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研究生(外文):Chi-Ting Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Technical Efficiency Analysis of Taiwan Tilapia Farms -- An Application of the Stochastic Frontier Production Function
指導教授(外文):Fu-Sung Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan TilapiaStochastic Frontier Production FunctionTechnical Efficiency
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本研究應用Battese and Coelli (1995)所提出之隨機性生產邊界函數與技術無效率模型來衡量台灣鯛養殖之生產技術效率,為避免實證結果偏誤,本研究將針對67家單養養殖戶進行實證結果分析,就所估計出之生產效率結果,做為改善養殖戶生產效率之依據。實證分析結果顯示以概似比檢定得知以Translog隨機性邊界生產函數模型配適度較佳,規模報酬為0.52,呈現規模報酬遞減。技術效率值在0.7以上之養殖戶有64.18%,且發現人為技術無效率誤差佔總誤差比例為80%,表示台灣鯛養殖樣本戶之間技術無效率差異有80%係來自於人為技術效率誤差所導致;其中地區別、養殖規模、養殖經驗與教育程度皆顯著地影響技術效率。
Tilapia has been one of the major aquaculture products and important exported fishery products in Taiwan. Tilapia ranks as the top quality among the aquaculture products in Taiwan. Taiwan tilapia is the only fishery product among the four major exported products selected by the Council of Agriculture, Taiwan in 2004. Taiwan tilapia is primarily exported to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Korea, and Canada. But since 2000, exports of tilapia from China to the United States have surpassed Taiwan and become America’s leading supplier of tilapia; consequently, the dominant position of Taiwan tilapia in the U.S. has been challenged. In addition, Taiwan tilapia's international market has been challenged and impacted by the low-cost production in Southeast Asian countries. The purpose of this study is to examine how to identify the factors that influence the competitiveness of Taiwan tilapia and ways to utilize essential resources more efficiently with existing aquaculture techniques in the current industry predicament.
The 2004 fisheries statistic yearbook showed that Yunlin-Chiayi -Tainan area produced 76,200 tons and accounted for 85.23% of the total tilapia production in Taiwan. With the help of Taiwan Tilapia Alliance, the daily accounting data of 80 tilapia aquafarms in Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan area for the period between January and December of 2004 were made available to this study. The daily work logs provides a more detail and accurate information of farming activity in a year than the annual economic surveys which may underestimate the total expense. Moreover, these 80 aquafarms offer more detailed data, allowing instant verification of missing or contradictory entries.
This study applies stochastic frontier production function and technical inefficiency modeling of Battese and Coelli (1995) on measuring production efficiency on monoculture tilapia farms in Taiwan. How to improve production efficiency of aquatic farmers will be in accordance with the estimated result of production efficiency. The result shows that goodness of fit of Translog stochastic frontier production function modelling is high, with returns to scale of 0.52, a decreasing return to scale, based on the likelihood ratio test. There are 64.18% aquatic farmers shows their technical efficiency value is above 0.70 and the ratio of the variance of the technical inefficiency with respect to the total variance is 80%, indicating that 80% of the technical inefficiency of the tilapia aquatic farmers could be explained by the inefficiency factors, such as region, cultivation scale, farming experience, and level of education.
The finding of decreasing returns to scale in the current tilapia farming in Taiwan indicates there are over-investment phenomenon in farming process and output cannot be increased with more investments; therefore, aquatic farmers should focus on avoid technical inefficiency. Results show that aquatic farmers who have more cultivation experience and higher level of education also show higher efficiency, attending more aquaculture technique seminars had no significant influence on technical efficiency in the Taiwan tilapia industry. Maybe only those farmers who have experience and education will benefit from seminars. In order to learn new techniques, to acquire new expertise, to improve the efficiency of aquafarms, and to increase the competitiveness of the tilapia industry, this study suggests that the fishery authority could support Taiwan Tilapia Alliance to holding aquaculture economic diagnosis seminars to utilize the result from this study to advise aquatic farmers how to increase production efficiency by to avoid over investment and to avoid inefficiency caused by deficiency of cultivation experience and lake of years in education. In addition, the aquafarms shows the highest efficiency could as the serve model for the other aquafarms with lower efficiency to improve competitiveness of the Taiwan tilapia industry.
第壹章 緒論...............................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的.....................................1
第二節 研究方法與步驟.....................................4
第三節 論文架構與研究流程.................................6
第貳章 台灣鯛產業之概況...................................9
第一節 台灣鯛生產概況.....................................9
第二節 台灣鯛銷售概況....................................13
第三節 台灣鯛產業競爭力..................................19
第參章 相關文獻回顧......................................21
第一節 理論方法..........................................21
第二節 農漁業經濟與效率衡量相關文獻回顧..................26
第肆章 資料說明與模型設定................................33
第一節 資料來源與處理說明................................33
第二節 隨機性生產邊界理論基礎............................40
第三節 隨機性邊界生產函數模型之設定......................44
第伍章 實證分析與結果....................................51
第一節 隨機性邊界生產函數估計結果........................51
第二節 技術無效率因子分析結果............................57
第三節 養殖場之技術效率分析..............................61
第四節 生產技術效率分析相關研究比較......................67
第陸章 結論與建議........................................69
第一節 結論..............................................69
第二節 建議..............................................70
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向............................72
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