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研究生(外文):Ku chih-wen
論文名稱(外文):The Biomechanics Analysis of Different Postures in Prepared-Squatting to Jumping Performances
指導教授(外文):Wong Tzi-Lin
外文關鍵詞:knee jointkinematicsdynamicsDifferent Postures in Prepared-SquattingIEMG
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指導教授:翁梓林 博士
研 究 生:古智文
本研究主要目的在探討不同預蹲姿勢(膝關節70、90、110、130、150度)對垂直跳表現之下肢段運動學、動力學及肌電參數的變化。受試對象為國立台北教育大學體育系男生十名,平均年齡、身高、體重分別為18.7 0.67歲,172.8 6.09cm, 65.4 3.89kg。實驗儀器以一部Mega speed高速攝影機(100hz)、AMTI測力板(1000hz)及Biovision 肌電系統(1000hz)及電子關節角度計(1000hz)同步擷取受試者執行不同膝關節角度垂直跳表現之下肢運動學、動力學及肌電參數。運動學參數透過高速攝影機拍攝,所得之影片以APAS軟體剪輯及直接線性轉換(DLT),得到關節角位移、角(加)速度及重心(加)速度等參數。動力學與肌電訊號參數以測力板及Biovision 肌電系統所得之訊號經放大器及低通率波(10hz)用DAZYLab6.0軟體進行量化分析得到地面反作用力量值、衝量值與IEMG。三者參數比較方面,採用SPSS 10.0統計軟體,以重複量數單因子變異數分析比較不同預蹲姿勢跳躍所得之參數是否達到顯著差異,若有顯著差異(P<.05),則以LSD法考驗其事後比較。本實驗顯著水準訂為α=.05。本研究結果發現:
一、 不同預蹲姿勢垂直跳表現以膝關節預蹲角度在130、150度時有最大的跳躍高度(p<.05)。
二、 當膝關節預蹲角度為90度時髖關節有最大角速度表現(p<.05);膝與踝關節的最大角速度表現在預蹲角度為130度時最大(p<.05)。最大角加速度方面髖膝踝關節角加速度隨預蹲角度的增加有增加之趨勢。
三、 重心初速度與最大加速度皆隨預蹲角度的增加而增加,在膝關節預蹲150度時最大(p<.05)。
四、 最大地面反作用力隨預蹲角度增加而增加並在預蹲角度為150度時最大(p<.05);衝量亦隨預蹲角度增加而增加在130度時最大(p<.05);勁度則隨角度的增加而減小,70度時有最佳表現(p<.05)。
五、 不同預蹲姿勢垂直跳其作用肌群IEMG皆大於拮抗肌群(p<.05);股直肌IEMG在預蹲130度有最佳表現;脛骨前肌IEMG在預蹲90度時有最佳表現(p<.05)。
The Biomechanics Analysis of Different Postures in Prepared-Squatting to Jumping Performances

Adviser: Wong Tzi-Lin Ph.D.
Graduate Student: Gu Chi-Wen

The purpose of this study was primarily investigated different prepared-squatting postures (knee joint, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 degrees), towards to the vertical jump performances of lower limb kinematics, dynamics, myoelectric parameters changes. The testees of this study were ten male students from the Department of Physical Education of National Taipei Education University with the average age of 18.7 0.67yr, height of 172.8 6.09cm and weight of 65.4 3.89kg. A Mega speed video camera (100hz), AMTI force plate (1000hz), and Biovision myoelectric system (1000hz), and the electric knee joint meter (1000hz) were used as the experiement equipment of this study which could simulataneously gather data from all the testees with different joint knee angles, the lower limb kinematics, dynamics, myoelectric parameters changes. The kinematics parameters were photographed from high-speed video camera, and then the file received has being edited and rearranged by the APAS software, and being directly linear transformed (DLT), in order to get parameters of the joint angle displacement, angle (acceleration) velocity and the velocity (acceleration) of gravity. Dynamics and myoelectric signal parameters were obtained from the force plate and Biovision myoelectric system signals through the amplifier and low-pass filter (10hz), with conducting the quantitative analysis with using the DASYLab 6.0 software to get the ground reaction force value , impulse vlaue, and IEMG. In comparison with the three types of parameters, the SPSS 10.0 statistic software were used in this study together with the analytic method of the Repeated Measures of ANOVA, hence to compare different parameters that obtained from the prepared-squatting postures before jumping, to see if they reached the significant difference or not. If there were significant differences (P<0.05) between them, which should be applied the LSD (least significant difference) to test their post-hoc comparison. The significant level of this study was set at α=0.05. In addition, the results of this study were shown as belows:

