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研究生(外文):Cheng-Jue Zeng
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of Light Guide Panels
指導教授(外文):Nan-Nong Huang
  • 被引用被引用:19
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首先本研究利用光學軟體TracePro分析LED背光板之光學反應。為了評估Trace Pro分析之可靠性,本研究亦利用MEMS技術實作導光板,進行輝度量測。以微影蝕刻技術製作矽基模仁,在矽基模仁上製作出倒四角錐之微結構陣列,再利用熱壓機與氣壓壓印設備翻壓微結構於PMMA導光板。其中氣壓壓印以氮氣提供均勻壓力,可提供壓印品質及延長矽基模仁使用壽命。

The brightness of LCD is predominantly influenced by the light guide panel (LGP). In this thesis, the effect of the LGP thickness and the geometric aspects of the microstructures on the LGP on the luminance of the back light plate (BLP) is investigated. The study is conducted by employing both the computer simulation and experiments.
The optical analysis software TracePro, which is based on the Monte Carlo method, is used to analyze the optical behavior of the BLP. An optimal design of the LGP can be obtained by the computer simulation. Experimental work is also conducted to evaluate the reliability of the simulation. PMMA LGPs with pyramid microstructures are fabricated using the lithography and hot embossing techniques. The microstructures are examined using OM and SEM. The luminance of BLP is measured using the luminance meter.
The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental works. It is found that a thinner LGP results in higher luminance of BLP, but has larger variation in the luminance distribution. An LGP with higher misconstrues yields higher magnitude but larger variation in luminance. Also, the results reveal that the luminance and its variation can be greatly improved by varying the sizes of microstructures over the LGP.

Key words:light guide panel, back light plate, luminance, TracePro
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 液晶顯示器結構 2
1-2-1 背光板零組件介紹 3
1-2-2 面板零組件介紹 8
1-3 導光板成型技術 12
1-4 文獻回顧 14
1-5 論文大綱 16
第二章 光學理論及TracePro光學分析軟體 18
2-1 光學理論 18
2-1-1 散射(Scattering) 18
2-1-2 全反射現象(Total Reflection) 18
2-2 光度學 20
2-3 TracePro光學分析軟體簡介 25
2-3-1 TracePro分析步驟 25
2-3-2 蒙地卡羅(Monte Carlo)法 26
第三章 PMMA導光板製作 28
3-1 微影製程及矽基模仁之製作 28
3-1-1 矽基模仁微影製程 28
3-1-2 矽基模仁製作詳細步驟 30
3-2 PMMA導光板之壓印 43
3-2-1 壓印導光板PMMA詳細步驟 43
3-2-2 壓印PMMA導光板之設備 48
3-3 導光板之加工 50
3-4 製程儀器設備與材料特性 50
3-5 實驗相關規範及注意事項 56
3-5-1 背光板量測輝度之位置 56
3-5-2 熱壓及量測之注意事項 57
3-5-3 量測背光板輝度的環境與條件 57
第四章 結果與討論 59
4-1 模擬流程 59
4-1-1 建立背光模組(背光板) 60
4-1-2 設定模組零件性質 61
4-1-3 建構LED光源 64
4-2 分析與量測結果 66
4-2-1 不同結構高度對輝度之影響 67
4-2-2 不同PMMA厚度對輝度之影響 72
4-3 結果討論 77
第五章 結論及未來研究方向 78
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