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研究生(外文):Shi-Zhang Xu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of VaR Estimation among Taiwan Stock and Future Markets – The Application of ANN, SSM, and GARCH series
指導教授:吳瑞山吳瑞山引用關係林 靖
指導教授(外文):Ruei-Shan WuArthur Lin
外文關鍵詞:ANNState Space ModelValue at RiskMonte Carlo simulation
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1. 以GARCH模型進行實證分析,發現波動度受到本身誤差的正向影響,以及本身前期變異數的正向影響;而以EGARCH模型進行實證分析,發現兩個市場中存在著不對稱效果的現象。
2. 透過Bi-EGARCH的分析,無論是台股指數報酬率或是期貨指數報酬率,均受到本身前期報酬率的負向影響,外溢效果則均為正向影響;在波動度方面,僅有標準化衝擊的影響是顯著的,而僅有期貨市場波動度具有不對稱效果。
3. 風險值的估算模型經由Lopez漏損函數(loss function)以及Kupiec概似比檢定後發現,無論在現貨市場或是期貨市場中,類神經網路與狀態空間模型,即採用經由純化後再估算風險值的模式績效最佳,傳統估計方式,在台股指數方面以EGARCH較佳,在台指期貨方面以台指期貨為佳。

In this research, 1: Compare GARCH, EGARCH model and though purifying Bi-EGARCH will lead to artificial neural network and state space model’s Value at Risk (VaR) calculation. 2: Investigate spot market and future market’s interrelated incident and analyze non-symmetric effect and also spill over effect. 3. Usage of one-way GARCH series model to observe market fluctuate and non-symmetric effect.
The study will be based on Taiwan Stock and Future Market as a research objective and research period from Jan. 1, 2003 to Dec. 31, 2005, and data are base daily. Elimination of days that stock exchange that did not operate, there are 745 data being use in the analysis, and the results are as following:
1. Using the analysis of GARCH model, there’s a significant fluctuation positively. Moreover, using EGARCH model analysis, it shows that in between two market there exist non-systematic effect.
2. Through Bi-EGARCH analysis, no matter it its Taiwan Stock and Future market, will all be effect both positively and negatively with the previous and future return rate.
3. VaR model is resulted from Lopez’s loss function and Kupiec’s likelihood test, and no matter it it’s spot market and future market, or artificial neural network and then calculate the VaR model to obtain the best performance. The traditional calculation, using EGARCH provide Taiwan Stock index a better result. Similarly, Future market will be a better fit when using GARCH model.
This research is limited by Taiwan stock regulations to the restriction of limit move. That has caused the possibility of insufficient market information,
This might be a restriction in forecasting of this research. In recommending future researchers:
1. Using State Space Model to analyze means equation, and build variance equation, and then implement fluctuation analysis. This will obtain a surplus effect in the analysis.
2. Can back-propation neural network’s the gradient steepest descent method, and convert to genetic arithmetic method to obtain a better calculation.
3. This can also be used in all different countries, exchange market, foreign exchange market, and option market in different analysis, and this create different effect.
謝 詞 I
中文論文提要 II
目 錄 IV
表 次 V
圖 次 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 章節結構 4
第四節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 風險值的相關概念與用途 6
第二節 風險值的估計方式 9
第三節 國外相關研究 15
第四節 國內相關研究 20
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究設計 25
第二節 資料處理與基本檢定 29
第三節 波動度估計模型 35
第四節 風險值估計模型績效之驗證 47
第四章 實證分析 48
第一節 資料處理與說明 48
第二節 資料基本分析與檢定 50
第三節 Bi-EGARCH的實證研究 52
第四節 標準差純化模式之分析 57
第五節 傳統模式之分析 66
第六節 風險值估算結果 71
第七節 模型績效驗證之實證結果 75
第五章 結論與建議 77
第一節 實證研究結果 77
第二節 管理意涵與研究貢獻 79
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 81
參考文獻 82

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