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研究生(外文):Jheng, Jian-Gu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of varying parameters on water gas shift reaction
指導教授(外文):Chen, Wei-Hsin
外文關鍵詞:Water gas shift reactionhydrogen generationmicrowaveCO conversion
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本論文旨在探討水氣轉移反應在各種各樣的操作的條件下之反應特性。研究中使用兩種不同的催化劑,包含高溫催化劑(Sud Chemie, SHT-4) 及低溫催化劑(Sud Chemie, MDC-7)進行反應。另外,研究中也使用兩種不同的加熱方式,如傳統電熱和微波加熱系統進行探討。研究中特別強調固定反應氣體於觸媒床之滯留時間條件下,蒸汽及一氧化碳的比值與溫度改變對CO轉化率及產氫的影響,實驗結果說明電熱系統各別使用高溫催化劑及低溫催化劑各有三種不同反應區域。高溫催化劑作用下有快速成長、緩速成長與中等成長三區域,而低溫催化劑作用下有快速成長、緩速衰退與成長凍結三區域。
The present study is intended to investigate reaction characteristics of a water gas shift reaction (WGSR) under various operational conditions. Two different catalysts, consisting of a high-temperature catalyst (Sud Chemie, SHT-4) and a low-temperature catalyst (Sud Chemie, MDC-7) are individually employed in the reactions. In addition, two different heating methods, composed of a conventionally electric heating and a microwave heating, are adopted in the reactor. With the condition of fixed residence time of reactants in the catalyst bed, the effects of varying reaction temperature and steam/CO ratio on the CO conversion and hydrogen generation are explored. The experimental results indicate that using the electric heating three different reaction regimes can be identified either the high-temperature catalyst or the low-temperature catalyst is used. When the high-temperature catalyst is utilized, the regimes include a rapid growth regime, a slow growth regime and a progressive growth regime. Considering the low-temperature catalyst, the reactions can be classified into a rapid growth regime, a progressive decay regime and a growth-frozen regime. When the WGSR is triggered by the microwave, the reaction can be excited in a short time compared with the electric heating. It is also found that the reaction behaviors of the WGSR with microwave excitation are better than those with electric heating. Therefore, the present has provided a new insight into the WGSR using microwave heating.
Keywords: Water gas shift reaction; Catalyst; CO conversion; hydrogen generation; microwave.
目錄 頁次
致 謝
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ
目 錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ
表 目 錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅵ
圖 目 錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 -------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 前言 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 研究動機 ------------------------------------------------------------ 4
第二章 文獻回顧 -------------------------------------------------------------5
2.1 產氫方法種類介紹 -------------------------------------------------5
2.2 熱化學反應基本介紹 ----------------------------------------------6
2.3 文獻回顧 -------------------------------------------------------------7
2.3.1 高溫催化劑 ---------------------------------------------------8
2.3.2 低溫催化劑 ---------------------------------------------------9
第三章 水氣轉移反應設備與儀器 ----------------------------------------12
3.1 電熱實驗系統介紹 -------------------------------------------------12
3.2 微波實驗系統介紹 -------------------------------------------------14
第四章 水氣轉移反應參數 -------------------------------------------------22
4.1 催化劑種類 ---------------------------------------------------------22
4.2 反應溫度範圍 ------------------------------------------------------31
4.3 水氣轉移反應濃度配比計算 ------------------------------------31
第五章 實驗步驟與方法 ----------------------------------------------------38
5.1 氣體分析儀(Gas Analyzer)校正及設定 --------------------38
5.2 氣相層析儀(Gas Chromatograph)校正及設定 ---------------39
5.3 蠕動泵檢量線校正 ------------------------------------------------42
5.4 水氣轉移實驗步驟 ------------------------------------------------44
第六章 結果與討論 ----------------------------------------------------------47
6.1 電熱反應系統 ---------------------------------------------------------47
(1)高溫催化劑耐久性分佈圖 ----------------------------------47
(2)高溫催化劑轉化率分佈圖 ----------------------------------53
(3) 高溫催化劑作用後產氣中CO2吸收 ----------------------59
(4)低溫催化劑耐久性分佈圖 ----------------------------------63
(4) 低溫催化劑轉化率分佈圖 ---------------------------------68
(5) 低溫催化劑作用後產氣中CO2吸收 ---------------------74
6.2 微波反應系統 --------------------------------------------------------78
(1) 微波系統較佳滯留時間------------------------------------78
(2) 參數變化對微波系統水氣轉移反應之影響------------81
第七章 結論 -------------------------------------------------------------------95
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------------96
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