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研究生(外文):En-Hung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Crystallization study of InxGa1-xN epitaxial layers on sapphire
指導教授(外文):Tai-Yuan LinPei-Kuen Wei
外文關鍵詞:polarization modulation near-field scanning optical microscopy (PM-NSOM)near-field scanning optical microscopy photoluminescence (NSOM-PL)InGaNcrystallization
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在高銦含量的氮化銦鎵(鎵元素含量的變化由0%到31%)的研究中顯示氮化銦鎵的的表面粗糙度(Surface roughness)隨著鎵元素含量的增加而降低。另外平均(Average)結晶化程度隨著鎵元素含量的增加而降低,並與X光繞射(X-ray Diffraction)譜線半高寬隨著鎵元素含量的增加而增加相符,而在結晶程度均方根(RMS)的變動(fluctuation)中,首先會先隨著鎵元素含量的增加而降低,一直到鎵元素含量8%時為最低點,之後隨著鎵元素含量的增加而增加。我們觀察到均方根的結晶化程度跟光激螢光量測(Photoluminescence)的結果有著相同的趨勢,這樣的結果表示不同的鎵元素含量成長在相同溫度下,其氮化銦鎵磊晶層的結晶程度均方根(RMS)的變動(fluctuation)說明了與光激發光的螢光效率的對應關係。
We have performed the polarization modulation near-field scanning optical microscopy (PM-NSOM) measurements to investigate the correlation between crystalline and optical properties of InGaN epilayers and crystalline quality of In-rich InGaN epilayers.
The PM-NSOM results show the nanoscale domain-like structures which exhibit good correspondence to the morphological images by SEM measurement. It is found the In-rich regions formed at the periphery of the hexagonal pits. These In-rich regions show good crystallinity and high recombination efficiency. We point out that the combination of PM-NSOM and NSOM-PL is a powerful tool for investigating the correspondence between the local morphology and the optical properties of the nanostructures.
The crystalline properties of In-rich InGaN films with Ga concentration varying from 0% to over 30% were investigated by PM-NSOM measurements. PM-NSOM measurements showed that the crystallinity of InGaN films were strongly dependence on the Ga concentration. The average crystallinity of InGaN film was found to decrease with the increase in Ga concentration of InGaN films. On the other hand, the RMS crystallinity exhibited a different dependence on the Ga concentration for the In-Rich InGaN films. The RMS crystallinity of InGaN films first decreased with the increasing Ga concentration, reached a minimum for the InGaN film with 8% Ga concentration, and then increased again with increasing Ga concentration. Surprisingly, the RMS crystallinity of InGaN films shows the same trend in the dependence of PL intensity on the Ga concentration in InGaN films. It was concluded that for the InGaN films with different Ga content grown at the same temperature, the RMS crystallinity of the epifilms accounts for PL emission efficiency of the epilayers.
Abstract (Chinese version) …………………………………… I
Abstract (English version) …………………………………… II
致謝………..…………………………………………………… IV
Content..……...……………………………………………… V
List of Figure....…………………………………………… VI
List of Table ………………………………………………… XI
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………… 1
Reference….………………………..…………………… 3
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background.…………….…… 7
2.1 Near-Field Optics……………………..…………….……… 7
2.1.1 History of Near-Field Optics…..……….…….……… 7
2.1.2 Physics of Near-Field Optics…..……….…….……… 9
2.2 Polarization-modulation near-field scanning optical microscopy…...………………………..……….……….... 11
2.2.1 Near-field scanning optical microscopy…….…….. 11
2.2.2 Polarization modulation theory…..………………….. 12
2.3 Photoluminescence……………….……………..…….. 16
Reference…...……………………………..………..………….. 18
Chapter 3 Review of some important material property of III-nitride based compound semiconductors……………..………..…….…….. 20
3.1 Crystal structure of Nitride…………..………...…….…….. 20
3.2 Defect in Nitrides……………………..………..………….. 21
3.3 Spontaneous and Piezoelectric polarization…..………..….. 23
3.4 Indium aggregation and phase separation……..…….…….. 26
Reference…...……………………………..………..………….. 30

Chapter 4 Experimental details………………..…..………….…….. 31
4.1 Sample Preparation…………………..…….…..………….. 31
4.2 Fiber fabrication…………………...…..………..……….. 32
4.3 Experiment Setup………………...…..………..…..…….. 35
Reference………………...…..…………………...………….. 37
Chapter 5 Correlation between crystallinity and optical properties of InGaN epilayers………………...…..………..……………….…….. 38
Reference………………...…..…………………...………….. 45
Chapter 6 Crystalline quality of In-rich InGaN epilayers studied by PM-NSOM ...……………...…..……………………...……………... 46
Reference………………...…..…………………………......... 57
Chapter 7 Conclusion…………...…….……..……………….………. 58
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