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指導教授(外文):Liang, Shih-An
外文關鍵詞:Supply Chain ManagementSCMKey Success FactorKSF
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最後藉由研究結論建議:1.首要確立公司經營理念與整體發展目標2.善用資訊系統改善企業供應網路結構及物流整合之供應鏈管理3. 透過垂直整合或策略聯盟創造競爭優勢4. 運用供應鏈績效評估追求優越營運績效5. 政府機關獎勵措施與民間投資意願相輔相成。
With the globalization and liberalization of the economic development, the competition among enterprises turns keener and much more diverse. The fast development of the information technology and Internet and the keen competition of the world have made a great impact on the enterprises’ ways of thinking when it comes to the processes of manufacturing, investment, and production. It is a must for enterprises to use a variety of resources efficiently and take advantage of their own merits. Only in this way can they cope with the intense competitions and challenges of the market and gain the fundamental capability of survival and competition in the world. Supply chain management provides a series of ways to integrate efficiently the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and the stores itself; and therefore the products can be produced in the proper quantity, delivered to the right place in the right time, and the total system cost can be minimized without sacrificing the quality of services while maintaining higher customer satisfaction. Business firms continually develop more competitive products by using producing at low cost and then enlarging higher profit. These marketing strategies of cost-leadership, differentiation just as the factors, claimed by Porter, that the competitive advantages coming from in a company.

Although most illumination businesses are categorized as small and medium enterprises, but its’ total amount of export ranked the fourth in the United States. Among all, the Christmas illumination was once ranked the first in terms of the amount of export. Due to the industry characteristics of illumination and other factors such as environment, more than half illumination exporters have moved to Mainland China since a decade ago to search for a workplace with lower costs and larger output. Recently the illumination business in Mainland China has faced furious competitions, higher wages for workers, and other problems on capitals, human resources, research and design, marketing, and so on. These factors all cause the illumination business in Mainland China harder and harder to develop. On the other hand, those who stay in Taiwan, though, need to deal with the cheaper “made in China” products, and the competition within the island is far more than furious. As a result, the sellers in Taiwan are no better than those in Mainland China.

The aim of this study is to sort out the key success factors by interviews with the sellers and by descriptive statistics analysis. The findings of the study are (1) supply chain management needs to correspond with the operation goal and development target of the company, (2) the superintendents and managers need to realize the importance and other related knowledge of supply chain management, (3) the superintendents or managers with decision making privileges must participate in and support the project, (4) the support of a complete information system can do good to the practice of supply chain management, (5) it is crucial to reduce the operation costs, (6) it is necessary to cooperate with the suppliers, and (7) to coordinate with the suppliers on the standard of products.

Five suggestions are given according to the conclusion of the study: (1) the operation goal and the development target of the company must first be confirmed and settled, (2) use the information system well can enhance the enterprises’ supply network structure and the supply chain management of delivery integration, (3) the competition advantages can be created through vertical integration or alliance strategy, (4) use the performance evaluation on supply chain evaluation to pursue better operation performance, and (5) the incentive methods of the government and the willingness to invest by the people are complement each other.
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究範圍 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 供應鏈管理 8
第二節 關鍵成功因素 25
第三節 實施供應鏈管理所面臨的問題及成功因素 38
第三章、研究方法 41
第一節 研究架構與流程 41
第二節 研究方法 43
第三節 訪談程序與問題之設計 46
第四章 燈具照明產業分析 49
第一節 全球市場及我國業界概況 49
第二節 個案分析 52
第五章 研究結果與分析 65
第一節 訪談資料整理與分析 65
第二節 命題發展 86
第六章 結論與建議 88
第一節 研究結論 88
第二節 管理意涵與策略建議 89
第三節 研究限制 91
第四節 未來研究方向 92
參考文獻 93
附 錄 一 99
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