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研究生(外文):CHEN, JIA-WEN
論文名稱(外文):Operating Performance of the Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan:Effects of Super Efficiency and Factor of Credit Rating
指導教授(外文):LIU, HSIANG-HSI
外文關鍵詞:Data Envelopment AnalysisMalmquist Productivity IndexSuper EfficiencyCredit Rating
  • 被引用被引用:14
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Taiwan’s financial system was experienced by several revolutions and impacts. The government adopts the policy of liberalization and internationalization, the enacted law of The Financial Holding Company Act in the year of 2001, followed by this new rules, the financial holding companies (FHC) were established by consisting of banking firm, insurance company and securities firm. The Financial Holding Company has already played the most important role in the financial industry and until the year of 2004, there have been 14 FHC listed in the Taiwan Stock Market. The study has used the method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure the efficiency of financial holding companies and the Malmquist productivity index is also employed to measure the total factor productivity changes from year 2002 to 2004. The best of performance of the company is also obtained by the super efficiency analysis. Finally, the score of credit rating is included as input and non-input, output and non-output, to measure objectively credit rating which influences the performance of financial holding companies. The results of this research are shown as follows:

1.The technological efficiency of the financial holding companies decreased due to the lower scale and pure technological efficiency, especially, caused by the problem of scale efficiency.

2.As for productivity change, the change efficiency value of financial holding company has increased. This shows that the performance of the finance holding industry in the productivity change has been grown up year by year.
3.The performance of Cathay Financial Holding is the best and most steady in 14 financial holding companies.
4.Averagely, the pure technological efficiency values have shown slightly changes when the credit rating is incorporated in the model as items of input, non-input, output, non-output. In general, if the credit rating takes as an item of input, the performance of these financial holding companies will improve much more and hence the operational efficiency of 14 financial holding companies also shows better performance.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究方法與步驟 4
第四節 研究對象範圍與資料來源 6
第五節 論文架構 7
第貳節 台灣地區金控產業之經營概況分析 9
第一節 台灣地區金控產業之界定與範圍 9
第二節 台灣地區金控產業市場經營之現況分析 11
第三節 金控公司之信用評等概況分析 14
第四節 台灣地區金控公司投入與產出之分析 20
第五節 本章小結 23
第參章 理論基礎與文獻探討 26
第一節 理論基礎 26
第二節 文獻回顧 40
第三節 本章綜論 45
第肆章 實證結果與分析 47
第一節 實證模型之建立-效率與效率變動估計方法之建構 47
第二節 模型變數之選擇 51
第三節 效率及效率變動之估計結果分析 52
第四節 納入信用評等之模擬分析 69
第五節 本章小結 82
第伍章 結論與建議 87
第一節 結論 87
第二節 建議 90
參考文獻 93
4.行政院金融監督管理委員會銀行局: http://www.fscey.gov.tw/
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