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研究生(外文):Jen-Chih Lu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Structure Design on Fabrication and Performance of a Gas-driven Micropump
指導教授(外文):Gen-Ken Chuech
外文關鍵詞:micro pumpnegative-pressureMEMS fabrication processgas ejector
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本研究主要利用氣動噴射泵(gas ejector pump)之結構設計與微機電製程,來設計製造微米尺寸之負壓式氣動微幫浦,最後進行測試的實驗工作。在計畫初期,首先利用氣動噴射泵之結構設計,製作Miniscale (cm~dm)尺寸之模型,並測試與分析氣體動力對於流體抽取的能力,作為製造Microscale (μm~mm)尺寸之微幫浦的參考設計。在研究中,有關設計製造Microscale尺寸之負壓式氣動微幫浦,主要用矽晶圓為材料,以MEMS製程來完成。最後進行實驗測試的工作,實驗測試包括:以壓縮空氣為驅動氣體,抽取水及空氣,來測試所製成的負壓式氣動微幫浦之輸出流量的能力。另外,在未來研究中,以不同的擴散器出口尺寸,進行最佳化設計分析,其結果顯示擴散器出口具有一最佳尺寸,可使幫浦能力最大。並建議未來研究可利用微流體學的理論分析,模擬氣動微幫浦在抽取氣體時之內部流場結構,以了解阻氣現象、幫浦出口臨界尺寸,對於微幫浦的內部結構設計與幫浦抽取能力的影響。
The fluids in bio-chips of micro total analysis systems (μTAS) are relied on micropumps to be inhaled, mixed, reacted, separated, and discharged for analysis purposes. Recent development of the micropump was mostly focused on the type of the positive-pressure. In comparison to positive-pressure micropumps, the negative-pressure micropump is of crucial importance to vacuum applications, but it was not paid attention in the past years. Especially, the negative-pressure micropump needs no moving valves or parts, and the cost for fabrication is relatively low when MEMS manufacturing process is applied. Therefore, the design and fabrication of a negative-pressure micropump driven by gas is essentially needed, and it has been investigated in the present study.
The structure of the gas ejector was utilized for the design of the present negative-pressure micropump. In the present study, there were two types of gas-driven micropumps were designed and fabricated, including mini-scale and micro-scale models. The mini-scale micropump was used as a baseline for the micro-scale model. The micropump was fabricated through MEMS manufacturing processes. To check the pump performance, the fabricated micropump driven by compressed air from a portable can was tested to pump water and air. In the experimental tests, the pumping flow rates of water and air were measured. In order to optimize the design, the width of the diffuser throat in the micropump was varied and used as a design parameter. The optimization results indicate that there should exist an optimal width for the diffuser throat when a gas-driven micropump is designed. For the future study, the theoretical simulations using micro-fluidics is suggested to study the choking phenomenon and the critical size of the pump design.
Key Words: micro pump, negative-pressure, MEMS fabrication process, gas ejector
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
符號說明 viii
第一章 簡介 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 製程技術簡介 1
1-3 研究動機 2
1-4 文獻回顧 4
1-5 研究目標 9
第二章 理論方法 11
2-1 負壓式微幫浦的驅動原理與技術 11
2-1-1 負壓驅動原理 11
2-1-2 負壓驅動技術 14
2-2 單晶矽非等向性濕式蝕刻 20
2-2-1 矽的晶體結構 20
2-2-2 蝕刻速率 21
2-2-3 蝕刻終止技術 24
2-3 非等向性濕式蝕刻的影響因素 25
2-3-1 非等向性濕式蝕刻的反應機制 25
2-3-2 蝕刻液 27
第三章 微幫浦之設計製作與實驗方法 29
3-1 Miniscale模型製作與性能分析 29
3-2 Microscale 模型設計 34
3-3 MEMS製程技術 35
3-3-1 光罩設計與製作 35
3-3-2 晶片表面之清潔 36
3-3-3 微影(Photolithography 39
3-4製作Microscale微幫浦成品之製程步驟 41
3-5 氣動微幫浦的能力測試 47
3-5-1 微幫浦抽取液體與氣體的能力 47
3-5-2 改進微幫浦抽取氣體能力 50
第四章 結論與建議 59
4-1 結論 59
4-2 建議 60
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