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研究生(外文):Chen Yuh-Fen
論文名稱(外文):Junior High School Mathematics Curriculum and Textbooks in the Nine-year Integrated Structure: An HPM perspective
中文關鍵詞:HPM國中幾何教材尺規作圖陽馬與鼈臑畢氏定理九章算術 幾何原本
外文關鍵詞:HPM、Geometry Material 、Compass and Straightedge Constructions、Yang Ma 、Bie Nao and Pythagorean theorem、Jiu Zhang Suan
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雖然,運用數學史教授數學已然成為國際數學教學趨勢之一,但是,就國內中學數學教育而言,與之相關的研究卻猶如鳳毛麟角。本研究試圖從二種古代文本──《九章算術》和《幾何原本》與現今國中幾何相關部份的內容做比較研究,以作為國中幾何單元教材的另一種教學進路。研究方法主要採用內容分析法,針對《國民中小學九年一貫課程暫行綱要:數學學習領域》中的國中幾何教材內容,分成幾何推理、發展空間感二大主軸,並探討 HPM ( The Relations between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics ) 如何介入國中的數學幾何課程之中。同時針對古代文本中的「尺規作圖」、「陽馬」與「鼈臑」、以及「畢氏定理」等三部份之內容進行研究分析,研究結果如下:
Although it is obvious that applying history of mathematics to teaching becomes one of international mathematics teaching trends, with regard to domestic secondary mathematics education only few attempts have so far been made at this issue. This study was designed to compare the interrelated geometry in two ancient documents, Jiu Zhang Suan Shuand and The Elements, so as to provide current geometry materials in secondary school with another further access. The content-analysis methodology used in this study is to explore how HPM (The Relations between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics) intervene in mathematics geometry curriculum in junior high school. It consists of Geometry Reasoning and Spatial development two main topics derived from Grade 1-9 Tentative Curriculum Guidelines. Examples of “Compass and Straightedge”, “Constructions”, “Yang Ma”, “Bie Nao” and Pythagorean theorem in ancient documents are collected to be analyzed, and the findings are summarized as follows:
(1). The spirit of History of Mathematics teaching are not concretely fulfilled in the Competence Indicators of Grade 7-9 ‘Curriculum Guidelines’.
(2). The abundant activities in the content of different versions are in the dilemma of ‘with activities but no curriculum’ and ‘ with curriculum but no culture’
(3). In the content of all teaching materials, History of Mathematics by definition is limited to ‘ data supplements’.
(4). Learning instruments for students are not multifaceted.
Based on the study findings, the researcher suggested that the Competence Indicators of History of Mathematics should be presented concretely in Curriculum Guidelines in the future. In addition, providing teachers with History of Mathematics further courses and releasing publications relative to 「HPM」 to promote History of Mathematics teaching successfully. Meanwhile, “with activities but no curriculum” and “with curriculum but no culture” geometry materials design should be avoided. Besides, students’ deductive reasoning and space reasoning ability should also be reinforced. Concerning activities design, it focuses on multifaceted learning instruments for students so that students can concretely operation and explore geometry concepts to steady the geometry knowledge.
第1章  緒論.....................1
1.1 研究背景與動機..................1
1.2 研究目的.....................4
1.3 研究方法.....................5
1.4 研究限制.....................7
1.5 名詞釋義.....................7

第2章  文獻探討.................. 9
2.1 運用數學史教學的理論基礎.............9
2.2 《九章算術》與現今國中課程相關的幾何文獻.....19
2.3 《幾何原本》與現今國中課程相關的幾何文獻.....41
2.4 《九章算術注》與《幾何原本》中幾何知識之比較...51

第3章 HPM觀點下的國中幾何課程設計.......55
3.1 HPM觀點下的國中幾何課程 ............55
3.2 現今國中數學的幾何教材設計............60
3.3 現今教科書中與幾何相關內容之探討 ........67

