bay
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摘 要

為探究台灣東北部宜蘭灣海域,橈足類群聚結構之特性,本研究利用海研二號研究船,在本海域進行8航次(CR1186、CR1204、CR1224、CR1250、CR1278、CR1297、CR1306、CR1320)共68個測站之浮游動物採集。採集所得之浮游動物,經種類鑑定之結果發現共有5目28科62屬159種之橈足類。而以多元尺度分析(MDS)的結果發現,68個採樣測站之橈足類種類組成可劃分成外側、中間及內側站三種群聚結構,其中外側站群主要分布於宜蘭灣外側受黑潮水影響之水域中,其橈足類豐度為三個站群中最低者,但歧異度與均勻度均較高;中間站群主要分布於受東海陸棚水及黑潮水影響之龜山島週邊海域附近,其橈足類豐度為三個站群中最高者,而歧異度與均勻度則居次;至於內側站群,主要分布於受東海陸棚水及河川水影響之沿岸水域,其橈足類豐度介於中間與外側站群之間,但歧異度與均勻度均較中間站群來得低。進一步以相似度分析檢定(ANOSIM),來考察此三種群聚中橈足類之季節變化與分布的結果發現,此三站群之季節變化均有明顯之差異性,其中外側站群主要以熱帶大洋種為主,如Oncaea venusta與Undinula vulgaris;中間站群則以Temora turbinata、Canthocalanus pauper及Paracalanus aculeatus等暖水近海種為主,且因中間站群是位於陸棚混合水與黑潮水交衝之水域,因此橈足類之組成具有明顯之季節性差異;至於內側站群則是以Corycaeus (Onchocorycaeus) agilis及C. (Ditrichocorycaeus) dahli等沿岸性種類為主。綜上可知,橈足類之種類組成及其分布結構,會隨著季節水團結構之不同,而有不同的群聚結構特性。


The northwest waters off Taiwan are one of the most productive neritic fishing grounds associated with favorable environment for marine community. Copepods have been generally considered to be the keystone species in marine environment. This study is to investigate the community structure of copepods in this region. Eight cruises (CR1186, CR1204, CR1224, CR1250, CR1278, CR1297, CR1306 and CR1320) and 68 plankton net samplings with CTD observation were conducted from Ocean Researcher No.2 during 2004 to 2005. In total, 159 species of copepods belonging to 62 genera and 28 families were identified in this study. MDS analysis divided the sampling stations into 3 groups: outer, middle, and inner. Outer group had the lowest mean abundance of copepods but the highest Shannon-Weaver species diversity and evenness index. Conversely, the highest mean abundance was found in middle group and the lowest diversity and evenness were found in inner group. The result of ANOSIM analysis showed that the typical species of tropical copepods, such as Oncaea venusta and Undinula vulgaris, were highly abundant in outer group. While, the copepods of Temora turbinata, Canthocalanus pauper, and Paracalanus aculeatus were highly abundant in middle group. Than, the typical coastal copepods, such as Corycaeus(Onchocorycaeus) agilis and C. (Ditrichocorycaeus) dahli were highly abundant in inner group. These results suggest that the distribution, abundance, and species composition of copepods are associated with different water masses in the waters off northeastern Taiwan.

Key words: copepods, MDS, ANOSIM, community structure, I-Lan Bay
目 錄

目 錄 ……………………………………………………… Ⅰ
Table Index ……………………………………………………… Ⅳ
Figure Index ……………………………………………………… Ⅵ
摘 要 .……………………………………………………… Ⅷ
Abstract .……………………………………………………… Ⅹ
一、現場海上實驗……………………………………… 7
1.時間與地點……………………………………… 7
2.水文資料收集…………………………………… 7
3.浮游動物資料採集……………………………… 8
二、資料處理…………………………………………… 8
1.水文資料………………………………………… 8
2.浮游動物分類及定量分析……………………… 9
三、資料分析…………………………………………… 12
1.歧異度指數……………………………………… 12
2.相似度指數……………………………………… 13
3.多變量分析……………………………………… 14
一、宜蘭灣海域之水文分布結構……………………… 17
1.衛星遙測表水溫及水色之分布結構………………… 17
2.現場實測海水溫度及鹽度之垂直分布結構………… 18
3.溫鹽曲線圖…………………………………………… 20
二、浮游動物之種類組成……………………………… 21
三、橈足類之種類組成及其分布結構………………… 22
1.橈足類組成結構與豐度………………………… 22
2.多樣性指數之變動……………………………… 24
四、橈足類種類組成之群聚分析……………………… 26
1.季節之群聚分析………………………………… 26
2.地點之群聚分析………………………………… 28
一、橈足類時空分布與水團結構之關係……………… 30
1.外測站群之群聚變動……………………………… 30
2.中間站群之群聚變動……………………………… 33
3.內側站群之群聚變動……………………………… 35
二、水團間橈足類之豐度、歧異度及均勻度…………… 37
三、季節與站群間優勢種之關係………………………… 38
四、宜蘭灣海域橈足類種類組成與週邊海域之比較…… 40
五、未來研究課題………………………………………… 43
謝辭 ………………………………………………………… 45
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………….. 46
Table ………………………………………………………….. 57
Figure ………………………………………………………….. 77
Appendix I .…………………………………………………………. 107

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