1. In terms of the performance of different prepared-squatting vertical postures, which showed the maximum jumping height when the knee joint angle was at 130 and 150 degress (p<.05).
2. When the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 90 degrees, the hip joint reached its maximum angle velocity (p<.05); and when the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 130 degrees, the knee joint and ankle reached their maximum angle velocity (p<.05). In terms of the maximum angle acceleration, which showed the trend of increasing prepared-squatting angle would increase the angle acceleration in hip joint, knee joint and ankle.
3. Initial velocity of center-of-gravity and the maximum acceleration that all increased with the increasing prepared-squatting knee joint angle, which showed the maximum value when the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 150 degrees (p<.05).
4. The maximum ground reaction force increased with the increasing prepared-squatting knee joint angle and reached its maximum value when the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 150 degrees (p<0.05); Impulse was aslo increased with the increasing prepared-squatting knee joint angle too, which reached its maximum value when the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 130 degrees (p<0.05); and the stiffness decreased with the increasing prepared-squatting knee joint angle which showed its best performance when the prepared-squatting angle was at 70 degrees (p<0.05).
5. In terms of different prepared-squatting postures for vertical jump, the functioning muscle groups IEMG were all greater than the opposing muscle groups (p<0.05); Rectus Femoris IEMG showed the best performance when the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 130 degrees; and Tibialis Anterior Muscle IEMG showed the best performance when the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 90 degrees (p<0.05).

To conclude all the above results after discussions, the below conclusions were obtained: when the prepared-squatting knee joint angle was at 130 and 150 degrees that showed the best vertical jump height. Therefore, this angle would have the best performance of initial volecity of center-of-gravitity and the maximum acceleration of center-of-gravitity, as well as the best ground reaction force, impulse value and the best muscle collections and usage efficacy.
目 次
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
謝誌 Ⅴ
目次 Ⅵ
表次 Ⅷ
圖次 Ⅸ
一、前言 1
二、研究背景 3
三、研究目的 6
四、研究範圍 7
五、名詞操作性定義 8
一、垂直跳之運動學相關文獻 10
二、垂直跳之動力學相關文獻 21
三、垂直跳之肌電相關文獻 27
四、文獻總結 31
一、研究對象 32
二、實驗時間與地點 32
三、實驗儀器與工具 33
四、實驗方法與步驟 37
五、資料收集與處理 46
六、統計方法 48

一、運動學參數分析 49
二、動力學參數分析 60
三、肌電參數分析 66
四、綜合討論 69
一、結論 71
二、建議 71
一、中文部分 72
二、英文部分 76
附錄一、受試者須知及同意書 82
附錄二、不同預蹲姿勢與跳躍高度事後比較表 83
附錄三、不同預蹲姿勢與髖膝踝關節最大角速度事後比較表 84
附錄四、不同預蹲姿勢與髖膝踝關節最大角加速度事後比較表 87
附錄五、不同預蹲姿勢與重心最大速度事後比較表 90
附錄六、不同預蹲姿勢與重心最大加速度事後比較表 91
附錄七、不同預蹲姿勢與最大地面反作用力事後比較表 92
附錄八、不同預蹲姿勢與衝量事後比較表 93
附錄九、不同預蹲姿勢與作用時間事後比較表 94
附錄十、不同預蹲姿勢與勁度事後比較表 95
附錄十一、不同預蹲角度離心末期力量事後比較表 96
附錄十二、不同預蹲姿勢之股直肌與脛骨前肌之IEMG事後比較表 97

表 次
表一、受試者基本資料表 32
表二、測力板精確度誤差表 41
表三、表面肌電圖電極片黏貼的位置 43
表四、不同預蹲角度與重心離地高度變化統計摘要表 50
表五、不同預蹲角度與髖、膝、踝關節最大角速度變化統計摘要表 52
表六、不同預蹲角度與髖、膝、踝關節最大角加速度變化統計摘要表 55
表七、不同預蹲角度與重心初速度及最大速度變化統計摘要表 57
表八、不同預蹲角度與重心最大加速度變化統計摘要表 59
表九、不同預蹲角度與最大地面反作用力變化統計摘要表 60
表十、不同預蹲角度與衝量變化統計摘要表 62
表十一、不同預蹲角度離心末期力量與勁度變化統計摘要表 64
表十二、不同預蹲角度蹬伸期之標準化IEMG變化統計摘要表 66

圖 次
圖一、垂直跳動作分期示意圖 8
圖二、APAS影像動作分析軟體 34
圖三、電子關節角度計及相關器材 34
圖四、高速攝影機和同步器 35
圖五、測力板及相關器材 35
圖六、表面肌電及相關器材 36
圖七、實驗場地與儀器布置圖 39
圖八、參考架 42
圖九、四條肌群黏貼位置圖 44
圖十、實驗流程圖 45
圖十一、不同預蹲角度重心位置變化圖 50
圖十二、預蹲角度130度時之髖、膝、踝關節角速度變化圖 53
圖十三、不同預蹲角度的膝關節角速度變化圖 54
圖十四、不同預蹲角度髖關節角加速度變化圖 56
圖十五、不同預蹲角度膝關節角加速度變化圖 56
圖十六、不同預蹲角度重心速度變化圖 58
圖十七、不同預蹲角度重心加速度變化圖 59
圖十八、不同預蹲角度地面反作用力作用情形 61
圖十九、不同預蹲角度蹬伸期作用時間變化 63
圖廿、膝關節預蹲130度時各肌群肌電訊號變化圖 68
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