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研究生(外文):Jyh-Huei Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The effect of the psychic distance, top-managers background and zational isomorphism on the timing of investment in China:An empirical study of Taiwan’s electronic and IT industries
指導教授(外文):Ing-San Hwang
外文關鍵詞:psychic distanceculture distanceadministrative distancegeographic distanceeconomic distanceorganizational isomorphismevent history analysisdecision behavior
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本文實證研究回收有效樣本問卷186份,有效回卷率為31.00%。本文運用SAS LIFEREG的統計程式,來驗證四項研究假設:假設1:高階管理者的心理距離(文化、行政、地理、經濟等距離)與其選擇進入中國投資區位決策的時點,存在正向關係。假設2:高階管理者的國際化經驗與其企業選擇進入中國投資區位決策的時點,存在正向關係。假設3:高階管理者的祖籍背景與其企業選擇進入中國投資區位決策的時點,存在正向關係。假設4:高階管理者知覺組織同形化需要性與其企業選擇進入中國投資區位決策的時點,存在正向關係。上述四項假設均獲得支持。
While global economic development takes shape, fast moving capital and information of technology would trigger a fierce competition in obtaining resources between countries and thus reorganized the regional economy in the world. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs in year 2004, the cases of overseas investment of Taiwan enterprises in China account for 81.18%. China is now the primary area acquiring most foreign direct investment of Taiwan enterprises. Why the enterprises of Taiwan revealed the phenomenon of geography concentration when carrying out the policy of investing overseas? To probe the theory of ‘peculiar phenomenon of overseas investment of Taiwanese-type’ so as to better understand the reasons of such characteristic should be a remarkable topic for entrepreneurs and scholars of business management.

The focus of this study is the decision-making behavior of top managers when engaging in overseas investment. This research puts emphasis on observing how top managers’ personal background (such as their origin of ancestors), their mentality and experiences (such as management experiences in international organizations), the cognitive understanding of management (such as the understanding and responding of the action of same business), and the value perception (such as the psychic distance of China market)…etc. affect the behavior of investing decision. This study takes Taiwan’s electronic and IT industries as study samples and employs the method of event history analysis to distinguish the influence of the psychic distance, the international management experience, ancestral origin of top-managers and the organizational isomorphism on decision-making behavior of investment location of Taiwan enterprises in China.
With 31% response rate, there are 186 effective questionnaires completed in this study. Four hypotheses of this research are tested by applying the statistics procedure of SAS LIFEREG.
Hypothesis 1: Top-managers’ psychic distance (such as cultural, administrative, geographic, economic…etc.) positively affects the timing of their investment in China.
Hypothesis 2: Top-managers’ international experience positively affects the timing of their investment in China.
Hypothesis 3: Top-managers’ ancestral background positively affects the timing of their investment in China.
Hypothesis 4: The needing of top-managers’ cognitive understanding of organizational isomorphism positively affects the timing of their investment in China.
With considerations of psychological attachment in the same culture and races of Chinese, this is a novel attempt of research to construct a theoretical model of top-managers’ decision-making behavior based on the observations and findings. The research results of this study provide a higher prediction ability of description to expound the investment phenomenon of Chinese economy and, at the mean time, invite another theoretical expounding and argumentation of ‘the decision-making behavior of Taiwanese-typed decision of overseas location’.
目 錄
謝 辭 I
中文論文提要 III
英文論文提要 IV
目 錄 VI
圖 次 VIII
表 次 IX
第一章緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 7
第三節 研究問題與目的 18
第四節 研究流程 20
第二章理論文獻探討 21
第一節 投資區位選擇的管理決策 21
第二節 心理距離 28
第三節 高階管理者決策特質 41
第四節 組織同形化現象 47
第三章研究設計 50
第一節 觀念性研究架構與研究變數 50
第二節 研究假設 55
第三節 問卷設計與研究變數操作性定義及測量 59
第四節 抽樣方法與樣本 65
第五節 事件史分析模型 68
第六節 資料分析步驟與方法 71
第四章實證分析結果 72
第一節 敘述性統計分析 72
第二節 研究變數的相關係數分析 94
第三節 研究假設檢定 96
第五章 研究結果與建議 107
第一節 實證研究結果 107
第二節 研究貢獻與管理涵義 111
第三節 研究限制 114
第四節 未來研究建議 116
參考文獻 118
附錄一:本文研究問卷 128
附錄二:中國經濟發展年代與兩岸大事紀錄 132
附錄三:截至民94年12月各產業對中國投資的累計投資金額與件數統計 136
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