第4章  從HPM觀點看國中數學之幾何教材.... 73
4.1 「尺規作圖」...................73
  4.2 「陽馬」與「鼈臑」................89
  4.3 「畢氏定理」(商高定理).............100

第5章  結論與建議.................121
5.1 結論......................121
5.2 建議......................124

1. 中文部份.....................129
2. 英文部份.....................134
附錄一 國中各版本之幾何課程內容分類總表.........139
附錄二 《幾何原本》第1冊的48個命題..........142
附錄三 《幾何原本》與國中「尺規作圖」相關命題對照表.. 144
附錄四 高中數學龍騰版空間部份之部份幾何教材.......147
附錄五 《九章算術》中各種體積的計算公式.........148
附錄六 甲、乙、丙、丁四個版本之幾何教材內容比較表 ..150
圖1-1 HPM觀點下的幾何教材設計模式...........6
圖2-1 運用數學史教學的架構...............15
圖2-2 葭出水圖.....................23
圖2-3 引葭赴岸圖....................23
圖2-4 《九章算術》中的圭田「以盈補虛」.........25
圖2-5 劉徽的圭田「出入相補」..............25
圖2-6 梯形的「以盈補虛」................26
圖2-7 「正廣」型梯形的「以盈補虛」...........26
圖2-8 今之梯形公式圖解(梯形之另解)..........26
圖2-9 古代之箕田證法..................27
圖2-10 劉徽之箕田證法..................27
圖2-11 按弦圖證勾股定理.................33
圖2-12 求「高廣并數之半」圖...............34
圖2-13 舉表矩而連之...................35
圖2-14 勾實之矩移補成方圖................36
圖2-15 「句股容方」圖..................37
圖2-16 「出入相補」後的「句股容方」圖..........37
圖2-17 「句股容圓」圖..................37
圖2-18 「出入相補」後的「句股容圓」圖..........37
圖2-19 出南門見木圖...................39
圖2-20 勾中容直求勾圖..................39
圖2-21 冪在「方在勾中」圖................39
圖2-22 劉徽在「出入相補」中所使用的圖解工具.......54
圖3-1 九年一貫第三、四階段「圖形與空間脈絡圖」.....63
圖3-2 國中幾何課程內容架構...............66
圖3-3 甲、乙、丙、丁各版本幾何教材順序圖........69
圖3-4 一個塔與一個梯..................71
圖4-1 用「出入相補」法求垣術.............. 91
圖4-2 用「棊驗法」求方亭體積.............. 91
圖4-3 「陽馬」、「鼈臑」、「壍堵」........... 93
圖4-4 普林頓泥板322...................102
圖4-5 普林頓泥板的六十進制表示法 ............102
圖4-6 「畢氏定理」的證明 ................103
圖4-7 「畢氏定理」的應用 ................103
圖4-8 《幾何原本》中的「畢氏定理」 ...........104
圖4-9 代數法的「畢氏定理」證明 .............106
圖4-10 幾何法的「畢氏定理」證明 ............106
圖4-11 《周髀算經》的部份內容 ..............107
圖4-12 「弦圖」 .....................107
圖4-13 印度數學家的「弦圖」 ...............108
圖4-14 劉徽句股形的「出入相補」 .............108
表2-1 《九章算術》的「勾股」內容分類表......... 32
表3-1 國中幾何教材中的「發展空間感」內容分析表..... 71
表3-2 塔與梯的問題................... 71
表3-3 甲、乙、丙、丁四個版本中數學史出現次數的統計表.. 72
表4-1 甲、乙、丙、丁四個版本中「尺規作圖」的邏輯順序表. 84
表4-2 拼湊方亭體積所需「棊」之個數........... 91
表4-3 「畢氏定理」在各時期所發展出來的解題策略及其社會
表4-4 甲、乙、丙、丁四個版本之「畢氏定理」安排手法的比
表4-5 甲、乙、丙、丁四個版本對於「畢氏定理」所能呈現的
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