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研究生(外文):Sheng-Tong Chen
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive control of a Simulator for the Surface Dynamics of the Sea
外文關鍵詞:Adaptive controlStewart PlatformSimulatorchaotic signalmulti-harmonic signal
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本文的研究目標為建立一套新型海面動態模擬器,並結合適應控制法則與隨機海浪理論,利用七連桿運動平台模擬海面上固定點的搖擺、起伏及俯仰等運動動態。由於此海面動態模擬器是一高度非線性系統,且其許多參數可能為時變或難以獲得。故本研究採用模型參考適應性控制器(Model Reference Adaptive Controller, MRAC),其架構包含前饋控制器、回饋控制器、摩擦力補償及偏差輔助訊號。另外,本文的隨機海浪訊號採用兩種方式產生:一種是使用典型的疊加弦波(Multiple Harmonic);另一種是使用混沌訊號。與固定參數的線性控制器進行比較之後,得知本研究所提之適應性控制器,不論輸入為疊加弦波或混沌訊號時,都可得到較佳的響應性能。
The purpose of this paper is to build a set of simulator for the surface dynamics of the sea combining adaptation law with random wave theory. We use the seven-link motion platform to simulate the dynamics of the roll、heave and pitch on the fixed point above the sea. Because the simulator for the surface dynamics of the sea that is highly complex nonlinear system, therefore the parameter of system is difficult to obtain. In this paper, we use Model Reference Adaptive Controller, its structure includes a feedforward controller, a feedback controller, a compensation of friction and an auxiliary signal. In addition, the random ocean wave signal we use two kinds of methods producing in this paper: one is Multiple harmonic; another is chaotic signal. Compared with the linear controller, we could know the adaptive controller, however the input is multi-harmonic signal or chaotic signal could get better response performance
Chinese Abstract ……………………………………………………….. i
English Abstract ………………………………………………………... ii
Contents ………………………………………………………………... iii
List of Tables ……………………………………………..…………….. iv
List of Figures …………………………………………..……………… v
Chapter 1 Introduction ………………………………………………….. 1
1.1 Research Motive ………………………………………………. 1
1.2 Document Retrospect …………………………………………. 2
Chapter 2 System Structure and Mathematics Modeling ………………. 6
2.1 Describing the Machinery Position …………………...………. 6
2.2 The Workspace ………………………………………………... 9
2.3 Mathematical Model ………………………………………….. 10
Chapter 3 Generation of the Non-regular Wave ………..……………… 17
3.1 Random wave theory …………………………………...…….. 17
3.2 Wave spectrum method ……………………………………….. 17
3.3 Chaotic signal ……………………………………………..…... 20
Chapter 4 Adaptive Controller Design …………………………………. 21
4.1 Structure of Control System …………………………………... 21
4.2 Adaptation Law ……………………………………….……….. 22
Chapter 5 Experiment Results ………………………………………….. 31
5.1 Planning of the moving curve …………………………………. 31
5.2 Experiment Results ……………………………………….…… 32
Chapter 6 Conclusion ………………………………………………….... 35
Reference ………………………………………………………………... 51
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