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Author (Eng.):Pei-Yi Huang
Title (Eng.):An action research on teaching students with learning disabilities for writing – An integrated approach of process-oriented mode and cognitive strategy
Advisor:呂翠華呂翠華 author reflink
Narrow Field:教育學門
Detailed Field:特殊教育學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:117
keyword (chi):學習障礙過程取向寫作教學認知策略資源班行動研究
keyword (eng):Learning disabilitiesProcess-oriented writing teachingCognitive strategiesResource roomAction research
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  • Cited Cited :7
  • HitsHits:572
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一、 探究出「過程取向結合認知策略寫作教學」實施方式。
二、 學生寫作能力有正向改變,對課程表示接受。
三、 透過行動研究歷程,教師釐清想法,對寫作教學理論有所體悟。
四、 透過反思,對教學實務工作有所體悟,獲得實務知識,提升教學專業能力。
最後歸納此研究歷程,對研究者寫作教學所帶來的啟示,並對後續研究提出建議,成為下一階段行動研究基礎 。
This research described an action research of writing teaching from a resource room teacher serving at elementary school. Three students with learning disabilities participated in the research. The purpose of this study was to provide teaching methods for writing to enhance students’writing ability . Therefore the method of this research was action research of practical improving instruction.
Based on the findings from literature review, the teacher constantly revised the instructional design and instructional practices to explore teaching methods in writing.
Data collected and analyzed in this study include research diary, students’ writing products, interviews, and observations. The researcher hereafter adopts induction coding method to code the data for further analysis. Major findings of the study include:
1. The development and implementation of the integrated approach of process-oriented mode and cognitive strategy to teach students with learning disabilities how to write.
2. Students’ improvements on writing abilities as well as their acceptance on the curriculum were found.
3. A better comprehension on related instructional theories and clarification on teaching were achieved via the action research process.
4. By self-refection, the teacher acquires practical knowledge and expertise on teaching and enhances teaching ability.
Based on the findings and results, this study offers suggestions for future researches.
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機 ……………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 ………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討 ………………………………………………………5
第一節 寫作的認知歷程 ……………………………………………5
第二節 過程取向寫作模式在學障兒童教學之應用 ………………9
第三節 認知策略應用在學障兒童寫作教學之研究 ……………13
第四節 學障兒童寫作能力之分析 ………………………………24
第三章 研究方法 ……………………………………………………29
第一節 採用行動研究的研究取向 ………………………………29
第二節 行動研究的合作伙伴 ……………………………………32
第三節 研究架構與研究流程 ……………………………………39
第四節 資料蒐集與分析 …………………………………………45
第四章 研究結果與分析 ……………………………………………51
第一節 過程取向結合認知策略寫作教學的實施方式 …………51
第二節 學障學生寫作能力的改變情形 …………………………75
第三節 教師的省思與成長 ………………………………………86
第五章 研究發現與啟示 ……………………………………………95
第一節 研究發現 …………………………………………………95
第二節 研究啟示 …………………………………………………98
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………101
壹、中文部分 ……………………………………………………101
貳、英文部分 ……………………………………………………105
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1. The Effect of Strategy Teaching on Text Structure Analysis for Children to Improve Reading Comprehension and Writing Skill.
2. The Verification of A Writing Process Model-Integrated Reading and Composition: The Effects of the "Integrated Reading and Composition Program"
3. The effect of metacognitve strategy on the writing performances of the fourth grade student
4. The Effect of Structural Process-oriented Writing Teaching for Writing Underachievers of Elementary School
5. The Effect of Concept Mapping on Process-oriented Writing Instruction
6. A Comparison of the Story and Expository Writing Products of Learning Disabled and Non-disabled Students at Six Grade Level
7. The effects of Process-Oriented Writing Approach to the Hearing- impaired Students'' Writing Abilities.
8. The Effects of Cognitive Strategy Instruction in Writing for Students with Mildly Mental Retardation in Senior Vocational High School
9. A Comparison of the Oral and Written Expression Performances of Learning Disabled and General Students at Fifth Grade Level
10. A Study of Composition in Fourth-Grade Normal Children and Children with Learning Disabilities in Taipei Metropolis
11. The Development of the Verbal Ability Development Test Battery for Second, Fourth, and Sixth Grade Students and It''''s Application to Special Education Students.
12. Using Four-Grid-Diagram-Speaking-Writing Combing with Peer Touring to Investigate the Effectiveness of Writing Expression Performance and Attitudes toward Children with Learning Disabilities
13. The study of the effectiveness of narrative writing with the instruction of concept mapping: fourth grader with writing difficulties
1. An Action Research on Intergrating Information Technology into Picture Books Teaching to Promote the Reading Comprehension of Students with Reading Disabilities
2. An action research of social skills training program for student with learning disability
3. The co-regulation intervention on an elementary student with mild autism
4. An Action Research of Relationship Intervention Programs on a High-Functioning Elementary Child with Autism in a Regular Class
5. A Survey Study on Life Adjustment of Immigrant Mothers’Children at Elementary School in Keelung
6. The theme and presentation of picture books on character learning and story comprehension of kindergarten children.
7. 兒童對平面圖形同形複製概念之個案研究
8. A study of the Influence of Self-concept of Children with Learning Disabilities through the Teaching of Picture Book
9. The study of the effectiveness of narrative writing with the instruction of concept mapping: fourth grader with writing difficulties
10. The Cultural Resistance of Taiwanese Dotors of Poets-Discussion over the realist poetry written by Zeng Guei-Hai,Jiang Zih-De,Jheng Jong-Ming,and their styles
11. 應用概念構圖策略於小學科學寫作之研究
12. Investigate the Influence of the Habermas’ theory of Communicative Action to the Teaching Belief and Teaching Practice
13. The correlation about 4th-graders of elementary school children's performance in mathematical problem-solving and reading comprehension.
14. The Effect of Self-instructional Strategy on Learning Addition for Children with Moderate and Severe Mental Retardation
15. The Research of Performance Practice of Maurice Ravel’s Song Cycle “Histoires Naturelles”
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